- server
- app
Module containing functions about Factom server identities.
Main class to read and write Factom identities.
Object? Options of connection to factomd and factom-walletd.opts.factomd
Object? Options of connection to factomd. See https://factomjs.luciap.ca/#connectionoptions.opts.walletd
Object? Options of connection to factom-walletd. See https://factomjs.luciap.ca/#connectionoptions.
const manager = new FactomServerIdentityManager({
factomd: {
host: 'api.factomd.net',
port: 443,
protocol: 'https'
walletd: {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'paul',
password: 'pass'
Add a coinbase cancel message to a server identity.
string Identity Root Chain Id.descriptorHeight
number Coinbase descriptor block height.descriptorIndex
number Coinbase descriptor index.sk1
string Server identity Secret Key 1.ecAddress
string Entry Credit address paying for the entry.
Returns {txId: string, repeatedCommit: boolean, chainId: string, entryHash: string} Info about the Entry insertion.
Get a server identity information.
string Identity Root Chain Id.
Returns {rootChainId: string, serverManagementSubchainId: string, coinbaseAddress: string, efficiency: number, identityKeys: Array<string>}
Get a server identity information history.
string Identity Root Chain Id.
Returns {rootChainId: string, serverManagementSubchainId: string, coinbaseAddressHistory: Array<Object>, efficiencyHistory: Array<Object>, identityKeys: Array<string>}
Update the coinbase address of a server identity.
string Identity Root Chain Id.fctAddress
string Public Factoid address to set as coinbase address.sk1
string Server identity Secret Key 1.ecAddress
string Entry Credit address paying for the entry.
Returns {txId: string, repeatedCommit: boolean, chainId: string, entryHash: string} Info about the Entry insertion.
Update the efficiency of a server identity.
string Identity Root Chain Id.efficiency
number Efficiency between 0 and 100.sk1
string Server identity Secret Key 1.ecAddress
string Entry Credit address paying for the entry.
Returns {txId: string, repeatedCommit: boolean, chainId: string, entryHash: string} Info about the Entry insertion.
Generate Entry object to update a server identity coinbase address.
string Identity Root Chain Id.fctAddress
string Public Factoid address to set as the new coinbase address.sk1
string Server identity Secret Key 1.
string Identity Root Chain Id.serverManagementSubchainId
string Server Management Subchain Id.height
number Block height of the coinbase descriptor to cancel.index
number Index of the coinbase descriptor to cancel.sk1
string Server identity Secret Key 1.
Generate Entry object to update a server identity efficiency.
string Identity Root Chain Id.serverManagementSubchainId
string Server Management Subchain Id.efficiency
number Efficiency between 0 and 100.sk1
string Server identity Secret Key 1.
Returns {chainId: Buffer, extIds: Array<Buffer>, content: Buffer}
Module containing functions about Factom identities for applications.
Main class to read and write Factom identities.
Object? Configs of connection to factomd and factom-walletd.daemonsConfig.factomd
Object? Configs of connection to factomd. See https://factomjs.luciap.ca/#connectionoptions.daemonsConfig.walletd
Object? Configs of connection to factom-walletd. See https://factomjs.luciap.ca/#connectionoptions.
Object? Options.
const manager = new FactomIdentityManager({
factomd: {
host: 'api.factomd.net',
port: 443,
protocol: 'https'
walletd: {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'paul',
password: 'pass'
Create a new identity on-chain.
Array<string> Array of strings used as the "name" of the identity.keys
(Array<string> | number) Either an array of public identity keys or a number. If a number is provided the library generate new random keys (the secret keys are part of the returned object).ecAddress
string Entry Credit address paying for the entry. If a public EC address is provided the library attempts to retrieve the secret part from the configured walletd instance.
Returns Array<{identityKeys: {public: string, secret: string}, txId: string, repeatedCommit: boolean, chainId: string, entryHash: string}> Info about the Chain creation together with the list of identity keys associated with the new identity.
Get all the active public identity keys of an identity at a given blockchain height. If no block height is specified, check for the latest block height.
string Identity chain id.blockHeight
number? Specific blockchain height. If not provided check for the latest block.
Returns Array<string> Array of public identity keys active for the identity.
Retrieve the identity "name" that was set at the creation of the identity chain.
string Identity chain id.
Returns Array<Buffer> Array of Buffer representing the name of the identity.
Check if an identity key is (was) active for an identity at a given blockchain height. If no block height is specified, check for the latest block height.
string Identity chain id.idKey
string Public or private identity key.blockHeight
number? Specific blockchain height. If not provided check for the latest block.
Returns boolean True if the identity key is active for the identity.
Replace an identity key by another on-chain.
string Identity chain id.keys
string Entry Credit address paying for the entry. If a public EC address is provided the library attempts to retrieve the secret part from the configured walletd instance.
Returns {txId: string, repeatedCommit: boolean, chainId: string, entryHash: string} Info about the Entry insertion.
Extract the ed25519 cryptographic material encapsulated in the identity key.
string Public or secret identity key.
Returns Buffer Either the ed25519 32-byte public key or the 32-byte secret seed.
Helper class to user factom-walletd as a key store.
Object? Options of connection to factom-walletd. See https://factomjs.luciap.ca/#connectionoptions.
const store = new FactomWalletdKeyStore({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'paul',
password: 'pass'
Generates a new identity key from the wallet seed and stores it into walletd. New keys are generated from the same mnemonic seed used for FCT and EC addresses.
number Number of identity keys to generate. (optional, default1
Returns {public: string, secret: string}
Get all identity keys stored in walletd.
Returns Array<{public: string, secret: string}>
Fetch corresponding identity key from the wallet if necessary.
string Identity key.
Returns string Corresponsing secret identity key.
Import keys in walletd.
Returns Array<{public: string, secret: string}>
Remove from walletd some identity keys.
Generate a random identity key pair.
Returns {public: string, secret: string} Random identity key pair.
Get the public identity key corresponding to the input identity key.
string Secret (or public) identity key.
Returns string Corresponding public identity key.
Check if an identity key is well formed.
string Public or secret identity key.
Returns boolean True if the identity key is valid.
Check if a public identity key is well formed.
string Public identity key.
Returns boolean True if the public identity key is valid.
Check if a secret identity key is well formed.
string Public identity key.
Returns boolean True if the secret identity key is valid.
Convert a 32-byte key to a public identity key.
Returns string Public identity key.
Convert a 32-byte seed to a secret identity key.
Returns string Secret identity key.