The terrabyte Client library terrapi
is a small command line interface to help users interact with terrabyte APIs. It encompasses support for user authentication via 2FA login and caches the resulting auth-tokens for use in further api calls.
is available via the terrabyte module system. Simply run:
# consider adding the module use line to your ~/.bashrc to always make terrabyte modules available
module use /dss/dsstbyfs01/pn56su/pn56su-dss-0020/usr/share/modules/files/
module load terrapi
Aferwards the terrapi cli command is active in your shell.
pip install git+
If you are using the bash, fish or zsh shell you can activate bash autocomplete of the terrapi cli by running one of the following commands (or adding it to your shell startup file or venv postactivate file to activate by default). If you are using bash shell and loading terrapi via the terrabyte modul system autocomplete is activated by default.
bash (add to ~/.bashrc) :
eval "$(_TERRAPI_COMPLETE=bash_source terrapi)"
zsh (add to ~/.zshrc):
eval "$(_TERRAPI_COMPLETE=zsh_source terrapi)"
fish (add to ~/.config/fish/completions/
_TERRAPI_COMPLETE=zsh_source terrapi > ~/.config/fish/completions/
Usage: terrapi [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Please find more information at the terrabyte documentation site:
The following sub-commands are available: stac
Following commands are available for terrapi stac
to interactively login into terrabyte via 2FA to obtain a refresh token for the APIauth
to print the single use auth token needed to directly interact with the private STAC APIcollection
to interact with STAC collectionsitem
to interact with STAC items