The ADS1115 is a high precision analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with 16-bit resolution. And with A0-A3, 4 ADC ports
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SKU: DFR0553
Provides an Arduino library to read ADS1115 data over I2C. Use this library to read analog voltage values.
To use this library download the zip file, uncompress it to a folder named DFRobot_ADS1115. Download the zip file first to use this library and uncompress it to a folder named DFRobot_ADS1115.
* @fn DFRobot_ADS1115
* @brief Sets the IIC address
* @param pWire The pointer of TwoWire class object.
DFRobot_ADS1115(TwoWire *pWire);
* @fn setAddr_ADS1115
* @brief Sets the IIC address
* @param i2cAddress: 7 bits I2C address, the range is 1~127.
void setAddr_ADS1115(uint8_t i2cAddress);
* @fn init
* @brief init ADS1115 device
void init(void);
* @fn checkADS1115
* @brief Checks the connection status of ads1115
* @return result:
* @retval true or false
bool checkADS1115();
* @fn setCompQue
* @brief Sets the Comparator queue and disable .
* @n This perform two functions.
* @n It can disable the comparator function and put the ALERT/RDY pin into a high state.
* @n It also can control the number of successive conversions exceeding the upper
* @n or lower thresholds required before asserting the ALERT/RDY pin.
* @param value The enum variable struct of eADSCompLat_t
void setCompQue(eADSCompQue_t value);
* @fn setCompLat
* @brief Sets the Latching comparator .
* @n This controls whether the ALERT/RDY pin latches once asserted
* @n or clears when conversions are within the margin of the upper
* @n and lower threshold values.
* @param value The enum variable struct of eADSCompLat_t
void setCompLat(eADSCompLat_t value);
* @fn setCompMode
* @brief Sets the Comparator polarity. This controls the polarity of the ALERT/RDY pin
* @param value The enum variable struct of eADSCompPol_t
void setCompPol(eADSCompPol_t value);
* @fn setCompMode
* @brief Sets the Comparator mode.This controls the comparator mode of operation.
* @param value The enum variable struct of eADSCompMode_t
void setCompMode(eADSCompMode_t value);
* @fn setRate
* @brief Sets the Date Rate. This controls the data rate setting.
* @param value The enum variable struct of eADSRate_t
* @n eRATE_8 8 SPS
* @n eRATE_16 16 SPS
* @n eRATE_32 32 SPS
* @n eRATE_64 64 SPS
* @n eRATE_128 128 SPS (default)
* @n eRATE_250 250 SPS
* @n eRATE_475 475 SPS
* @n eRATE_860 860 SPS
void setRate(eADSRate_t value);
* @fn setMode
* @brief Sets the Device operating mode. This controls the current operational mode of the ADS1115
* @param value The enum variable struct of eADSMode_t
void setMode(eADSMode_t value);
* @fn setGain
* @brief Sets the gain and input voltage range.This configures the programmable gain amplifier
* @param value The enum variable struct of eADSGain_t
* @n eGAIN_TWOTHIRDS ADC Range: 0~6.144V (1 bit = 0.1875mV)
* @n eGAIN_ONE ADC Range: 0~4.096V (1 bit = 0.125mV)
* @n eGAIN_TWO ADC Range: 0~2.048V (1 bit = 0.0625mV)
* @n eGAIN_FOUR ADC Range: 0~1.024V (1 bit = 0.03125mV)
* @n eGAIN_EIGHT ADC Range: 0~0.512V (1 bit = 0.015625mV)
* @n eGAIN_SIXTEEN ADC Range: 0~0.256V (1 bit = 0.0078125mV)
void setGain(eADSGain_t value);
* @fn setMux
* @brief Sets multiplexer
* @param value The enum variable struct of eADSMux_t
* @n eADSMUX_1 multiplexer 1
* @n eADSMUX_2 multiplexer 2
* @n eADSMUX_3 multiplexer 3
* @n eADSMUX_4 multiplexer 4
* @n eADSMUX_5 multiplexer 5
* @n eADSMUX_6 multiplexer 6
* @n eADSMUX_7 multiplexer 7
* @n eADSMUX_8 multiplexer 8
void setMux(eADSMux_t value);
* @fn setOSMode
* @brief Sets the Operational status/single-shot conversion to start.
* @n This determines the operational status of the device.
* @param value The enum variable struct of eADSOSMode_t
void setOSMode(eADSOSMode_t value);
* @fn readVoltage
* @brief Reads the voltage of the specified channel
* @param channel The analog channnel of MCU
* @return Voltage
uint16_t readVoltage(uint8_t channel);
* @fn comparatorVoltage
* @brief Sets up the comparator causing the ALERT/RDY pin to assert
* @n (go from high to low) when the ADC value exceeds the specified upper or lower threshold
* @n ADC is Differential input channel
* @param channel The analog channnel of MCU
* @return Voltage
int16_t comparatorVoltage(uint8_t channel);
* @fn setLowThreshold
* @brief Sets the low threshold value
* @param threshold The low threshold value
void setLowThreshold(int16_t threshold);
* @fn getLowThreshold
* @brief Get the low threshold value
* @return The low threshold value
int16_t getLowThreshold();
* @fn setHighThreshold
* @brief Sets the high threshold value
* @param threshold The high threshold value
void setHighThreshold(int16_t threshold);
* @fn getHighThreshold
* @brief Get the high threshold value
* @return The high threshold value
int16_t getHighThreshold();
MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
FireBeetle-ESP32 | √ | |||
FireBeetle-ESP8266 | √ | |||
Arduino uno | √ |
- 2019/06/19 - Version 0.1 released.
Written by luoyufeng([email protected]), 2018. (Welcome to our website)