- Add support for using lua for custom machines
- Port to the WiiU when this project is more complete
- Implement support for using a custom scripting language
- Rewrite libraries in pure lua where possible and makes sense instead of C
- Rewrite bitmap display to use a texture for rendering instead of glDrawpixel (1, 3, 4 and 5 have been done for sometime now)
- Add premake support
- Add SDL2 rendering support
- Commit working DevDisplay
- Readd OpenGL support into the DevDisplay
- Implement various display modes (Text mode(s),Bitmap mode(s) at varrying color depths and resolutions and Tile mode(s)
- Fix the Release config (Add C includes and libraries as well the library path for said libraries
- Implement shader complication and linking into the DevScreen
- Decouple main loop from the DevScreen
- Add text attribute registers to the DevScreen registers
- Add text FG and BG color to DevScreen
- Change Videomode check from a if statement to a switch case
- Add bank switching support to VRAM and TilesGFX RAM
- Add total number of tiles register to DevScreen or Number of tiles to indicate how many SDL Rects to allocate