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File metadata and controls

65 lines (61 loc) · 14.8 KB



Name Type Description Notes
unit_price float Will return the price per unit, rounded according to the project settings or the default value of three decimal places
unit_price_override float You can use this property to directly set the unit price for this position. This will override any given PriceComponents [optional]
quantity float Will return this Position's total quantity, rounded to three decimal places.
quantity_override float You can use this property to directly set the quantity for this position. This will override any given QuantityComponents [optional]
is_complementing_position bool This indicates true if this specific position is specified as a complementing position for any base position.
complements_positions string[] If IsComplementingPosition is set to true, this will indicate which base positions are targeted by this complementing position. [optional]
complementing_price_percentage_override float You can use this property to directly specify the total price of this position as a percentage of the sum of the total prices of base positions that this position complements. It will essentially set the total price for this position to the sum of all total prices of the positions specified in ComplementsPositions multiplied by the percentage here. If present, this has precedence over UnitPriceOverride as well as QuantityOverride. [optional]
complementing_price_percentage float This is a read only property showing the total price of this positions as a percentage of the sum of the total prices of all base positions, in case this position is a complementing positions. If this position is not a complementing position, this will be null. Also, if no prices are present, this will also be null. [optional]
unit_tag string The tag of the unit used for this positions quantity. [optional]
labour_components \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\LabourPriceComponentDto The components for labour time in this Position. [optional]
price_components \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\PriceComponentDto[] The single price components in this Position. Price components should not be handled directly on a per-position basis but set globally in the parent Projects ProjectInformation. [optional]
quantity_components \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\CalculationDto[] The quantity components of this Position. [optional]
sub_descriptions \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\SubDescriptionDto[] Further structuring of this Position. [optional]
comission_status \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\ComissionStatusDto Indicates the status of this Position's comission.
complemented_by string[] A list of positions that complement this Position. The positions are referenced by their GUIDs. It might be used together with ComplementedByQuantities in case that only a given quantity is complemented by positions. [optional]
complemented bool Will indicate if this Position is complemented in this ServiceSpecification by other Positions. It can not be set to false when there are entries in the ComplementedBy property.
amount_to_be_entered_by_bidder bool Indicates that the amount for this Position is to be set by the bidder.
price_composition_required bool Indicates if the bidder demands for prices to be broken up into their price components.
use_different_tax_rate bool Indicates if this Position should use a different TaxRate than what is the default for the Project.
tax_rate float Will return either the parent ServiceSpecification's TaxRate or it's own if it has a different value. (For example, in Germany Water has a different TaxRate than regular Positions)
item_number \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\ItemNumberDto The ItemNumber for this Position. [optional]
deduction_factor float The rate of deductions, i.e. 0.12m means 12% price deduction.
total_price float Returns the product of UnitPrice times Quantity.
total_price_gross float The total gross price for this Position.
total_price_gross_deducted float Total gross price after applied deductions.
deducted_price float Net price after applied deductions. Please be aware that this is the total price, from TotalPrice, not the unit price of the position.
position_type \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\PositionTypeDto This indicates the type of a position. If this is an alternative position, its AlternativeTo property should be set to the id of the position it can replace.
price_type \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\PriceTypeDto Indicates the PriceType of this Position.
service_type \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\ServiceTypeDto This indicates if this position is regular or describing a labour / hourly paid work service
product_data \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\ProductDataDto This property describes additional information about a product being used within this Position. For example, a pipe position, per length unit, could be composed of different pipe segments, fitting and other accessory articles. [optional]
short_text string Short description for this DescriptionBase element. [optional]
long_text string Detailed description for this DescriptionBase element. When the HtmlLongText is set, this is automatically overwritten and filled with the appropriate plain text representation of the Html text. Vice versa, setting this property overrides the HtmlLongText. [optional]
html_long_text string This contains the Html representation of the Longtext. When the LongText is set, this is automatically overwritten and filled with the appropriate Html representation of the plaintext. Vice versa, setting this property overrides the LongText. GAEB 90 and GAEB 2000 exports do not support any image functionality. In GAEB XML, only images that use an embedded Base64 data uri are exported, regular url references are cleared before written out. [optional]
addition_type \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\AdditionTypeDto Indicates if this DescriptionBase element contains Buyer or Bidder additions to the text.
element_type string [optional]
quantity_assignments \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\QuantityAssignmentDto[] Quantity assignments are, in contrast to SubDescriptions, used to categorize parts of this Position. For example, it could be categorized by cost group - e.g. a Position describing concrete walls could follow the German DIN 276 Cost Groups Standard and specify that of the total 1.000m² wall, 500m² are classified as exterior walls and 500m² are classified as interior walls. They would then have different cost groups associated, e.g. for accounting purposes. [optional]
commerce_properties \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\CommercePropertiesDto The CommerceProperties support specialized information that is only useful in GAEB XML 9x data exchange phases. It is intended to provide article information. [optional]
alternative_to string If this position is an Alternative, then this property should point to the id of the position in this service specification that it can replace. If this is set to a value, you can optionally also specify an identifier via AlternativeIdentifier to specifiy multiple positions that must be used together to be an alternative to a single base position. [optional]
alternative_identifier int This is an optional property that can be used together with AlternativeTo. If this is set, you can indicate which alternative group a specific position is assigned to. That way, if you specifiy multiple alternative Positions with the same AlternativeIdentifier, you can indicate that to replace a single base Position, multiple alternative Positions should be used. This property is not checked or managed automatically, so it is possible for this property to become invalid, by for example setting this property but not setting a base position via AlternativeTo. [optional]
alternative_group_identifier int This is an optional property that can be used together with AlternativeTo and AlternativeGroupIdentifier. If this is set, you can indicate which alternative group a specific position is assigned to. That way, you can specify the id (in integer format) for the alternative group this position belongs to. It's different to AlternativeIdentifier in that the other property describes the id of the group, while this property here describes the group itself. If a position only has set AlternativeGroupIdentifier but not AlternativeIdentifier, then it likely is a base position for a specific group. This was introduced in version v2.9.0 to be able to model both position and group ids for alternative group combinations. This property is not checked or managed automatically, so it is possible for this property to become invalid, by for example setting this property but not setting a base position via AlternativeTo. [optional]
is_lump_sum bool If this is true, it indicates that the position is intended to be a lump sum, "Pauschal" in German. This means the position total price that is being invoiced should not depend on the actual quantity. In practice, partial invoices are still often used for partial services rendered. This property does not affect the price calculation for this position. Typically, the Quantity should be set to 1.0 when this flag is used.
repetition_to string This identifier can be used to point to the Id of a position in the same ServiceSpecification that acts as a base position. It matches "Bezugsposition" in GAEB. This can be used for positions that repeat partially or are linked together [optional]
standardized_description \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\StandardizedDescriptionDto This represents a standardized description. This means that instead of solely relying on texts to describe a service, external standards and definitions are referenced for a common understanding. [optional]
complemented_by_quantities \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\ComplementedByQuantityDto[] This list contains references to positions that complement this one, additionally also specifying a quantity for which the addition is intended. This does not replace the ComplementedBy property and there are no automatic checks being done between these two properties, so it's up to the user code to ensure deletions (and additions, if desired) are performed for both properties. When copying withing keeping Ids, this list will not be part of the copy process, since it would only contain quantities without actual position references. Containers, however, will rebuild the list with updated position references when copying positions that contain entries here. [optional]
execution_description_reference string This identifier can be used to point to the Id of an ExecutionDescription in the same ServiceSpecification. ExecutionDescriptions act as a way to centrally describe how positions should be executed in practice. Often, the position itself still has text of its own to highlight deviations from that or add more details. [optional]
not_offered bool This indicates if a position has not been offered. This is typically only expected to be true when the exchange phase of the parent ServiceSpecification is Offer, and it means that the position has not been offered at all.
oenorm_position_properties \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\OenormPositionPropertiesDto This class models special properties that only apply to some exchange scenarios where ÖNorm is used. It is special for Positions and extends the OenormProperties base class. [optional]
description_id string This is an identifier specific for this description. Some exchange formats, like GAEB XML, use it to identify descriptions. It's different to an elements identifier in that it should only apply to the description component, meaning the text itself. [optional]
hierarchy_level int This is a zero based hierarchy level. It's set automatically when used in the context of a Project, and can be used to identify the hierarchy level of the current element.
addendum_status \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\AddendumStatusDto This indicates, if this element is part of an addendum an, if yes, with what status. [optional]
has_bidder_comment_in_html_long_text bool
gaeb_complementing_type \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\PositionComplementingTypeDto This property can optionally be used in GAEB exchange scenarios. It is only meaningful if this position itself is a complementing position, meaning if this position is marked in other positions in their ComplementedBy list. Then, it specifies how the complementing should be expressed in GAEB. By default, positions are always explicitly referenced, but other options are possible. Please also note that the Dangl.AVA.Converter package, which is used for GAEB exports, will check if the given type is valid in the current project configuration. If not, directly referenced positions will be used as fallback.
hold_out_properties \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\PositionHoldOutPropertiesDto HoldOut properties describe services that are to be provided and maintained for a specific time, e.g. fences on a construction site. [optional]
estimated_quantity float This is an informational property, which directly holds a numerical value for an estimated quantity. It is not used for any price calculations. [optional]
price_catalogue_data \Dangl\AVACloud\Model\PriceCatalogueDataDto This is an optional property that holds price catalogue data. These are prices that may represent an estimate, and they typically come from a price catalogue. [optional]
ignore_project_catalogue_propagation bool If this is set to true, the ProjectCatalogues property will not be propagated to child elements. This is useful in mapping scenarios, where you want to disable propagation for multiple changes, and only enable it once you have mapped all properties.

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