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diff --git a/concepts/05 UI Components/Chat/13 Markdown Support.md b/concepts/05 UI Components/Chat/13 Markdown Support.md
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+You often need to convert Chat messages from Markdown to HTML since Chat supports HTML. This is useful when using OpenAI or supporting Markdown in user inputs.
+To support Markdown, use a third-party library for conversion. The [unified](https://unifiedjs.com/explore/package/unified/) + [remark](https://unifiedjs.com/explore/package/remark/) + [rehype](https://unifiedjs.com/explore/package/rehype/) stack is a good option, as shown in our AI integration demo:
+#include btn-open-demo with {
+ href: "https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/Chat/AIAndChatbotIntegration/"
+This powerful stack supports various extensions and allows control over different conversion stages. For a simpler, lightweight solution, you can use libraries such as [micromark](https://github.com/micromark/micromark).
+Regardless of the library choice, convert the message text within the [messageTemplate](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#messageTemplate) property:
+##### jQuery
+ $(() => {
+ const chat = $("#chat")
+ .dxChat({
+ onMessageEntered: ({ component, message }) => {
+ component.renderMessage(message);
+ },
+ messageTemplate: (e, element) => {
+ const htmlText = $(micromark(e.message.text)).html();
+ $("").html(htmlText).appendTo(element);
+ }
+ })
+ .dxChat("instance");
+ });
+##### Angular
+ import { DxChatTypes } from "devextreme-angular/ui/chat";
+ import { micromark } from 'micromark';
+ // ...
+ export class AppComponent {
+ messages: DxChatTypes.Message[] = [];
+ onMessageEntered(e: DxChatTypes.MessageEnteredEvent) {
+ if (e.message) {
+ this.messages = [...this.messages, e.message];
+ }
+ }
+ convertToHtml(text: string) {
+ let html = micromark(text);
+ return html.replace(/^
/, '').replace(/<\/p>$/, '');
+ }
+ }
+##### Vue
+##### React
+ import { Chat } from 'devextreme-react';
+ import { ChatTypes } from 'devextreme-react/cjs/chat';
+ import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css'
+ import { useCallback, useState } from 'react';
+ import HTMLReactParser from 'html-react-parser';
+ import { micromark } from 'micromark';
+ const convertToHtml = (text: string) => {
+ let html = micromark(text);
+ return html.replace(/^
/, '').replace(/<\/p>$/, '');
+ }
+ const messageRender = (data: ChatTypes.MessageTemplateData) => {
+ return (HTMLReactParser(convertToHtml(data.message!.text!)));
+ }
+ export default function App() {
+ const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
+ const onMessageEntered = useCallback((e: ChatTypes.MessageEnteredEvent) => {
+ setMessages((prevMessages) => [...prevMessages, e.message!]);
+ }, []);
+ return(
+ );
+ }
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