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This repository contains Python codes for designing and analysing 2D axisymmetric RF structures. The current capabilities include eigenmode analysis, elliptical cavity tuning and optimisation, wakefield analysis, uncertainty quantification, and quick visualisations and comparisons of results.


To install cadsim2d, clone it into a local directory

git clone

cd into this directory and run

pip install -r requirements.txt

Third party code

Wakefield analysis is performed using the ABCI electromagnetic code which solves the Maxwell equations directly in the time domain when a bunched beam goes through an axisymmetric structure on or off axis. It is free and can be downloaded from ABCI. Download the latest version (currently


For some reason, at the time of writing this, the link on the ABCI page to download the 64 bit version is broken. However, it can be downloaded using wget from Windows PowerShell using

wget -O

Create ABCI folder in cavsim2d/solver folder. Copy and rename version ABCI_MP64_12_5.exe from <root folder>\ABCI_MP_12_5\ABCI_MP4_12_5\ABCI_MP application for Windows to <root folder>/cavsim2d/solver/ABCI and rename to ABCI.exe.

Or through the command line with

mkdir <root folder>/cavsim2d/solver/ABCI
tar -xf <root folder>/
copy '<root folder>/ABCI_MP_12_5/ABCI_MP_12_5/ABCI_MP application for Windows/ABCI_MP64_12_5.exe' <root folder>/cavsim2d/solver/ABCI
cd <root folder>/cavsim2d/solver/ABCI
ren ABCI_MP64_12_5.exe ABCI.exe

Before diving in, I would install pprintpp. It is not necessary but it sure does make the print readable.

pip install pprintpp

If jupyter and ipywidgets are not already installed, now will be a good time to installl it.

Examples - TESLA Elliptical Cavity

The core components of cavsim2d are Cavities and Cavity objects. Cavities is a container for multiple Cavity instances, each representing a single RF cavity and its associated data. These objects are instantiated as follows:

import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
from cavsim2d.cavity import Cavity, Cavities

cavs = Cavities()'/user/home/...')

The default name for Cavities object is cavities. Enter name keyword to enter custom name i.e. cavs = Cavities('custom_name'). This is recommended if you want to run different sets of analysis.


The location from which you run the program might require adding its directory to the system path using sys.path.append(<cavsim2d_path>). For instance, when working from a "notebooks" folder, I typically use:

import sys


The Cavities().save(<files_path>) function initializes or specifies a project folder. An optional overwrite=True argument can be included to replace an existing folder. By default, overwriting is disabled.

A Cavity object holds information about elliptical cavities. Therefore, a cavity object requires the number of cells, mid cell, left end cell and right end cell dimensions for its initialisation. We use the TESLA cavity geometry dimensions in this example

# define geometry parameters
n_cells = 9
midcell = [42, 42, 12, 19, 35, 57.7, 103.353]  # <- A, B, a, b, Ri, L, Req
endcell_l = [40.34, 40.34, 10, 13.5, 39, 55.716, 103.353]
endcell_r = [42, 42, 9, 12.8, 39, 56.815, 103.353]

# create cavity
tesla = Cavity(n_cells, midcell, endcell_l, endcell_r, beampipe='both')

The cavity geometry can be viewed using plot('geometry') or cav.inspect(). All plot() functions return a matplotlib.axes object.

# tesla.inspect()


If running from a terminal, take the following extra steps

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Now the cavity can be added to the cavities object.

cavs.add_cavity([tesla], names=['TESLA'], plot_labels=['TESLA'])

The names parameter is a list of custom names for each Cavity object. These names are used to label corresponding simulation results. The optional plot_labels parameter specifies legend labels for visualizations. If not provided, default labels will be generated.

Now we are ready to run our first analysis and print the quantities of interest (qois) for the fundamental mode (FM).

Eigenmode analysis


Let uss try that again but this time using adding a cavity to cavs. We will use the a re-entrant cavity geometry. The dimensions can be found here in Table 2. We will use the parameters corresponding to $\delta e=+30$. This time we will enter the geometry by defining first a shape_space.

shape_space = {'reentrant': 
                   {'IC': [53.58, 36.58, 8.08, 9.84, 35, 57.7, 98.27],
                    'OC': [53.58, 36.58, 8.08, 9.84, 35, 57.7, 98.27],
                    'OC_R': [53.58, 36.58, 8.08, 9.84, 35, 57.7, 98.27]

# create cavity
shape = shape_space['reentrant']
reentrant = Cavity(n_cells, shape['IC'], shape['OC'], shape['OC_R'], beampipe='both')
cavs.add_cavity(reentrant, 'reentrant', 'reentrant')

Now we can run the eigenmode simulation once again and print the quantities of interest for the FM.


We can now do is make a comparative bar plot of some FM qois of the two geometries.


Let's do that again but this time with a single cell without beampipes to compare with this.

cavs = Cavities()'/user/home/...')

midcell = [42, 42, 12, 19, 35, 57.7, 103.353]
tesla_mid_cell = Cavity(1, midcell, midcell, midcell, beampipe='none')

shape_space = {'reentrant': 
                   {'IC': [53.58, 36.58, 8.08, 9.84, 35, 57.7, 98.27],
                    'OC': [53.58, 36.58, 8.08, 9.84, 35, 57.7, 98.27],
                    'OC_R': [53.58, 36.58, 8.08, 9.84, 35, 57.7, 98.27]

# create cavity
shape = shape_space['reentrant']
reentrant_mid_cell = Cavity(1, shape['IC'], shape['IC'], shape['IC'], beampipe='none')

cavs.add_cavity([tesla_mid_cell, reentrant_mid_cell], 
                names=['TESLA', 'reentrant'], 
                plot_labels=['TESLA', 'reentrant'])

ax = cavs.plot('geometry')



Visualising the mesh and field profiles

To visualise the mesh and field profiles use

cavs['reentrant'].plot_fields(mode=1, which='E')
cavs['TESLA'].plot_fields(mode=1, which='H')


Meshes and fields are properties of a Cavity object and not a Cavities object. Therefore, to visualise the mesh and field profiles, use the Cavity object name or corresponding index.

Cavity Tuning

Cavity tuning is straightforward using cavsim2d. We'll demonstrate this with a TESLA cavity's mid-cell, initially using an arbitrary equator radius (Req) before converging to the correct value of 103.3 mm. The tuning function requires at least a tuning parameter and target frequency. For multiple cavities within a Cavities object, these arguments can be provided as lists matching the number of cavities. Optional parameters can further refine the tuning process.

cavs = Cavities()'/user/home/...')

midcell = [42, 42, 12, 19, 35, 57.7, 100]
tesla_mid_cell = Cavity(1, midcell, midcell, midcell, beampipe='none')

cavs.add_cavity(tesla_mid_cell, 'TESLA')
tune_config = {
    'freqs': 1300,
    'parameters': 'Req',
    'cell_types': 'mid-cell',
    'rerun': True
{   'TESLA': {   'CELL TYPE': 'mid cell',
                 'FREQ': 1300.0007857768796,
                 'IC': [   42.0,
                           103.3702896505612, # <- Req
                 'OC': [   42.0,
                 'OC_R': [   42.0,
                 'TUNED VARIABLE': 'Req'}}

Confirm from the output that the correct frequency and Req is achieved.


You notice a slight deviation from the 103.353. This is due to the approximation of the mid cell length to 57.7 mm.

Repeat the same calculation. This time retain the correct Req and input a wrong A.

cavs = Cavities()'/user/home/...')

midcell = [20, 42, 12, 19, 35, 57.7, 103.353]
tesla_mid_cell = Cavity(1, midcell, midcell, midcell, beampipe='none')

cavs.add_cavity(tesla_mid_cell, 'TESLA')
tune_config = {
    'freqs': 1300,
    'parameters': 'A',
    'cell_types': 'mid-cell',
    'processes': 1,
    'rerun': True

Confirm from the output that the correct frequency and A is achieved.


Running wakefield simulations is as easy as running eigenmode simulations described above.

from cavsim2d.cavity import Cavity, Cavities
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

cavs = Cavities()'/user/home/...')

# define geometry parameters
n_cells = 9
midcell = [42, 42, 12, 19, 35, 57.7, 103.353]  # <- A, B, a, b, Ri, L, Req
endcell_l = [40.34, 40.34, 10, 13.5, 39, 55.716, 103.353]
endcell_r = [42, 42, 9, 12.8, 39, 56.815, 103.353]

# create cavity
tesla = Cavity(n_cells, midcell, endcell_l,endcell_r, beampipe='none')
cavs.add_cavity([tesla], names=['TESLA'], plot_labels=['TESLA'])


To make plots of the longitudinal and transverse impedance plots on the same axis, we use the following code

ax = cavs.plot('ZL')
ax = cavs.plot('ZT', ax)

Oftentimes, we want to analyse the loss and kick factors, and higher-order mode power for particular or several operating points for a cavity geometry. This can easily be done by passing an operating points dictionary to the run_wakefield() function.

op_points = {
            "Z": {
                "freq [MHz]": 400.79,  # Operating frequency
                "E [GeV]": 45.6,  # <- Beam energy
                "I0 [mA]": 1280,  # <- Beam current
                "V [GV]": 0.12,  # <- Total voltage
                "Eacc [MV/m]": 5.72,  # <- Accelerating field
                "nu_s []": 0.0370,  # <- Synchrotron oscillation tune
                "alpha_p [1e-5]": 2.85,  # <- Momentum compaction factor
                "tau_z [ms]": 354.91,  # <- Longitudinal damping time
                "tau_xy [ms]": 709.82,  # <- Transverse damping time
                "f_rev [kHz]": 3.07,  # <- Revolution frequency
                "beta_xy [m]": 56,  # <- Beta function
                "N_c []": 56,  # <- Number of cavities
                "T [K]": 4.5,  # <- Operating tempereature
                "sigma_SR [mm]": 4.32,  # <- Bunch length
                "sigma_BS [mm]": 15.2,  # <- Bunch length
                "Nb [1e11]": 2.76  # <- Bunch population
wakefield_config = {
    'beam_config': {
        'bunch_length': 25
    'wake_config': {
        'wakelength': 50
    'processes': 2,
    'rerun': True,
    'operating_points': op_points,

And to view the results



Simulation results are saved in a folder named using the operating point, a specified suffix, and the sigma value (format: mm). To compute higher-order mode power, R/Q values are necessary, requiring a prior eigenmode analysis if results are unavailable.


Optimisation of cavity geometry can be carried out using cavsim2d. Objective functions that are currently supported are the fundamental freq [MHz], Epk/Eacc [], Bpk/Eacc [mT/MV/m], R/Q [Ohm], G [Ohm], Q [], ZL, ZT. ZL and ZT are longitudinal and transverse impedance peaks in specified frequency intervals obtained from wakefield analysis The algorithm currently implemented is genetic algorithm. The optimisation settings are controlled using a configuration dictionary. The most important parameters for the algorithm are

  • cell_type: The options are mid-cell, end-cell and end-end-cell depending on the parameterisation of the cavity geometry. See Fig []. Default is mid-cell.
    'cell_type': 'mid-cell'
  • freqs: Target operating frequency of the cavity.
'parameters': 'Req'
  • 'tune freq.': Target operating frequency of the cavity.
`freqs`: 1300

The preceeding parameters belong to the tune_config dictionary and so are entered this way in the optimisation_config

'tune_config': {
    'freqs': 801.58,
    'parameters': 'Req',
    'cell_types': cell_type
  • bounds: This defines the optimisation search space. All geometric variables must be entered. Note that variables excluded from optimisation should have identical upper and lower bounds..
'bounds': {'A': [20.0, 80.0],
               'B': [20.0, 80.0],
               'a': [10.0, 60.0],
               'b': [10., 60.0],
               'Ri': [60.0, 85.0],
               'L': [93.5, 93.5],
               'Req': [170.0, 170.0]}
  • objectives: This defines the objective functions. Objectives could be the minimisation, maximisation of optimisation of an objective function to a particular value. They are defined as:
'objectives': [
                ['equal', 'freq [MHz]', 1300],
                ['min', 'Epk/Eacc []'],
                ['min', 'Bpk/Eacc [mT/MV/m]'],
                ['max', 'R/Q [Ohm]'],
                ['min', 'ZL', [1, 2, 5]],
                ['min', 'ZT', [1, 2, 3, 5]]

The third parameter for the impedances ZL, ZT define the frequency interval for which to evaluate the peak impedance. The algorithm specific entries include

  • initial_points: The number of initial points to be genereated.
  • method: Method of generating the initial points. Defaults to latin hypercube sampling (LHS).
  • no_of_generations: The number of generations to be analysed. Defaults to 20.
  • crossover_factor: The number of crossovers to create offsprings.
  • elites_for_crossover: The number of elites allowed to produce offsprings.
  • mutation_factor: The number of mutations to create offsprings.
  • chaos_factor: The number of new random geometries included to improve diversity.
'initial_points': 5,
'method': {
    'LHS': {'seed': 5},
'no_of_generations': 5,
'crossover_factor': 5,
'elites_for_crossover': 2,
'mutation_factor': 5,
'chaos_factor': 5,

Putting it all together, we get

optimisation_config = {
    'tune_config': {
        'freqs': 1300,
        'parameters': 'Req',
        'cell_types': 'mid-cell',
        'processes': 1
    'bounds': {'A': [20.0, 80.0],
               'B': [20.0, 80.0],
               'a': [10.0, 60.0],
               'b': [10., 60.0],
               'Ri': [60.0, 85.0],
               'L': [93.5, 93.5],
               'Req': [170.0, 170.0]},
    'objectives': [
        # ['equal', 'freq [MHz]', 801.58],
                      ['min', 'Epk/Eacc []'],
                      ['min', 'Bpk/Eacc [mT/MV/m]'],
                      # ['min', 'ZL', [1, 2, 5]],
    'initial_points': 5,
    'method': {
        'LHS': {'seed': 5},
    'no_of_generation': 2,
    'crossover_factor': 5,
    'elites_for_crossover': 2,
    'mutation_factor': 5,
    'chaos_factor': 5

Several other parameters like method, can be controlled. The full configuration file can be found in the config_files folder.

cavs = Cavities()
# must first save cavities'/user/home/...')


Uncertainty Quantification

Each simulation described until now can be equiped with uncertainty quantification (UQ) capabilites by passing in a uq_config dictionary. For example, eigenmode F analysis for a cavity could be carried out including UQ. the same goes for wakefield analysis, tuning, and optimisation. For example, let's revisit our eigenvalue example.

cavs = Cavities()'/user/home/...')

midcell = [42, 42, 12, 19, 35, 57.7, 103.353]
tesla_mid_cell = Cavity(1, midcell, midcell, midcell, beampipe='none')

shape_space = {'reentrant': 
                   {'IC': [53.58, 36.58, 8.08, 9.84, 35, 57.7, 110],
                    'OC': [53.58, 36.58, 8.08, 9.84, 35, 57.7, 110],
                    'OC_R': [53.58, 36.58, 8.08, 9.84, 35, 57.7, 110]

# create cavity
shape = shape_space['reentrant']
reentrant_mid_cell = Cavity(1, shape['IC'], shape['IC'], shape['IC'], beampipe='none')

cavs.add_cavity([tesla_mid_cell, reentrant_mid_cell], 
                names=['TESLA', 'reentrant'], 
                plot_labels=['TESLA', 'reentrant'])

uq_config = {
    'option': True,
    'variables': ['L', 'Req'],
    'objectives': ["freq [MHz]", "R/Q [Ohm]", "Epk/Eacc []", "Bpk/Eacc [mT/MV/m]", "G [Ohm]", "kcc [%]", "ff [%]"],
    'delta': [0.05, 0.05],
    'method': ['Quadrature', 'Stroud3'],
    'cell_type': 'mid-cell',
    'cell_complexity': 'simplecell'
eigenmode_config = {
    'processes': 3,
    'rerun': True,
    'boundary_conditions': 'mm',
    'uq_config': uq_config


And to plot the results


A scatter plot could as well be made using



cavs.plot_compare_eigenmode(uq=True, kind='scatter')

A Cavity object can be assigned a color at initialisation or using the Cavity.set_color() method. The set color determines the colors with which data is plotted. Let's try making a scatter plot again but this time, setting specific Cavity colors.

cavs.plot_compare_eigenmode(uq=True, kind='scatter')


Enabling uncertainty quantification (UQ) for the original reentrant_mid_cell cavity results in errors due to degenerate geometries in its vicinity. Therefore, the Req was changed to 110 mm. These degeneracies can be identified by using the reentrant_mid_cell.inspect() to examine and manipulate the cavity's parameters. This tool proves invaluable in diagnosing such issues.

Configuration dictionaries

Simulation inputs are defined through configuration dictionaries, with specific formats for different simulation types. These dictionaries are structured logically. For instance, a simple eigenmode simulation uses a straightforward configuration. Uncertainty quantification (UQ) can be integrated by adding a uq_config dictionary within the eigenmode configuration. Wakefield analysis and tuning configurations follow a similar pattern.

Optimisation configurations include a tune_config section to ensure frequency optimisation prior to other parameters. Depending on the optimisation goals, eigenmode_config and wakefield_config sections can be nested within the optimisation configuration, potentially also incorporating UQ through uq_config sub-dictionaries.

To view the complete configuration dictionaries for each analysis, use the help() function, e.g. help(cavs.run_eigenmode).

The tree structure below shows how configuration dictionaries can be stacked.

├── tune
│   ├── eigen
│   │   └── uq
│   └── uq
├── eigen
│   └── uq
├── wakefield
│   └── uq
└── optimisation
    ├── tune
    │   ├── eigen
    │   │   └── uq
    │   └── uq
    └── wakefield
        └── uq

See optimisation example below

cavs = Cavities()
# must first save cavities'D:\Dropbox\CavityDesignHub\MuCol_Study\SimulationData\ConsoleTest')
cell_type = 'end-end-cell'

optimisation_config = {
    'initial_points': 5,
    'method': {
        'LHS': {'seed': 5},
        # 'Sobol Sequence': {'index': 2},
        # 'Random': {},
        # 'Uniform': {},
    # 'mid-cell': [1, 2, 3, 3, 6, 5, 2],  # must enter if mid-end cell selected
    'tune_config': {
        'freqs': 801.58,
        'parameters': 'Req',
        'cell_types': cell_type,
        'processes': 4,
        'eigenmode_config': {'n_cells': 1,
                             'n_modules': 1,
                             'f_shift': 0,
                             'bc': 33,
                             'beampipes': 'both',
                             'uq_config': {
                                 'variables': ['A'],
                                 'objectives': ["Epk/Eacc []", "Bpk/Eacc [mT/MV/m]", "R/Q [Ohm]", "G [Ohm]"],
                                 'delta': [0.05],
                                 'processes': 4,
                                 'distribution': 'gaussian',
                                 'method': ['Quadrature', 'Stroud3'], 
                                 'cell_type': 'mid-cell',
                                 'cell complexity': 'simplecell'
    'wakefield_config': {'n_cells': 1, 'n_modules': 1, 
                         'NFS': 10000,
                         'polarisation': 2,
                         'beam_config': {
                             'bunch_length': 25,
                         'wake_config': {
                             'wakelength': 50
                         'mesh_config': {
                             'DDR_SIG': 0.1, 
                             'DDZ_SIG': 0.1
                         'uq_config': {
                            'variables': ['A'],
                            'objectives': [["ZL", [1, 2, 5]], ["ZT", [2, 3, 4]]],
                            'delta': [0.05],
                            'processes': 4,
                            'method': ['Quadrature', 'Stroud3'],
                            'cell_type': 'mid-cell',
                            'cell complexity': 'simplecell'
    'optimisation by': 'pareto',
    'crossover_factor': 5,
    'elites_for_crossover': 2,
    'mutation_factor': 5,
    'chaos_factor': 5,
    'processes': 3,
    'no_of_generation': 2,
    'bounds': {'A': [20.0, 80.0],
               'B': [20.0, 80.0],
               'a': [10.0, 60.0],
               'b': [10., 60.0],
               'Ri': [60.0, 85.0],
               'L': [93.5, 93.5],
               'Req': [170.0, 170.0]},
    'objectives': [
        # ['equal', 'freq [MHz]', 801.58],
                      ['min', 'Epk/Eacc []'],
                      ['min', 'Bpk/Eacc [mT/MV/m]'],
                      ['min', 'ZL', [1, 2, 5]],
                      ['min', 'ZT', [1, 2, 5]],
    'weights': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]


Default configuration settings are applied for eigenmode and wakefield analyses when no custom configuration dictionary is provided.


cavsim2d simulations can be parallelised easily by setting the processes parameter within relevant configuration dictionaries. This controls the number of processes used for the analysis. For simulations with uncertainty quantification (UQ) enabled, an additional level of parallelisation can be achieved by specifying processes within the UQ configuration. The default number of processes is one.

Understanding the geometry types

Folder structure