These instructions use PhoneGap to generate a default PhoneGap app, modify it to read NFC tags and build using PhoneGap Build.
The PhoneGap Command Line Interface phonegap-cli can be used to create, build and run multi-platform PhoneGap projects. PhoneGap CLI requires node.js.
$ npm install phonegap -g
$ cd ~
$ phonegap create nfc com.example.nfc NFC
Change to the project directory
$ cd nfc
Edit config.xml
and add a line to install the plugin
<gap:plugin name="phonegap-nfc" source="npm" />
Edit index.js
and modify onDeviceReady with the following code
onDeviceReady: function() {
// Read NDEF formatted NFC Tags
nfc.addNdefListener (
function (nfcEvent) {
var tag = nfcEvent.tag,
ndefMessage = tag.ndefMessage;
// dump the raw json of the message
// note: real code will need to decode
// the payload from each record
// assuming the first record in the message has
// a payload that can be converted to a string.
function () { // success callback
alert("Waiting for NDEF tag");
function (error) { // error callback
alert("Error adding NDEF listener " + JSON.stringify(error));
$ phonegap remote build android
Log into with your phone.
Download and install the app.
Run the app.
Scan an NDEF tag with your phone. If you need to put data on a tag, try writing a plain text message to a tag with NXP Tag Writer.