I miss all those times
im evihin irik anin irot
(I) (want today here) (many almost) (not here) (many time)
It gets cold sometimes
ax um otik
(its) (cold) (some time)
I see you everywhere
im es id iraninahin
(I) (see) (you) (many not here and here)
Its been a long time
axuc ir ot
(its old) (many) (time)
You probably got a lot to say
ikax id ej many
(almost is) (you) (say) (much)
You will be empty on the inside
id anucax anir anog
(you) (not old its) (not many) (not outside)
How are you?
aj afug ax id
(question) (if good) (is) (you)
I am fine and you?
im ax ug ah aj (afug ax) id
(I) (is) (good) (and) (question) ((if good) (is)) (you)
I am fine too
im ax ug
(I) (is) (good)
Where are you from?
aj oc id axuc
(question) (location) (you) (is old)
I am from and in "Name"
id axuc ah ax akNameak
(I) (is old) (and) (is) (Name)
Money doesn't grow on trees
irevutanelol anax eoc olanut
(many want small not live plant) (not is) (located) (not small plant)
A cold fish
um oeloleocirour
(cold) (live plant located many water)
Courage and stupidity were all he had
oehux ah oirelux ax anirik ipil
(ignorance danger) (and) (many live danger) (is) (not many some) (of he/she/it/they)
How old are you?
aj ir ouc ax id
(question) (many) (old) (is) (you)
I am 15
im ax aucabag
(I) (is) (old first word fifth word)