- See README for the list of the currently supported Python / Django versions (master / development version), or the
for the specific release. - Django template language is supported via including Jinja2 templates from DTL templates. Pure Jinja2 projects are supported as well.
Inside virtualenv of your Django project, install django-jinja-knockout:
python3 -m pip install django-jinja-knockout
To install latest master from repository:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-jinja-knockout.git
To install specific tag:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/[email protected]
One may use existing example of settings.py as the base to develop your own settings.py
list is the subset of INSTALLED_APPS list that defines project applications which views will be
processed by built-in ContextMiddleware class process_view()
method via checking the result of
To apply django-jinja-knockout ContextMiddleware to the views of project apps, define DJK_APPS
list with the
list of Django project's own applications like that:
It increases the compatibility with external apps which views do not require to be processed by django-jinja-knockout ContextMiddleware.
(if there is any) and django_jinja_knockout
to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py
import django_deno
# django_deno is an optional Javascript module bundler, not required to run in modern browsers
except ImportError:
# Order of installed apps is important for Django Template loader to find 'djk_sample/templates/base.html'
# before original allauth 'base.html' is found, when allauth DTL templates are used instead of built-in
# 'django_jinja_knockout._allauth' Jinja2 templates, thus DJK_APPS are included before 'allauth'.
# For the same reason, djk_ui app is included before django_jinja_knockout, to make it possible to override
# any of django_jinja_knockout template / macro.
# 'sites' is required by allauth
] + DJK_APPS + [
# Required for socialaccount template tag library despite we do not use social login
djk_ui app provides pluggable support for Bootstrap 3 / Bootstrap 4.
django_deno may be included to OPTIONAL_APPS
to provide es6 modules / terser / SystemJS support via
deno rollup. See sample project settings.py for the example of actual django_deno configuration.
See :ref:`clientside_es6_module_loader` for more info.
django-allauth support is not mandatory but optional; just remove the following apps from INSTALLED_APPS in case you do not need it:
# The Django sites framework is required for 'allauth'
Built-in allauth DTL templates are supported without any modification. In such case the next module may be removed from the list of INSTALLED_APPS as well:
- It is possible to extend django-jinja-knockout ContextMiddleware to add new functionality. See djk_sample.ContextMiddleware code for example.
apps.DjkAppConfig class has .get_context_middleware() method which should be invoked to get extended middleware
class to be used by django-jinja-knockout code and across the project. In case one's project has a middleware extended
from django-jinja-knockout middleware, one should specify it import string as DJK_MIDDLEWARE
variable value in
like that:
DJK_MIDDLEWARE = 'djk_sample.middleware.ContextMiddleware'
This optional setting allows to specify maximal allowed file size to upload with AjaxForm class:
FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS = ("django.core.files.uploadhandler.TemporaryFileUploadHandler",)
FILE_MAX_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024
This optional setting allows to override default Bootstrap grid layout classes for bs_form() and
bs_inline_formsets() Jinja2 macros used to display ModelForm
and inline formsets in the django-jinja-knockout
code. The default value is specified in djk_ui
app conf
module, but can be overridden in settings.py:
'': {
'label': 'col-md-4',
'field': 'col-md-6',
'display': {
'label': 'w-30 table-light',
'field': 'w-100 table-default',
Allows to specify default limit for Django paginated querysets for ListSortingView
/ KoGridView
(see views
# Pagination settings.
Optional boolean value (by default is False
). When True
, ContextMiddleware class process_request()
will autodetect Django timezone from current browser session timezone.
Since version 0.7.0 it's possible to setup Javascript logger which would either display Javascript errors in Bootstrap dialog, or will report these via email to site admins whose emails are specified by settings.ADMINS:
ADMINS = [('John Smith', '[email protected]'),]
# Javascript error will display Bootstrap dialog.
# Javascript error will be reported via ADMINS emails.
Add django_jinja_knockout TemplateContextProcessor to settings.py:
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
"BACKEND": "django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2",
"APP_DIRS": True,
'environment': 'django_jinja_knockout.jinja2.environment',
'context_processors': [
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': [],
'APP_DIRS': True,
'context_processors': [
# Next line is required only if project uses Django templates (DTL).
If you want to use built-in server-side to client-side global route mapping, use DJK_CLIENT_ROUTES
# List of global client routes that will be injected into every view (globally).
# This is a good idea if some client-side route is frequently used by most of views.
# Alternatively one can specify client route url names per view (see the documentation).
# Second element of each tuple defines whether the client-side route should be available to anonymous users.
('user_change', True),
('equipment_grid', True),
Context processor makes possible to specify client-side routes per view:
from django_jinja_knockout.views import page_context_decorator
def my_view(request):
return TemplateResponse(request, 'template.htm', {'data': 12})
and per class-based view:
from django_jinja_knockout.views import PageContextMixin
class MyView(PageContextMixin)
client_routes = {
for urls.py
like this:
from django_jinja_knockout.urls import UrlPath
from my_blog.views import feed_view
# ...
re_path(r'^blog-(?P<blog_id>\d+)/$', feed_view, name='blog_feed',
kwargs={'ajax': True, 'permission_required': 'my_blog.add_feed'}),
kwargs={'view_title': 'My Sample Grid'}
to make the resolved url available in client-side scripts.
In such case defining DJK_CLIENT_ROUTES is not necessary, however one has to specify required client-side url names in every view which includes Javascript template that accesses these url names (for example foreign key widgets of datatables require resolved url names of their view classes).
The current url generated for 'blog_feed'
url name will be available at client-side Javascript as:
import { Url } from '../../djk/js/url.js';
Url('blog_feed', {'blog_id': 1});
One will be able to call Django view via AJAX request in your Javascript code like this:
import { AppGet, AppPost } from '../../djk/js/url.js';
AppPost('blog_feed', {'postvar1': 1, 'postvar2': 2}, {
kwargs: {'blog_id': 1}
AppGet('blog_feed', {'getvar1': 1}, {
kwargs: {'blog_id': 1}
where the AJAX response will be treated as the list of viewmodels and will be automatically routed by url.js to
appropriate viewmodel handler. Django exceptions and AJAX errors are handled gracefully, displayed in
window by default.
Extending context processor is useful when templates should receive additional context data by default:
from django_jinja_knockout.context_processors import TemplateContextProcessor as BaseContextProcessor
from my_project.tpl import format_currency, static_hash
class TemplateContextProcessor(BaseContextProcessor):
def get_context_data(self):
context_data = super().get_context_data()
# Add two custom function to template context.
'format_currency': format_currency,
'static_hash': static_hash,
return context_data
- See djk_sample.TemplateContextProcessor source code for the trivial example of extending django-jinja-knockout TemplateContextProcessor.
DJK_PAGE_CONTEXT_CLS setting allows to override default PageContext class:
DJK_PAGE_CONTEXT_CLS = 'djk_sample.context_processors.PageContext'
That makes possible to add custom client configuration to page_context instance:
from django.conf import settings
from django_jinja_knockout.context_processors import PageContext as BasePageContext
class PageContext(BasePageContext):
def get_client_conf(self):
client_conf = super().get_client_conf()
# v2.1.0 - enable built-in custom tags (by default is off)
'compatTransformTags': True,
'email_host': settings.EMAIL_HOST,
'userName': '' if self.request.user.id == 0 else self.request.user.username,
return client_conf
which will be available in Javascript as:
import { AppConf } from '../../djk/js/conf.js';
// used by djk_ui ui.js
Note that client conf is added globally, while the client data are added per view:
from django_jinja_knockout.views import create_page_context
def my_view(request, **kwargs):
page_context = create_page_context(request=request)
page_context.update_client_data({'isVerifiedUser': True})
to be queried later in Javascript:
import { AppClientData } from '../../djk/js/conf.js';
Key functionality of django-jinja-knockout
middleware is:
- Setting current Django timezone via browser current timezone.
- Getting current request in non-view functions and methods where Django provides no instance of request available.
- Checking
applications views for the permissions defined as values of kwargs argument keys in urls.pyre_path()
'allow_anonymous' key
when view is allowed to anonymous user (False
by default).'allow_inactive' key
when view is allowed to inactive user (False
by default).'permission_required' key
- value is the name of Django app / model permission string required for this view to be called.
All of the keys are optional but some have restricted default values.
Install django_jinja_knockout.middleware
into settings.py:
Then to use it in a project:
from django_jinja_knockout.middleware import ContextMiddleware
For example to get current request in non-view functions and methods, one may use:
and to get current request user:
- Do not forget that request is mocked when running in console, for example in management jobs. It is possible to override the middleware class for custom mocking.
It's possible to extend built-in ContextMiddleware. In such case DJK_MIDDLEWARE string in settings.py should contain full name of the extended class. See djk_sample.ContextMiddleware for the example of extending middleware to enable logging of Django models performed actions via content types framework.
The example of urls.py for Jinja2 _allauth
# More pretty-looking but possibly not compatible with arbitrary allauth version:
re_path(r'^accounts/', include('django_jinja_knockout._allauth.urls')),
The example of urls.py for DTL allauth
# Standard allauth DTL templates working together with Jinja2 templates via {% load jinja %}
re_path(r'^accounts/', include('allauth.urls')),
Note that accounts
urls are not processed by the default DJK_MIDDLEWARE thus do not require is_anonymous
kwargs keys to be defined.
The example of DJK_MIDDLEWARE view urls.py with the view title value and with permission checking (anonymous / inactive users are not allowed by default):
from django_jinja_knockout.urls import UrlPath
'view_title': 'Grid with the available equipment',
'permission_required': 'club_app.change_manufacturer'
If your project base template uses Jinja2
templating language, there are the following possibilities:
- Extend your
template from jinja2/base_min.htm (bs3) / jinja2/base_min.htm (bs4) template. - Include styles from jinja2/base_head.htm and scripts from jinja2/base_bottom_scripts.htm. These are required to run client-side scripts like app.js and grid.js.
If your project base template uses Django Template Language (DTL
), there are the following possibilities:
Extend your
template from templates/base_min.html (bs3) / templates/base_min.html (bs4) template.To ensure that page_context is always available in DTL template:
{% load page_context %} {% init_page_context %}
Include styles from jinja2/base_head.htm and scripts from jinja2/base_bottom_scripts.htm via
{% load jinja %}
template tag library to yourDTL
template:{% load jinja %} {% jinja 'base_head.htm' %} {% if messages %} {% jinja 'base_messages.htm' %} {% endif %} {% jinja 'base_bottom_scripts.htm' %}
Do not forget that Jinja2 does not support extending included templates.
Template engines can be mixed with inclusion of Jinja2 templates from DTL templates like this:
{% jinja 'bs_navs.htm' with _render_=1 navs=main_navs %}
{% jinja 'bs_inline_formsets.htm' with _render_=1 related_form=form formsets=formsets action=view.get_form_action_url opts=view.get_bs_form_opts %}
{% jinja 'bs_list.htm' with _render_=1 view=view object_list=object_list is_paginated=is_paginated page_obj=page_obj %}
{% jinja 'ko_grid.htm' with _render_=1 grid_options=club_grid_options %}
{% jinja 'ko_grid_body.htm' with _render_=1 %}
See club_app/templates for full-size examples of including Jinja2 templates from DTL templates.