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Exhaustive Grid Search

This Github presents the code for the paper Addressing the generalization of 3D registration methods with a featureless baseline and an unbiased benchmark published in the MVA journal.


We propose the following:

  1. Simple 3D registration baseline model that outperforms most state-of-the-art learning-based methods
  2. Methodology to create a 3D registration benchmark from a point cloud dataset that provides a more informative evaluation than previous benchmarks
  3. Porpose the FAUST-partial benchmark created using this methodology
  4. Provide an evaluation of a great number of state-of-the-art methods on 4 benchmarks: 3DMatch, KITTI, ETH and FAUST-partial
  5. Provide a new rotation space subsampling

🔨 Gettng started

Using Docker

We provide a Dockerfile to facilitate running the code. Run in terminal:

cd docker

by adjusting the CODE_PATH and (optionally) DATA_PATH which are added to the docker container as volumes.

You can attach to the container using

docker exec -it egs-container /bin/bash

Not using Docker

If you do not want to use Docker, you can install the python packages listed in docker/requirements.txt into your own environment. We tested the code under ubuntu20.04, python3.8, cuda 11.2.2 and cudnn8.

🏃 Running


You can run:

python --dataset_name <name>

where dataset_name can be 3DMATCH, KITTI, ETH or any of the FP-{R,T,O}-{E,M,H} benchmarks (see paper for more details). The script saves the registration results in results/timestamp, where timestamp changes according to the time of script execution.

To configure the parameters of the baseline for the dataset you want to register, adjust the REGISTER-{dataset-name} option in config.yaml. The parameters are:

  • DATASET-NAME: (str) name of the dataset in uppercase
  • DATASET-PATH: (str) path of the dataset in uppercase
  • OVERLAP-CSV-PATH: (str) path to the already processed overlap statistics from data/overlaps
  • METHOD-NAME: (str) name of your experiment for easier experiment tracking
  • SET-SEED: (bool) remove any randomness in the code (just in case)
  • GPU-INDEX: (int) the gpu to use to run the code, set as cuda:{GPU-INDEX}, if you have multiple gpus
  • DTYPE-REGISTRATION: (str) torch type of data used
  • VOXEL-SIZE: (float) size of voxel cube usually in meters (depends on the data used!)
  • CONTINUE-RUN: (str) if registering a whole dataset breaks, give the path to the results/timestamp you want to continue running
  • ROTATION-OPTION: (str) the precomputed rotations (see paper, Sec. 5.3). See Notes for more details.
  • PADDING: (str) padding of the voxelized source point cloud prior to registration (see paper, Sec. 3). Only same padding supported.
  • PV: (int) fill the voxels that have points inside them with this value
  • NV: (int) fill the empty voxels that do not have points inside them with this value
  • PPV: (int) fill the padding voxels with this value
  • NUM-WORKERS: (int) number of pytorch dataloader workers that prepare the data
  • SUBSAMPLING-INDS-PATH: (str) path to subsampling indices.See Notes for more details.


To refine the results from the registration above, run:

python -R <results/timestamp>

where timestamp should be changed to the results path from the previous step you want to refine.

To configure the parameters of the refinement, adjust the REFINE option in config.yaml. The parameters are:

  • ICP-VERSION: (str) ICP version to run. Choices are generalized, p2point, p2plane
  • MAX-ITERATION: (int) maximum number of refining iterations
  • MAX-CORRESPONDENCE-DISTANCE-QUANTILE: (float) The distance chosen for the inliers as the quantile of all the point distances.
  • SUBSAMPLING-INDS-PATH: (str) path to subsampling indices. See Notes for more details.


To evaluate the registration you can run:

python -R <results/timestamp>

where timestamp should be changed accordingly to indicate your results.

💿 Demo: Register + refine

If you want to register and refine a pair of scans (and not a whole dataset) you can run:

python --pc_target_path <path/to/target/pc.ply> --pc_source_path <path/to/source/pc.ply>


  • pc_target_path: (str) is the path to the target point cloud in .ply format
  • pc_source_path: (str) is the path to the source point cloud in .ply format

To configure the parameters of the baseline and refinement, adjust the DEMO option in config.yaml. The parameters are:

  • METHOD-NAME: (str) name of your experiment for easier experiment tracking
  • SET-SEED: (bool) remove any randomness in the code (just in case)
  • GPU-INDEX: (int) the gpu to use to run the code, set as cuda:{GPU-INDEX}, if you have multiple gpus
  • VOXEL-SIZE: (float) size of voxel cube usually in meters (depends on the data used!)
  • ROTATION-OPTION: (str) the precomputed rotations (see paper, Sec. 5.3). See Notes for more details.
  • PADDING: (str) padding of the voxelized source point cloud prior to registration (see paper, Sec. 3). Only same padding supported.
  • PV: (int) fill the voxels that have points inside them with this value
  • NV: (int) fill the empty voxels that do not have points inside them with this value
  • PPV: (int) fill the padding voxels with this value
  • NUM-WORKERS: (int) number of pytorch dataloader workers that prepare the data
  • REFINE-NAME: (str) is the optional name of refinement algorithm - either p2point icp or p2plane icp or generalized icp
  • REFINE-MAX-ITER: (int) maximum number of refining iterations
  • REFINE-MAX-CORRESPONDENCE-DISTANCE-QUANTILE: (float) The distance chosen for the inliers as the quantile of all the point distances.

🖼️ Paper Figures and Tables

To facilitate reproducibility and comparison, we provide the python code to create Figures 3, 4 and 5, and provide Latex code to create Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.


To create Figures 3,4 or 5 run the following:

cd analysis
python --param <rotation-translation-or-overlap> --path_3DMatch <path/to/3DMatch> --path_ETH <path/to/ETH> --path_KITTI <path/to/KITTI>  --path_FP <path/to/FAUST-partial> --path_FAUST_scans <path/to/FAUST/scans>

where param can be either rotation (Figure 3), translation (Figure 4) or overlap (Figure 5). You can alter the code in order to add your own benchmark to the figures and compare the rotation, translation and overlap parameter distribution.


We provide the Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the folder latex_tables so you can more easily use them in your work.

💻 Data


Download the testing examples from here under the title Geometric Registration Benchmark --> Downloads. There are 8 scenes that are used for testing. In total, there are 16 folders, two for each scene with names {folder_name} and {folder_name}-evaluation:


We use the overlaps from PREDATOR [1] (found in data/overlaps) to filter the data and use only those with overlap > 30%.


Download the testing data from here under Download odometry data set (velodyne laser data, 80 GB). 3 scenes are used for testing:


Download the test.pkl from GeoTransformer [3] here and put it in the same directory where the scenes are located.


Download the testing data from here. There are 4 scenes that are used for testing:


We use the overlaps from Perfect Match [2] (found in data/overlaps) to filter the data and use only those with overlap > 30%. We obtain the overlaps from their overlapMatrix.csv in each scene.


Download the FAUST scans from here. There are 100 scans in the training dataset named tr_scan_xxx.ply that are used for the registration benchmark. Download the FAUST-partial benchmark from here.

To use the benchmark with your own method, we provide a script that facilitates loading the benchmark:

python --faust_scans_path <path/to/FAUST/scans> --benchmark_name <FP-{R,T,O}-{E,M,H}> --benchmark_root_path <path/to/FAUST-partial/benchmarks>


  • faust_scans_path: (str) is the path to the FAUST training scans
  • benchmark_name: (str) is the name of the FAUST-partial benchmark. Choices are FP-{R,T,O}-{E,M,H}
  • benchmark_root_path: (str) is the path to the FAUST-partial benchmarks

The script loads the data and iterates over the registration pairs and provides the source point cloud, target point cloud and ground truth 4x4 transformation. Complete the rest of the script with your own method in order to use it.

⚠️ The first version of the benchmark was created in the paper "Challenging universal representation of deep models for 3D point cloud registration" and is different from this version of the benchmark. We denominate the first version as FPv1 and the new version as ICO-12-FIXED-E. We make both benchmarks available under the same download link. Read the appropriate papers to get more details about the benchmark differences. ⚠️

🏋🏼 Creating your own benchmark from a point cloud dataset

In the paper, we present a methodology for creating a 3D registration benchmark that provides better evaluations with more insights. We provide the code in data/FAUST-partial with which we create the FAUST-partial benchmark, but we note that it can be used on any point cloud dataset.

First, we create the viewpoints using the points of an icosahaedron (see paper for more details). To do so, you can setup the variables in data/FAUST-partial/config.yaml, under CREATE-INDICES-VIEWPOINTS-OVERLAP:

  1. FAUST-DATA-PATH: path to training scans of FAUST dataset
  2. SAVE-TO: path to save the newly created dataset
  3. VISUALIZE: visualize the creation of partial benchmark (see Fig. 2 from paper)
  4. ICOSAHEDRON-SCALE: points of icosahaedron (that act as viewpoints) lie on sphere of radius ICOSAHEDRON-SCALE
  5. ICOSAHAEDRON-NR-DIVISIONS: number of splits of the icosahaedron edges - the icsoahaedron starts with 12 points, and then by splitting the edges it results in 42, 162, 642,.. points

and run:


to get the partial scan viewpoints, indices and overlaps.

Next, we create the benchmark by sampling random rotation and translations depending on the dataset difficulty. To do so, setup the variables in data/FAUST-partial/config.yaml, under CREATE-BENCHMARK:

  1. DATASET-NAME: which dataset to create (FP-R-E, FP-O-M, ... or "All" to create all of them)
  2. SAVE-TO: path to save the newly created benchmark
  3. ROTATION-EASY-XZ: rotation parmaeter range for easy difficulty (in degrees) for x and z axes. Given as list of bounds.
  4. ROTATION-MEDIUM-XZ: rotation parmaeter range for medium difficulty (in degrees) for x and z axes. Given as list of two bounds.
  5. ROTATION-HARD-XZ: rotation parmaeter range for hard difficulty (in degrees) for x and z axes. Given as list of bounds. Lower and upper bounds are limited to -180, 180.
  6. ROTATION-EASY-Y: rotation parmaeter range for easy difficulty (in degrees) for y ax. Given as list of bounds.
  7. ROTATION-MEDIUM-Y: rotation parmaeter range for medium difficulty (in degrees) for y ax. Given as list of bounds.
  8. ROTATION-HARD-Y: rotation parmaeter range for hard difficulty (in degrees) for y ax. Given as list of bounds. Lower and upper bounds are limited to -90, 90.
  9. TRANSLATION-EASY: translation parameter range for easy difficulty (in meters) given as list of bounds
  10. TRANSLATION-MEDIUM: translation parameter range for medium difficulty (in meters) given as list of bounds
  11. TRANSLATION-HARD: translation parameter range for hard difficulty (in meters) given as list of bounds. Lower bound is limited to 0.
  12. OVERLAP-EASY: overlap parameter range for easy difficulty (in percentage) given as list of bounds
  13. OVERLAP-MEDIUM: overlap parameter range for medium difficulty (in percentage) given as list of bounds
  14. OVERLAP-HARD: overlap parameter range for hard difficulty (in percentage) given as list of bounds. Lower and upper bounds are limited to 0, 100.

This creates 9 benchmarks: for each parameter (rotation, translation and overlap) 3 difficulty levels, which are saved in: {SAVE-TO}/FP-{R,T,E}-{E,M,H}.

📝 Notes

Differences from our previous work

This work is a continuation of our previous work greedy-grid-search, where the main difference is the computation of the rotation subsampling and the translation estimation, which provide much better results; along with some minor adjustments. The main difference from the previous benchmark FAUST-partial is that we propose a general methodology to create a new benchmark from a point cloud dataset that provides more insights into the 3D registration evaluation. Please read the accompanying papers for more details.

Rotation options

The different tested rotations from Table 8 (see paper) are listed below with the corresponding row from the table

# from Table 8 Name N Description
#Ref AA_ICO162_S10 3536 Our angle axis sampling from the icosahaedron with 162 vertices and angle step 10
#10 EULER-S=15-DUPLICATES 6363 Euler angles (from -180, 180) with angle step 15 with removed duplicate rotations
#11 EULER-S=15-LIMITED-DUPLICATES 1886 Euler angles (from -90, 90) with angle step 15 with removed duplicate rotations
#12 EULER-S=10-LIMITED-DUPLICATES 6177 Euler angles (from -90, 90) with angle step 10 with removed duplicate rotations
#13 HEALPIX 4608 Healpix sampling from Implicit-PDF paper [4]
#14 SUPER-FIBONACCI 3536 Super-fibonacci sampling from [5]
#15 AA_ICO42_S15 281 Our angle axis sampling from the icosahaedron with 42 vertices and angle step 15
#16 AA_ICO42_S10 913 Our angle axis sampling from the icosahaedron with 42 vertices and angle step 10
#17 AA_ICO162_S15 2289 Our angle axis sampling from the icosahaedron with 162 vertices and angle step 15
#18 AA_ICO162_S24_positive 4531 Our angle axis sampling from the icosahaedron with 162 vertices (only from the one hemisphere) and angle step 24
#19 AA_ICO642_S30 4368 Our angle axis sampling from the icosahaedron with 642 points and angle step 30

Subsampling options

We provide the subsampling indices here.


If you use our work, please reference our paper:

  title = {Addressing the generalization of 3D registration methods with a featureless baseline and an unbiased benchmark},
  volume = {35},
  ISSN = {1432-1769},
  url = {},
  DOI = {10.1007/s00138-024-01510-w},
  number = {3},
  journal = {Machine Vision and Applications},
  publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
  author = {Bojanić,  David and Bartol,  Kristijan and Forest,  Josep and Petković,  Tomislav and Pribanić,  Tomislav},
  year = {2024},
  month = mar 


[2] Perfect Match
[3] GeoTransformer
[4] Implicit-PDF
[5] Super-fibonacci


We reuse parts of the fft-conv-pytorch repository for computing the cross-correlation on the GPU.