Return-to-user Attack: 内核代码中某些函数指针被设为NULL,dereference时跳转到用户代码。通过SMEP/SMAP禁止内核访问/执行用户代码。
- SMEP: Allows pages to be protected from supervisor-mode instruction fetches. If SMEP = 1, OS cannot fetch instructions from application
- SMAP: Allows pages to be protected from supervisor-mode data accesses. If SMAP = 1, OS cannot access data at linear addresses of application
- ARM的类似技术:PAN, Privileged Access Never; PXN, Privileged eXecute Never; UAO, User Access Only
ret2dir Attack: 每一页物理内存都同时拥有kernel和user两个虚拟地址,虽然禁止内核执行用户代码,但通过跳转到恶意代码对应的kernel地址仍可攻击。
Background: C/C++ bounds error (可通过gcc的-fcheck-pointer-bounds flag防止)
Intel introduces MPX since Skylake
- Specified by two 64-bit addresses specifying the beginning and the end of a range
- New instructions are introduced to efficiently compare a given value against the bounds, raising an exception when the value does not fall within the permitted range
- bndmov: Fetch the bounds information (upper and lower) out of memory and put it in a bounds register.
- bndcl: Check the lower bounds against an argument (%rax)
- bndcu: Check the upper bounds against an argument (%rax)
- bnd retq: Not a "true" Intel MPX instruction
- usage: make CFLAGS="-mmpx -fcheck-pointer-bounds -lmpx" LDFLAGS="-lmpxwrappers -lmpx"
- 将bounds存在bounds table(a two-level radix tree)中,最坏情况可多消耗400%内存,且使用较多bound时性能降低
- With MPK, every page belongs to one of 16 domains. A domain is determined by 4 bits in every page-table entry (referred to as the protection key)
- For every domain, there are two bits in a special register (pkru), which denote whether pages associated with that key can be read or written
- Only the kernel can change the key of a page, application can read and write the pkru register using the rdpkru and wrpkru instructions respectively
- use case 1: protect critical data within one address space
- use case 2: prevent data corruption (In-memory database prevents writes most of the time, only enable changing data when needs to change)
- ARM只使用了64位中的40位,可以用key对这40位地址进行加密,保存在前24位,从而作为验证,防止地址被篡改
- PA defines five keys
- Four keys for PAC* and AUT* instructions (combination of instruction/data and A/B keys),
- One key for use with the general purpose PACGA instruction
- Keys are stored in internal registers and are not accessible by EL0 (user mode)
- New instructions:
- PAC value creation: Write the value to the uppermost bits in a destination register alongside an address pointer value
- Authentication: Validate a PAC and update the destination register with a correct or corrupt address pointer. If the authentication fails, an indirect branch or load that uses the authenticated, and corrupt, address will cause an exception
- 引入新的内存类型:Normal Tagged Memory,只允许指针访问相同tag的内存
- tag占4位,即0~15
- 不是所有内存访问都需要tag checking,如instruction fetches,translation table walks等
- MTE and PA可结合使用
- Shadow stack: a second stack for the program
- 该栈只记录控制数据(return address), 与原有的stack同时push和pop,如果RET时两个地址不一样,则引发control protection exception
- 被页表保护
- Indirect Branch Tracking: New instruction: ENDBRANCH
- call/jmp跳转到的指令必须以ENDBRANCH开头,否则无效
- cpu维护了一个状态机跟踪indirect call/jmp, 当出现这些指令,状态由IDLE转为WAIT_FOR_ENDBRANCH, 该状态下下一条指令必须为ENDBRANCH,否则报错
- 代码和数据在内存中加密
- 存储加密值的哈希
- SGX Execution Flow
- App built with trusted and untrusted parts
- App runs & creates the enclave which is placed in trusted memory
- Trusted function is called, execution transitioned to the enclave
- Enclave sees all process data in clear; external access to enclave data is denied
- Trusted function returns; enclave data remains in trusted memory
- Application continues normal execution
- Features
- Hardware AES engine located in the memory controller performs inline encryption and decryption of DRAM
- Minimal performance impact: Extra latency only taken for encrypted pages
- No application changes required
- Encryption keys are managed by the AMD Secure Processor and are hardware isolated, not known to any software on the CPU
- Comparing with Intel SGX
- SME不会防范内核,用来防御cold-boot attacks,以及非易失内存的数据泄露
- SEV专注于虚拟机,可以防御其他虚拟机以及宿主机
- 类似技术: Intel MKTME: Multi-Key Total Memory Encryption, 支持多个key加密
- Two modes: Normal world (REE, rich execution environment) and secure world(TEE, trusted execution environment), SMC instruction to switch
- 总线上增加1位,外设可以区分请求来自哪个world
- 应用: 手机指纹识别、交通工具、无人机禁飞区
- 通过一组PMP registers将物理内存划分为互相隔离的区域,每一段属于一个enclave
- 由于PMP registers数量有限,enclave数量也受限
- Enclave on RISC-V ISA
- 为了实现细粒度内存划分,在DRAM增加一个bitmap,每一位表示一个页是否安全
- 所有不安全的页存储在一个隔离的内存区域PT_AREA
- 使用cache partition防御侧信道攻击
- 通过签名证明确实运行在enclave
- Programming with RTM(restricted transactional memory)
- If transaction starts successfully, do work protected by RTM, and then try to commit
- If abort, system rollback to _xbegin, return an abort code
- Manually abort inside a transaction
- 使用HTM保护数据: 将数据放在transaction中,利用HTM保证的原子性防止其他并发访问
- 利用HTM攻击KASLR: KASLR技术用来随机化内核地址。用户态随机访问一个地址,有两种情况,一是未映射,二是内核地址空间,两者返回segmentation fault有时间差。将这种试探代码放在transaction中,abort速度极快,可以快速试探出内核地址
The "Noisy Neighbor" Problem: 某些应用使用大量内存,但本身对cache需求不高(例如流媒体播放,之前的帧没有用处),反而占据了其他需要利用cache的应用的cache容量,影响性能。
- CAT将thread / app / VM / container通过Class of Service (CLOS)分组,每个CLOS有相应的resource capacity bitmasks (CBMs),表示可以使用cache的哪一部分
- 通过CAT防御基于cache的侧信道攻击(The PRIME+PROBE Attack,先用随机数据将cache填满,然后触发加密程序,最后重新访问原数据,通过cache miss情况推算加密行为),将不可信应用隔离,只能使用部分cache
- BTS: Branch Trace Store, 记录程序所有地址跳转
- Motivation: Code Injection Attack, Code Reuse Attack
- 做法:利用PMU监测CFI
- Offline phase: 记录所有可能的分支跳转
- Online phase: 将实际跳转与合法跳转对比,发现恶意行为
- 记录3种合法跳转
- ret_set: all the addresses next to a call
- call_set: all the first addresses of a function
- train_sets: all the target addresses that once happened
- 增加了硬件对Trace进行压缩,使tracing很快,但decode很慢
- FlowGuard: 将压缩的实际trace与压缩的可信trace直接对比,如果无法判断再解压缩