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As of February 2018. This includes a listing of all static pages by structure, as well as an outline for data-driven pages and notes about the provenance of each page.
- updated fall 2017
- updated fall 2017
- archive of Annual Reports
What’s new
- outdated, unlinked from anywhere
This section is primarily contextual narrative content developed by the EITI IA, and the section structure is loosely based on 2015 Annual Report. This section also includes several data pages that are more process-oriented than location-based.
Who owns land and natural resources in the United States?
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report
What natural resources are extracted in the U.S.?
Fossil fuels
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report
Nonenergy minerals
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report, added sections for 2017 Annual Report
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report, added sections for 2017 Annual Report
- developed by IA for 2017 Annual Report
What laws and regulations govern natural resource extraction in the U.S.?
Federal laws and regulations
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report
Federal reforms
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report, updated for 2016
State laws and regulations
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report
- state-specific legal and fiscal governance information was moved to individual state pages in 2016
- Tribal laws and regulations
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report; now a redirect to the expanded Tribal section (just below)
How are natural resources on tribal land governed?
All pages in this section were expanded or developed by the EITI IA for the 2017 Annual Report.
How do natural resources result in federal revenue?
- The production process (aka "diving graphics"): all pages in this section were developed by the EITI IA for the 2015 Annual Report
Understanding federal revenues
- Learn how revenues work | Revenues
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report
Federal revenue by company
- Dataset with older filter interaction; doesn't yet include location-based data, but might in the future
Corporate income tax
- developed by IA for 2015 Annual Report
Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Program
- developed by IA for 2016 Annual Report
Coal Excise Taxes
- developed by IA for 2016 Annual Report
Leasing process: offshore oil, gas, and sulphur
- developed by IA for 2017 Annual Report
Leasing process: onshore oil and gas
- developed by IA for 2017 Annual Report
- Learn how revenues work | Revenues
How does the U.S. ensure accuracy and accountability in natural resource revenues?
Audits and assurances
- developed by IA for 2016 Annual Report
- this dataset is highly specific to the EITI Standard, and was gathered and validated by the EITI IA
This is the most data-driven section of the site. Datasets come from ONRR, EIA, and Census. Some general contextual content is woven into these pages to help users understand the data visualizations.
- Production
- Nationwide
- Federal lands and waters
- Revenue
- Federal land
- Federal tax revenue
- Disbursements
- Economic impact
- Wage and salary jobs
- Self-employment
State profile pages
URL format: https://revenuedata.doi.gov/explore/TWO_LETTER_STATE_ABBREVIATION/
. For example:
Supplementary custom content for priority and opt-in states was provided by the EITI IA and is managed in state-specific markdown files.
- Top | Overview
- Production
- Entire state Energy production in the entire state of [state]
- Federal land Production on federal land in [state]
- State land Production on state land in [state]
- Revenue
- Federal revenue
- Revenue from production on federal land by resource
- Revenue from production on federal land by county
- Federal tax revenue
- State revenue
- Revenue sustainability (opt-in states)
- Tax expenditures (opt-in states)
- Federal revenue
- Disbursements
- Federal disbursements
- State disbursements
- Saving and spending revenue from extraction (opt-in states)
- Economic impact
- GDP Gross domestic product (GDP)
- Wage and salary jobs
- Wage and salary jobs by commodity
- Self-employment
- Exports
- State governance (priority and opt-in states)
- [Sections vary by state]
- State agencies (opt-in states)
- Fiscal costs (opt-in states)
Content structure and substance came from the 2015 Annual Report, and was developed by the EITI IA. Numbers and citations were updated for the 2016 and 2017 Annual Reports. Much of this data requires county-level research, which was done by the IA.
- North Slope Borough, Alaska
- Greenlee County, Arizona
- Pima County, Arizona
- Kern County, California
- DeSoto Parish, Louisiana
- Marquette County, Michigan
- St. Louis County, Minnesota
- Elko and Eureka Counties, Nevada
- Humboldt and Lander Counties, Nevada
- Tarrant and Johnson Counties, Texas
- Campbell County, Wyoming
- Boone, Logan, and Mingo Counties, West Virginia
Downloads | Download data and documentation
This section of the site includes Excel or tsv downloads of all datasets, and is linked to repeatedly from the "Explore data" pages. It also includes documentation of how we use the data, mostly drafted in 2015.
- Federal revenue by location
- Federal revenue by company
- Reconciliation
- Disbursements
- Federal production by location
This document notes how each section of the Executive Summary initially mapped to the website, and was originally based on the cards listed on this story board. We aren't maintaining this document as page numbers change (in subsequent versions of the PDF) or as we adjust content to respond to user feedback; this is primarily a record of our process.
- What is EITI? about/
- History and principles (p. 5-8, Exec Summary)
- Federal agencies (p. 36-38, Exec Summary)
Report about/report/
- What is the 2015 USEITI Report? (p. 11-14, Exec Summary)
- 2015 Executive Summary (PDF)
What’s new about/whats-new/
- Data sets being added
- Plans for the website, etc.
- Mention that reconciliation info/data is coming (p. 11-13, 84-91, Exec Summary)
How It Works how-it-works/
Natural resources in the U.S. (p. 9-11; 14-21, Exec Summary) (section heading, no url)
- Ownership (p. 22-24, Exec Summary) how-it-works/ownership/
- Who owns land, ocean waters, and natural resources in the U.S.?
- [image: from intro, % production on federal vs non-federal lands]
- Production how-it-works/production/
- Overview of natural resources in the U.S.
- [image: from intro, U.S. rank in world in extractives]
- Revenues how-it-works/revenues/
- What revenues do companies pay for extracting natural resources? (p. 46-48, Exec Summary)
- Federal revenue [chart: federal revenue streams]
- Revenue policy provisions (p. 49-50, Exec Summary)
- Where does federal revenue go? (p. 51-55, Exec Summary)
- Taxes
- Corporate income taxes (includes exemptions)
- Tax expenditures (pg. 27–33, Online Only doc)
- What revenues do companies pay for extracting natural resources? (p. 46-48, Exec Summary)
- Ownership (p. 22-24, Exec Summary) how-it-works/ownership/
The process (p. 5–25, Online Only doc) (section heading, no url)
- Overview (p. 39-43, Exec Summary) how-it-works/process-overview/
- Lease resources (p. 44-45, Exec Summary)
- Coal how-it-works/coal/
- Oil & gas how-it-works/offshore-oil-gas/
- Offshore how-it-works/offshore-oil-gas/
- Onshore how-it-works/onshore-oil-gas/
- Hardrock minerals how-it-works/minerals/
- Renewables how-it-works/offshore-renewables/
- Offshore how-it-works/offshore-renewables/
- Onshore how-it-works/onshore-renewables/
- [image: extraction phases overview?]
- Overview (p. 39-43, Exec Summary) how-it-works/process-overview/
Laws and regulations (Governance) (section heading, no url)
- Federal laws and regulations (p. 24-32, Exec Summary) how-it-works/federal-laws-and-regulations/
- Federal reforms (p. 32-35, Exec Summary) how-it-works/federal-reforms/
- Federal agencies (p. 36-38, Exec Summary) how-it-works/federal-agencies/
- State laws, regulations, and info (p. 55-64, Exec Summary) how-it-works/state-laws-and-regulations/
- State legal and fiscal information (p. 34-43, Online Only doc) how-it-works/state-legal-and-fiscal-info/
- Tribal laws, regulations, and info (p. 65-67, Exec Summary) how-it-works/tribal-laws-and-regulations/
- Federal laws and regulations (p. 24-32, Exec Summary) how-it-works/federal-laws-and-regulations/
Explore Data explore/
- Landing page with summary charts (like p. 53, Exec Summary) explore/
Production (p. 68-69, Exec Summary) (section heading, no url)
- All lands and waters explore/all-lands-production/
- Federal lands and waters explore/federal-production/
Revenue (section heading, no url)
- Federal revenue by location explore/federal-revenue-by-location/
- Federal revenue by company explore/federal-revenue-by-company/
- Narrative overview (p. 40-44)
- Charts (Unilateral disclosure will be interactive, company disclosure will be machine-readable download)
- Company-reported federal revenue explore/company-reported-federal-revenue/
- This is a placeholder for a future interaction. Right now, it will have intro text and a link to download the data as excel.
- Corporate income tax (p. 70-73, Exec Summary) explore/corporate-income-tax/
- Disbursements explore/disbursements/
- Narrative overview (p. 44-47)
- Charts (interactive)
Economic impact (section heading, no url)
- Exports (p. 77-78, Exec Summary) explore/exports/
- Percentage of total
- Absolute value
- Gross Domestic Product (p. 67-68, Exec Summary) explore/gdp/
- Percentage of total
- Absolute value
- Jobs (p. 73-75, Exec Summary) explore/jobs/
- Wage and salaried
- Self-employed
- Exports (p. 77-78, Exec Summary) explore/exports/
Case Studies case-studies/
- Intro with section on revenue sustainability (p. 78–84, Exec Summary) case-studies/
- County narratives (individual docs)
- North Slope Borough, Alaska
- Greenlee County, Arizona /case-studies/greenlee/
- Pima County, Arizona /case-studies/pima/
- Kern County, California /case-studies/kern/
- DeSoto Parish, Louisiana /case-studies/desoto/
- Marquette County, Michigan /case-studies/marquette/
- St. Louis County, Minnesota /case-studies/st-louis/
- Elko and Eureka Counties, Nevada /case-studies/elko-and-eureka/
- Humboldt and Lander Counties, Nevada /case-studies/humboldt-and-lander/
- Tarrant and Johnson Counties, Texas /case-studies/greenlee/
- Campbell County, Wyoming /case-studies/campbell/
- Boone, Logan, and Mingo Counties, West Virginia /case-studies/boone-logan-and-mingo/
- Download Data + Documentation data/
- Resources
- Companies
- Disbursements
- Any other data we provide. Links to other gov source data.
- Glossary (p. 2-4, Online Only doc)
- Problem statement
- Product vision
- User scenarios
- What we're not trying to do
- Product risks
- Prioritization scale
- Joining the team
- Onboarding checklist
- Working as a distributed team
- Planning and organizing our work
- Sample retro doc
- Content style guide
- Content editing and publishing workflow
- Publishing a blog post
- Content audits: a (sort-of) guide
- User centered design process
- Research norms and processes
- Usability testing process
- Observing user research
- Design and research in the federal government
- Shaping process
- Preview URLs
- How to prepare and review PRs
- Continuous integration tools
- Releasing changes
- Github Labels