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Composite Contract Testing Service Handbook

A tool to help Event-driven asynchronized microservice system do intergrated.


The image below shows how CCTS work with ralated services and their dependencies.


CCTS system combines contract test and log from end-2-end test to ensure the system behavior qualified your desire.

The details of the document can be found at here or here on hackmd.


How to use CCTS

The process flow below shows the difference stage when using CCTS.

API endpoint

The marix below shows the http api endpoint that how we act with CCTS service.

path method note
/conductCCTS POST To conduct and get CCTS report
/cleanDB POST clean DB data

CCTS Document and CCTS Message Specification

CCTS Document is a file and structure to describe a SAGA flow for a system that are going to test .

CCTS Message Specification is a structure to describe certain events that will be recognized by CCTS service.

File Structure

  • database_dump is dump from my own mongoDB, including CCTSTest, CCTSResult and Eventlogs.
  • doc provide handbook for CCTS, including CCTS Message Spce. and CCTS Document Spec..
  • imgs to save image file for
  • is how maven build CCTS and make docker image.
  • docker-compose.yml integrates all related project as a cluster service.
  • mongo-init.js is helping initialization for mongodb configuration in docker-compose.yml.
  • is a single line to build and start whole CCTS project.


Video Guide:


  • Make sure docker is available in your system.
  • Make sure maven is available in your system.
  • Make sure git is available in your system.
  • Linux distro is recommanded for a enviroment
  • CCTS is developed by SpringBoot framework release 2.6.7
  • CCTS language level is setting in 17
    • In others word, JDK-17 or compatible release is essential.
    • I use azul-17 A.K.A. zulu JDK for a JDK-17 implement.
  • A brave heart that never gives up in seeking higher goals.

Related repository.

How to deploy

Container Version

  • I containerlized whole CCTS to an single docker compose. Should be work well. The steps of deployment:
    1. Determine a destination for deploying CCTS. Docker is requirment. I recommand most popular Linux distro. The demonstraion is using arch-based manjaro Linux
    2. sh
    3. Done. Container YYDS.

Monolith 部屬

  1. Clone all related project which was mentioned above.
  2. First for Pact broker.
    1. Get into the folder,chage the configuration by your requirement in docker-compose.yml。The default exposed port is 8282
    2. docker compose up -d. Done。
    3. Yes, this service has been containerlized
  3. Deploy RabbitMQ.
    1. Get into the folder.
    2. change the configuration in docker-compose.yml. The definition of enviroment variables should be found in official docker image release in docker hub. Below for current setting:
      • rabbitmq outside port: 10109
      • rabbitmq management port: 10110
      • RabbitMQ management username: soselab
      • RabbitMQ management password: soselab401
    3. docker compose up -d.
    4. Done. Container YYDS again.
  4. Deploy Database. CCTS default use mongoDB .
    • You can find thousand of guidence for deploy a mongodb container. Go and select what you like.
    • I use Mongo Atlas while developing.
    • The essential setting for CCTS list as below
      • username: soselab
      • password: soselab401
      • DB name: CCTS
  5. Deploy CCTS.
    1. Get into the folder.
    2. Change related setting if you changed it before.
    3. First for rabbitMQ.
      1. This is for RabbitMQ itself configuration. Configuration file is located in src/main/java/tw/dfder/ccts/configuration/
      2. For Spring Rabbitmq lib.This is Springboot Configuration. Connection setting is located in src/main/resources/application.yml. The part would be seen like this. replace ${VARIABLE} align your enviroment.
            username: ${USERNAME}
            password: ${PASSOWORD}
            host: ${RABBITMQ_HOST}
            port: ${RABBITMQ_PORT}
            virtual-host: /
                # 手動ack, 確保訊息完整處理
                acknowledge-mode: manual
    4. Set the database.
      1. The database configuration is defined in sprigboot configuration as known as CCTS use yaml format as application.yaml to replace it. The part would be seen like this. replace ${VARIABLE} align your enviroment.
              uri: mongodb+srv://${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}@${DATABASE_ADDRESS}/CCTS?retryWrites=true&w=majority
    5. Set up for Pact broker
      1. The configuration is defined in springboot configuration AKA or application.yaml.
      2. This part of setting in configuration file would be seen like:
          pact_broker: http://${BROKER_ADDRESS}:${BROKER_PORT}
        replace ${VARIABLE} align your enviroment.
    6. Set up anything else you need to connect to CCTS.
    7. Deploy CCTS
      • Thers is serveral way to deploy a SpringBoot programe. Go and choose what you want.
      • I recommand to pack whole programe as a jar file or a containerfor deployment.
    8. Deploy PDVPS (Optional)
      1. Specify a folder and get into it.
      2. Clone corresponding repo.
      3. Change Rabbitmq connection setting in Springboot configuration file for each project if needed.
      4. Change database(MongoDB) connection in Springboot configuration file for each project if needed.
      5. Make sure RabbitMQ configuration about queue, exchange, top or etc. is corrosponding to right assignment.

      Refer to the previous steps

      1. run it as a jar file or run it in IDE.
    9. Done.