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File metadata and controls

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Setting up DOAJ

[comment] <>: (Install:Documentation)

These installation instructions are written for Ubuntu, but it's possible to run in other environments with some changes.


[comment] <>: (->Java:Technology)

Java is required to natively run Elasticsearch, if you're running ES directly from the archive (rather than using apt) you'll need a JRE such as:

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre


[comment] <>: (->Elasticsearch:Technology)

Elasticsearch is the datastore we use. Currently we use version 7.10.2 OSS in production, but you'll find OpenSearch might work too.

You can download .deb package from here and install it with:

sudo dpkg -i <path-to-es-deb-package>

Alternatively, you can download and extract the tar or zip archive and run the elasticsearch executable directly - this makes it easier to have multiple versions available to use in different projects.

cd <directory-you extracted-elasticsearch>

Elasticsearch documentation can be found here.

You can check whether its running via curl localhost:9200 by pointing your browser to http://localhost:9200 - you should see a basic JSON response telling you what version you're running.


[comment] <>: (->Redis:Technology)

For background tasks, we use redis. Run this however you like, just make sure the correct port is configured in app settings and is accessible to the app. E.g. to install in Ubuntu:

sudo apt install redis-server
# Start redis service
service redis start
# Check redis is running and enabled
systemctl status redis

Python and Pip

[comment] <>: (->Python:Technology)

Install Python 3.8 or greater. Python 2.x is not supported anymore. You can verify if correct version of python is in use by typing:

python --version

Install pip using:

sudo apt install python3-pip

You can upgrade a package with

pip install --upgrade <package>

Developer tools

For development, it's useful to have git, wget, and curl installed. If you don't have them already, all can be retrieved via apt:

sudo apt install git wget curl


It's recommended to run the DOAJ inside a python virtual environment so it doesn't interfere with your system python packages. This can be installed via pip or apt:

sudo apt install python-virtualenv
# OR
sudo pip install virtualenv

The DOAJ app

# system dependencies
sudo apt install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev lib32z1-dev

# Create a virtualenv for python 3.7 then activate it (also use this to run scripts etc)
virtualenv -p python3.7 doajenv
cd doajenv
. bin/activate

# Clone the DOAJ codebase
mkdir src && cd src
git clone  # SSH URL: [email protected]:DOAJ/doaj.git
cd doaj

# Install the submodules then the dependencies
git submodule update --init --recursive
pip install -e .

# If you are running in development, get the extra dependencies to run the tests
pip install -e .[test]
# Or the documentation generation libraries:
pip install -e .[docs]

# Finally, run the app. You should see it in a browser
DOAJENV=dev python portality/  # the output of this will tell you which port it's running on and whether it's in debug mode

Scheduled tasks

[comment] <>: (->Huey:Technology)

The following tasks are run periodically via huey (see the app settings to configure). If you wish to run them directly the following scripts can be used.

Generate the Journal CSV.

If you wish to run this task manually you can use the script:


This will generate the latest version of the csv to serve on request.

[comment] <>: (->JournalCSV:Script)

Generate the Sitemap


This will generate the latest version of the sitemap to serve on request.

[comment] <>: (->Sitemap:Script)

Import News Items


This will import the latest news from the DOAJ wordpress blog.

[comment] <>: (->News:Script)