All notable changes to this project will be kept and updated here.
Version 2.1.2
(Nov 6, 2019)
- Fixed issues with certdb not displaying the full amount of subdomains.
- Fixed a small print line issue to display when searching security trails.
- When searching single sites, fixed issue where subseeker displayed searching all sites. Now it will only display, "searching for", the site you are using to parse subdomains.
- Added ability to list available sites to search in singlesearch.
- Added system exits after searches
- Added verbose mode back in to help with errors.
- Added new search site, securitytrails. (API credentials needed)
- Fixed config file not found.
- Able to display errors now if API credentials are not found.
- Added ability to search keywords with just crtsh.
(Nov 2, 2019)
- Reduced code
- Fixed issue with not correctly installing alias
- Fixed issue with not finding config file for API when in another directory
- Fixed CLI options. Reduced options, got rid of short options, and made options more simple.
- Added more colors
- Added icons for different status meanings; successful data will be printed in blue x No data found ! Error/Warnings
- Created a basic regex to find domain easier
- Removed verbose mode
Version 2.1.1
(Oct 15, 2019)
- Fixed issue with censys page mode. Censys may or may not of been displaying data due to wrong type mode for page. Issue is corrected now and is working.
(Oct 10, 2019)
- Fixed an issue with certspotter function in, not properly writing results to output file and displaying a "no data found" error.
- Updated config.json to allow Virustotal API
- Added Virustotal
- Added ThreatCrowd
- Working on implementing google
Version 2.0
(Oct 7, 2019)
- Corrected issue with JSON return error not printing on screen correctly.
- Changed JSON error response for crtsh
- Added error response for censys, if API credentials are not configured.
- Added the ability to use just certspotter, censys, or certdb from
- Added page option to specify page number for certdb and censys.
- Updated
(Oct 5, 2019)
- Corrected an issue with useragents not properly returning the correct value.
- Fixed json file and corrected values in
- Certspotter support now added
- Certdb support now added
- Censys support now added.
- API option added to flag options.
In progress now
- Ability to use just certspotter, censys, or certdb by itself.
- Adding page option to select different page results on certdb and censys.