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ToolFlowNet: Robotic Manipulation with Tools via Predicting Tool Flow from Point Clouds

Daniel Seita  •  Yufei Wang  •  Sarthak J. Shetty  •  Edward Y. Li  •  Zackory Erickson  •  David Held

Website  •  Paper

This has the ToolFlowNet code for our CoRL 2022 paper. See our other repository for the SoftGym environment code. Note that you should install that code first, and then this ToolFlowNet code second.

The code in this repository has a bunch of SoftGym-specific components. We are working on a separate, simplified version of ToolFlowNet which is more agnostic to the choice of environment or task.

Note: This branch contains instructions to run the ToolFlowNet simulation code. For the physical experiments code, we maintain a seperate physical branch and a separate repository tfn-robot for the real-world data collection and robot control code.



Assuming you have already installed the other repository, then for this one, we first need to make a symlink to softgym_tfn. Make sure that softgym_tfn/ does not exist within this folder. Then run this:

ln -s ../softgym_tfn/ softgym

This creates a symlink so the softgym subdirectory points to our softgym_tfn repository. By typing in ls -lh you should see: softgym -> ../softgym_tfn/.

Then run this in any new Terminal window/tab that you want to run code in:

. ./

This will go into softgym and set up the conda environment. It should also set PYFLEXROOT which points to PyFlex in the SoftAgent repository.

How to Use

The main way that we launch experiments is with:



python --debug

The first case will run multiple combinations of variants in parallel. Thus, be careful about launching a lot of variants, since the combination can overwhelm one machine. Adding the --debug flag means the code runs just one of the variants. We recommend using --debug to start. In addition, when running multiple variants, we recommend only adjusting the random seed. We can do this by (for example) setting vg.add('seed', [100,101]) and making all other vg.add(...) calls use just one-length lists. This will run 2 runs in parallel, each with the same settings, except with different random seeds. For the paper, we launched these scripts while using 5 random seeds with vg.add('seed', [100,101,102,103,104]).

See for details on what to modify. The three main areas to adjust for the purpose of learning from demonstrations are:

  • Adjusting the behavioral cloning data directory.
  • Selecting the environment to use, PourWater or PourWater6D. In this code, PourWater refers to the task version with 3DOF actions.
  • Selecting the method to use by setting this_cfg appropriately. See the code comments and bc/ for more about what the different configurations mean.

You can find these areas by searching in for this pattern:

# ----------------------------- ADJUST -------------------------------- #

# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Check the content in between the above two lines.

See the next section for how we set these for the CoRL 2022 submission.

Important note: we highly recommend using wandb to track experiments. Please adjust these two lines in appropriately:

vg.add('wandb_project', [''])  # Fill this in!
vg.add('wandb_entity', [''])  # Fill this in!

If you need a refresher on wandb, refer to the official documentation. If you leave these blank, the script might not run successfully.

CoRL 2022 Experiments

Before this, make sure you have downloaded demonstration data following our other repository's instructions. This includes both the cache and the demonstrations themselves. While the default instructions put the data in ~/softgym_tfn/data_demo, you may put the data in a different location if desired.

First: with the demonstration data, adjust the DATA_HEAD variable. For example, setting this:

DATA_HEAD = '/home/seita/softgym_tfn/data_demo/'

near the top of means that, for a run with PourWater (3D), I should expect to see the demonstrations located at:


Second: select the task you want, either PourWater (the 3DOF action space version) or PourWater6D (with 6DOF actions). This means selecting one of the following:

env, env_version, alg_policy = 'PourWater', 'v01', 'pw_algo_v02'
env, env_version, alg_policy = 'PourWater6D', 'v01', 'pw_algo_v02'

Be sure to comment out whatever option you are not using.

Third: pick the method. For example, select ToolFlowNet with:

this_cfg = exp_configs.SVD_POINTWISE_EE2FLOW

or the PCL Direct Vector MSE baseline with:


There are many experiment options. See the comments and bc/ for more details.

Finally, double check all the settings in the variant generator (vg). For the paper we typically ran by setting:

vg.add('seed', [100,101,102,103,104])

as the only variant, in the sense that this is the only vg option with more than one list item. This means (as stated in our paper) we ran 5 random seeds for each experiment setting.

Once you are confident the settings are correct, run the script! (Did you remember to set up wandb?)

Inspect Results

For accumulating and computing results for the CoRL 2022 paper, we used one of the following four commands:

python --show_avg_epoch
python --show_raw_perf
python --show_raw_perf --show_avg_epoch

These four commands, respectively, produce a table of statistics which correspond to results in Table 1, Table S5, Table S6, and Table S7 in the paper. Some relevant keys in the code are:

  • FLOW3D_SVD_PW_CONSIST_0_1 corresponds to ToolFlowNet with lambda (consistency weight) value of 0.1.
  • PCL_DIRECT_VECTOR_MSE_INTRIN_AXANG corresponds to "PCL Direct Vector MSE."
  • PCL_DENSE_TRANSF_MSE_INTRIN_AXANG corresponds to "PCL Dense Transformation MSE."

Successfully running this command requires having all relevant experiment results. We provide this script to explain how we produced the results.


If you find this repository useful, please cite our paper:

    title={{ToolFlowNet: Robotic Manipulation with Tools via Predicting Tool Flow from Point Clouds}},
    author={Seita, Daniel and Wang, Yufei and Shetty, Sarthak, and Li, Edward and Erickson, Zackory and Held, David},
    booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)},