The folder contains a bash file
. The file can be run using make test
to print the result the stdout or make test &> testing.out
to redirect the output to a testing.out
file. The output tests for both invalid and valid cases.
The testing file tests for invalid number of arguments, invalid mode, invalid directory.
Valid testing is run on create
in easy
and hard
as well as solve takes the output of these creations
./fuzztesting difficulty numSudoku
Fuzz testing creates a set number of puzzles, verifying that each puzzle follows Sudoku rules, is solvable, and has a unique solution
Note: fuzz testing does not check for valid arguements as it is assumed the user is aware of its useage and limitations
We tested out our fuzz testing, building and solving a range of sudoku boards (3-20) with both difficulties (easy and hard) and found the average time fell un the following ranges:
Easy: 0.0003-0.0004 seconds Hard: 0.1-0.4 seconds
One example is as follows:
- Run 1: 0.000305 seconds
- Run 2: 0.000272 seconds
- Run 3: 0.000320 seconds
- Run 4: 0.000050 seconds
- Run 5: 0.000707 seconds
- Average: 0.000331 seconds
- Run 1: 0.978169 seconds
- Run 2: 0.359855 seconds
- Run 3: 0.001697 seconds
- Run 4: 0.013216 seconds
- Run 5: 0.081039 seconds
- Average: 0.286795 seconds
Unit testing was done on various methods in the puzzle.c module. This file includes, but is not limited to, testing on creating a puzzle, setting values, getting values, and checking if a value is in a point's cross sections. This can be run by running make unittesting
after the program is compiled, which then runs the
script. The
script outputs to unittesting.out
, a .out file separate from testing.out
, which contains the output of the integration and fuzz testing, not unit testing. The compiled file is in the larger project-sudoku-team5
Despite the large number of tests performed above, much of our initial testing was visual. This meant building full sudokus and checking if they followed the rules. We also had our remove method remove points and then re-solve it, ensuring the solved sudoku is valid and is the same as the original sudoku created.