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53 lines (50 loc) · 2.74 KB

File metadata and controls

53 lines (50 loc) · 2.74 KB


a, b, c = rank by current importance (a > b) 1, 2, 3 = rank by difficulty (1 > 2)


  • (3c) Move this TODO list to git issue tracker
  • (3a) Make mag_1_field more consistent (propogate 'g','r','i' throughout)
  • (2a) Switch to astropy for coordinate conversion, etc.
  • (2c) Change name of ugali.utils.projector to ugali.utils.coords (obsolete with astropy)
  • (2c) Consistent naming convention for pix vs. pixel
  • (2c) Be careful with spatialBin function when objects fall outside of ROI (CHECK!)
  • (1b) Residual maps / how to deal with gradients in background (important mainly for LMC region)
  • (1c) Compute observable fraction including photometric errors
  • (2c) Check for numerical issues with very small Plummer radii, sampling kernel (ADD WARNING)
  • (1b) Investigate large kernel fitting accuracy, what is largest size?
  • (1c) Add alternative IMFs
  • (2c) Compute the absolute visual magnitude in addition to bolometric luminosity
  • (3b) FNAL, Midway, SLAC config files (better to make batch-system independent)
  • (2b) Merge config file with default config or store defaults in objects (probably the latter)
  • (2b) Revist healpix map format; is this really what we want?
  • (1c) Precompute HEALPix pixel for each object and avoid creating full HEALPix maps
  • (2b) Consider updating DES isochrones
  • (2b) Connect isochrone.observableFraction and mask.restrictCatalogToObservableSpace
  • (2b) CMD should be masked array not clipped and pushed
  • (2b) Rewrite catalog reader to use fitsio
  • (2b) Compress isochrone data to easy distribution and allow for more extensive isochrone set
  • (1b) Fully incorporate completeness in isochrone fitting and simulation
  • (2b) Create 'bin' directory for command-line tools (also move pipeline to bin)


  • (1c) Collector function to find peaks (in 3D)
  • (2c) Save stellar mass instead of richness?
  • (3b) Switch to new kernel
  • (2b) SDSS mask
  • (2b) SDSS isochrones
  • (2b) Have config read yaml files
  • (2a) Elliptical kernels
  • (2a) Horizontal branch dispersion
  • (2b) Subclass the pipeline scripts (at least the argument parsers)
  • (3c) Pass 'chatter' argument to logger
  • (2a) Config file option for likelihood evaluation radius
  • (3b) Rename PDF in kernels
  • (3c) Farm should write out config file for future reference
  • (3b) Search multiple ROIs in same batch job
  • (3b) Distinguish between 'debug' (output verbosity) and 'dryrun' (don't do anything)
  • (2b) Speed up observableFraction (used broadcasting)
  • (3c) Consistently make use of angToPix and pixToAng
  • (2b) Automated data processing to get mangle masks and catalogs from DESDM
  • (2b) Separate analysis from plotting
  • (2b) SVA1 data products
  • (2b) Restructure and subclass isochrone
  • (1b) Create true composite isochrone (subclassing isochrone) rather than container of isochrones