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Week 5 — DynamoDB and Serverless Caching

Regarding the design pattern create during the Data Modelling Live Stream, we will be implementing 4 pattern :

  • Pattern A : Listing Messages in Message Group into Application
  • Pattern B : Listing Messages Group into Application
  • Pattern C : Creating a Message for an existing Message Group into Application
  • Pattern D : Creating a Message for a new Message Group into Application
  • Pattern E : Updating a Message Group using DynamoDB Streams

-- The order of implementation doesnt matter --

DynamoDb Utility Scrips

Don't forget to uncomment the DynamoDB service we comment before on week 1 :3

Implement Schema Load Script

Install the AWS SDK for Python


pip install -r requirements.txt

Refractor the structure of bin folder : Create 3 new folder :

  • db : Local Script
  • ddb : DynamoDB stuff
  • rds : RDS stuff

To give execute permission on script files inside a folder :

chmod u+x ./bin/ddb/* chmod u+x ./bin/db/* chmod u+x ./bin/rds/*

Dont forget to chmod all files newli created

We will use DynamoDB in local using the SDK :

  • Create an exec python file in ./ddb/db-schema-load. This script will be useful for setting up the infrastructure needed to store messages in a DynamoDB table

This Python script will creates a new DynamoDB table called 'cruddur-messages' using the boto3 library. The table is configured with a primary key and a global secondary index.

Explanation of the script :

  • Import the necessary libraries: boto3 for interacting with AWS
  • Define the attrs dictionary with the endpoint URL for a local DynamoDB instance.
  • Create a DynamoDB client by passing the attrs dictionary as keyword arguments using the **attrs syntax.
  • Define the table name as 'cruddur-messages'.
  • Create the table with a primary key schema: 'pk' as hash key and 'sk' as range key.

If we lauch the script, it will output the tables :


We are going to liste all the tables using official documentation

  • The drop script will reused the same configuration as the last one. we're just passing delete-table argument to do so.

Implement Seed Script

This Python script will be used to interact with Amazon DynamoDB to create and store a conversation between two users in a messaging system. The conversation consists of messages and message groups.

The seed script is a necessary tool for populating tables with data, which is essential for working with the tables effectively.

These 3 lines will dynamically determine and include the parent directory of the script in the Python path, allowing the script to import modules from that directory.

current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
parent_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_path, '..', '..'))

Define the get_user_uuids function, which retrieves the UUIDs, display names, and handles for two users (andrewbrown and bayko) from the users table in the database.

These 2 fields are madatory because it will relly on our seed.sql data

So we need to have them inserted and running :

  • ./bin/db/create
  • ./bin/db/schema-load
  • ./bin/db/seed

ERROR: null value in column "email" of relation "users" violates not-null constraint means that we need to update our seed.sql to have new column like so :

public.users (display_name, email,...)
VALUES ('andrewB','[email protected]',...)  
  • Define the create_message_group function, which takes several parameters and creates a new message group record in the 'cruddur-messages' DynamoDB table.
def create_message_group(client,message_group_uuid, my_user_uuid, last_message_at=None, message=None, other_user_uuid=None, other_user_display_name=None, other_user_handle=None):
  table_name = 'cruddur-messages'
  record = {
    'pk':   {'S': f"GRP#{my_user_uuid}"},
    'sk':   {'S': last_message_at},
    'message_group_uuid': {'S': message_group_uuid},
    'message':  {'S': message},
    'user_uuid': {'S': other_user_uuid},
    'user_display_name': {'S': other_user_display_name},
    'user_handle': {'S': other_user_handle}
  • Define the create_message function, which takes several parameters and creates a new message record in the 'cruddur-messages' DynamoDB table.
def create_message(client,message_group_uuid, created_at, message, my_user_uuid, my_user_display_name, my_user_handle):
  table_name = 'cruddur-messages'
  record = {
    'pk':   {'S': f"MSG#{message_group_uuid}"},
    'sk':   {'S': created_at },
    'message_uuid': { 'S': str(uuid.uuid4()) },
    'message': {'S': message},
    'user_uuid': {'S': my_user_uuid},
    'user_display_name': {'S': my_user_display_name},
    'user_handle': {'S': my_user_handle}
  • The string named conversation will containing the conversation text between Person 1 and Person 2.

The data is returning correctly


-> ./bin/ddb/schema-load -> ./bin/ddb/list-tables -> ./bin/ddb/seed

Implement Scan Script

The scan script will connects to a local instance of Amazon DynamoDB, scans the 'cruddur-messages' table to retrieve all items, and then prints each item to the console.

It uses the boto3 library to interact with Amazon DynamoDB and retrieves all items from the 'cruddur-messages' table.


Implement Pattern Scripts for Read and List Conversations

Create new folder pattern which will store de our pattern We will have :

The list-conversation wil return : AttributeError: 'Db' object has no attribute 'query_value' because the function is not existing ! So we had to add it in file :

 def query_value(self,sql,params={}):
    with self.pool.connection() as conn:
      with conn.cursor() as cur:
        json = cur.fetchone()
        return json[0]

It will return value from the query

Futhermore, add params={} parameters to print the SQL request into print_sql function

image -> List-conv

Query to retrieve items

On get-conversation, we can see the use of KeyExpressionsValue attribute like so :

'KeyConditionExpression': 'pk = :pk AND begins_with(sk,:year)'

it's used to retrieve items from a DynamoDB table based on the KeyConditionExpression. Then, the expression will be based on the ExpressionAttributeValues query like so :

This code is configuring a DynamoDB query to retrieve items with a specific primary key (pk) and a sort key (sk) that begins with the specified year ('2023').

'ExpressionAttributeValues': {
    ':year': {'S': '2023'},
    ':pk': {'S': f"MSG#{message_group_uuid}"}

The get conversation will return 2 statements : Firstly the dict of data image Then, the actual values image

Implement Conversations with DynamoDB

In this section, i'am going to cover the implementaton of the utility script with the backend and frontend of our application

Implement Update Cognito ID Script for Postgres Database

  • Create inside lib folder to have an object like for RDS, except that this one is using initialisation by using constructor

  • Populate our actual user_id in seed.sql file to dynamycally retrieve the value of the user : Todo so we are going to create a new cognito folder in bin directory with a list-users script.

Using the AWS CLI, we are going to list user of the user pool

chmod u+x ./bin/cognito/*


add this new script into the setup one : source "$bin_path/update_cognito_user_ids"

This will dynamically populate our seed data into handle and dub field


Implement (Pattern A) Listing Messages in Message Group into Application

  • Update to implement dynamiccaly the value we pass in

  • Create new sql file name uuid_from_cognito_user_id.sql :

  users.cognito_user_id = %(cognito_user_id) s

No token provided : We are not passing our access token into our react-front end app

  • We need to pass the actual access token into MessageGroupPage.js :
headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem("access_token")}`
        method: "GET"
  • And in MessageForm.js
  headers: {
          'Authorization': `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem("access_token")}`,
          'Accept': 'application/json',
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'

Implement (Pattern B) Listing Messages Group into Application

Implement (Pattern C) Creating a Message for an existing Message Group into Application

Implement (Pattern D) Creating a Message for a new Message Group into Application

Implement (Pattern E) Updating a Message Group using DynamoDB Streams