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Daniel Saukel edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 5 revisions

WARNING: This page describes a feature the way it works in DungeonsXL v0.17.x. Game types have been removed in v0.18, and Bedwars setups have not been tested yet.

This tutorial explains the creation of a typical bedwars game. It is assumed that you have read and understood "Getting started" and the "simple dungeon" tutorial.

  1. Joining
  2. The game type
  3. The game
  4. Download



The game type

Like all dungeons, bedwars maps require a lobby. Although you can change most settings as usual just like in quest, adventure or other dungeons, a default set of rules is provided by the bedwars game type. Setting this is obligatory for bedwars because some specific behavior is hardcoded.


The game

Add a start sign and a bed with an attached bed sign for each group. In both cases, the number (starting with 0!) in the second line determines the player's group.

Bed sign

You can use BossShop signs for shops and drop signs for currency resources.


An example map is available for download here.

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