diff --git a/data/JTEI/14_2021-23/jtei-barabuccietal-196-source.xml b/data/JTEI/14_2021-23/jtei-barabuccietal-196-source.xml
index d23b98a..34c3bca 100644
--- a/data/JTEI/14_2021-23/jtei-barabuccietal-196-source.xml
+++ b/data/JTEI/14_2021-23/jtei-barabuccietal-196-source.xml
@@ -261,11 +261,11 @@
                   text are presented in such a way that the reader is granted more informed access
                   to them.</p>
                <p>The edition will be published online using a specifically tailored version of <ptr
-                     type="software" xml:id="R29" target="#evt"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="R29"
+                     type="software" xml:id="R29" target="#evt"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R29"
                      >EVT</rs> (Edition Visualization Technology<note><quote source="#quote1">A
                         light-weight, open source tool specifically designed to create digital
                         editions from XML-encoded texts</quote>
-                     <rs type="soft.bib" ref="R20">(<ref type="bibl" target="#delturco2013"
+                     <rs type="soft.bib" ref="#R20">(<ref type="bibl" target="#delturco2013"
                            xml:id="quote1">Rosselli Del Turco et al. 2013</ref>)</rs>.</note>) and
                   will present, on the one hand, each witness in its continuum from facsimile to
                   multiple levels of normalization and, on the other hand, the three main witnesses
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@
                      with no manual intervention on the resulting files.</item>
                   <item>The generated editions files will conform to the TEI subset understood by
                         <ptr type="software" xml:id="R30" target="#evt"/><rs type="soft.name"
-                        ref="R30">EVT</rs>.</item>
+                        ref="#R30">EVT</rs>.</item>
                <p>Some of these desiderata clash with each other. For instance, the desire to
                   directly edit the XML file makes it hard and error-prone to keep in a single
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@
                         target="#delturcond">Roberto Rosselli Del Turco (n.d.)</ref>: here two
                      levels of edition are offered, a diplomatic and a more interpretative one. The
                      user can compare the two editions visualizing them synoptically in the <ptr
-                        type="software" xml:id="R31" target="#evt"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="R31"
+                        type="software" xml:id="R31" target="#evt"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R31"
                         >EVT</rs> software used for the edition.</p>
@@ -1474,10 +1474,10 @@
                      version</biblScope>. Accessed <date>October 22, 2021</date>. <ptr
                <bibl xml:id="delturco2013"><ptr type="software" xml:id="R28" target="#evt"
-                        /><author><rs type="soft.agent" ref="R28">Rosselli Del Turco,
-                     Roberto</rs></author>, et al. <rs type="soft.bib" ref="R28">
+                        /><author><rs type="soft.agent" ref="#R28">Rosselli Del Turco,
+                     Roberto</rs></author>, et al. <rs type="soft.bib" ref="#R28">
                      <date>2013</date>. <title level="m">Edition Visualization Technology</title>.
-                  </rs> Accessed <date>April 19, 2021</date>.<rs type="soft.url" ref="R28"><ptr
+                  </rs> Accessed <date>April 19, 2021</date>.<rs type="soft.url" ref="#R28"><ptr
                <bibl xml:id="stella2020"><editor>Stella, Francesco</editor>, ed. <date>2020</date>.
                      <title level="m">Corpus Rhythmorum Musicum.</title> Last modified <date>July
diff --git a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-boschetti-source.xml b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-boschetti-source.xml
index d055f70..9855a9c 100644
--- a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-boschetti-source.xml
+++ b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-boschetti-source.xml
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
             </list>. The continuous integration and release are supported by open source Integrated
             Development Environments (IDEs) like <ptr type="software" xml:id="R10" target="#eclipse"/>
             <rs type="soft.name" ref="#R10">Eclipse</rs> or <ptr type="software" xml:id="R11"
-              target="netbeans"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R11"> NetBeans</rs> and by a software
+              target="#netbeans"/> <rs type="soft.name" ref="#R11">NetBeans</rs> and by a software
             configuration management tool such as <ptr type="software" xml:id="R13" target="#svn"/>
             <rs type="soft.name" ref="#R13">SVN</rs> or <ptr type="software" xml:id="R12"
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@
               Environment: Metadata, Vocabularies and Techniques in the Digital Humanities</title>,
             article no. 11. <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>: <publisher>ACM</publisher>. doi:<idno
-          <ptr type="software" xml:id="R39" target="g2a"/>
+          <ptr type="software" xml:id="R39" target="#g2a"/>
           <rs type="soft.ref.bib" ref="#R39">
             <bibl xml:id="bozzi13"><author><rs type="soft.agent" ref="#R39">Bozzi,
                 Andrea</rs></author>. <date>2013</date>. <title level="a">G2A: A Web Application to
diff --git a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-iglesia-source.xml b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-iglesia-source.xml
index bbbc6d1..2d15cd0 100644
--- a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-iglesia-source.xml
+++ b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-iglesia-source.xml
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
               type="bibl" xml:id="quoteref1" target="#bingenheimer11">p. 271</ref>) consisting of
             biographic data. The interface is realized with a proprietary plug-in built upon the
               <ref target="http://prefuse.org/"><ptr type="software" xml:id="R20" target="#prefuse"
-                /><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R20">Prefus</rs>e</ref><note>UC Berkeley Visualization
+                /><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R20">Prefuse</rs></ref><note>UC Berkeley Visualization
               Lab, <rs type="soft.url" ref="#R20"><ptr target="http://prefuse.org/"/></rs>.</note>
             software library. One of our goals is to implement the aggregations within the digital
             edition, and for this we would like to use web technologies only. The <ref
@@ -675,9 +675,7 @@
           <bibl xml:id="leboeuf13"><author>Le Boeuf, Patrick</author>, <author>Martin
             Doerr</author>, <author>Christian Emil Ore</author>, and <author>Stephen Stead</author>.
-              <date>2013</date>. <title level="m">Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual <ptr
-                type="software" xml:id="Reference" target="#Reference"/><rs type="soft.name"
-                ref="#Reference">Reference</rs> Model</title>, version 5.1.2 (October). <ptr
+              <date>2013</date>. <title level="m">Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model</title>, version 5.1.2 (October). <ptr
           <bibl xml:id="myers10"><editor>Myers, Victoria</editor>, <editor>David
               O’Shaughnessy</editor>, and <editor>Mark Philp</editor>, eds. <date>2010</date>.
diff --git a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-intro-source.xml b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-intro-source.xml
index a62c097..edbfa8e 100644
--- a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-intro-source.xml
+++ b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-intro-source.xml
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
           Similarly, Boschetti and Del Grosso describe the design and development of <title
             level="m"><ptr type="software" xml:id="R3" target="#teicophilib"/><rs type="soft.name"
               ref="#R3">TeiCoPhiLib</rs></title>, a library of <ptr type="software" xml:id="R4"
-            target="R4"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="#Java">Java</rs> software components devoted
+            target="#java"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R4">Java</rs> software components devoted
           to editing, processing, and visualising TEI documents in the domain of philological
           studies. This tool is particularly suited to fostering collaborative philological work.
           This cluster is closed by Dalmau and Hawkins’s article, the focus of which is not on
diff --git a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-moerth-source.xml b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-moerth-source.xml
index c20fb5f..08e26d6 100644
--- a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-moerth-source.xml
+++ b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-moerth-source.xml
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@
             <p>The <gi>query</gi> element contains the query string. It should also have a
                 <att>type</att> attribute indicating the applied query language. In the example
-              above, <ptr type="software" xml:id="R2" target="#cpq"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R2"
+              above, <ptr type="software" xml:id="R2" target="#cqp"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R2"
                 >CQP (Corpus Query Processor)</rs> refers to the query language of the IMS<note>
                 Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Stuttgart.</note>
               <ptr type="software" xml:id="R3" target="#cwb"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R3">Corpus
diff --git a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-rosselli-source.xml b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-rosselli-source.xml
index f46dba5..6af07b9 100644
--- a/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-rosselli-source.xml
+++ b/data/JTEI/8_2014-15/jtei-8-rosselli-source.xml
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
             starting point means that the editor can focus on his work, marking up the transcription
             text, with very little configuration needed to create the edition. This approach also
             allowed us to quickly test XML files belonging to other edition projects, to check if
-              <ptr type="software" xml:id="R108" target="#EVT"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="R108"
+              <ptr type="software" xml:id="R108" target="#evt"/><rs type="soft.name" ref="#R108"
               >EVT</rs> could go beyond being a project-specific tool. The inspiration for these
             changes came from work done in similar projects developed within the TEI community,
             namely <ptr type="software" xml:id="R10" target="#teiboilerplate"/>