E-Wall backend is a Spring Boot application. We use Gradle to build the archive
To launch the webapp you can use ../gradlew bootRun
If you want to know the API go to this URL
To generate the QRCode we use the OSS library provided by Google https://github.com/zxing/zxing
If you want to install this project, you can clone this repository and used a terminal to launch
./gradlew clean build
When the project is build see how to install database here
The build task creates a jar archive in the directory server/build/libs
. This jar is named server.jar
You can see all the app parameters in the file server/src/main/resources/application.yml. You can override all the values in a file put in a directory named conf
. This directory has to be in the same directory that the server.jar
used when you launch the app
If you don't like file you can specify theses parameters like args when you execute the jar
For example
java -jar server.jar --server.port=8090