A simple example of an Android app with a custom implementation of View themes.
This example doesn't contain xml layouts and Jetpack Compose library, only descendants of different View classes (ImageView, TextView, e.t.c).
Let's check the CoreButton code for example:
class CoreButton @JvmOverloads constructor(
ctx: Context,
private val shape: ShapeAttribute = ShapeAttribute.Small,
private val backgroundColor: ColorAttribute = ColorAttribute.PrimaryColor,
private val disabledBackgroundColor: ColorAttribute = ColorAttribute.DisabledBackgroundColor,
private val rippleColor: ColorAttribute = ColorAttribute.PrimaryDarkColor,
disabledTextColor: ColorAttribute = ColorAttribute.DisabledTextColor,
textColor: ColorAttribute = ColorAttribute.ColorOnPrimary,
typeface: TypefaceAttribute = TypefaceAttribute.Caption1
) : CoreTextView(ctx, textColor = textColor, disabledTextColor = disabledTextColor, typeface = typeface) {
init {
isClickable = true
isFocusable = true
gravity = Gravity.CENTER
padding(horizontal = context.dp(8), vertical = context.dp(12))
override fun onAttachedToWindow() {
override fun onDetachedFromWindow() {
override fun onThemeChanged(theme: CoreTheme) {
val contentDrawable = theme.shapes[shape].drawable(context)
val disabledContentDrawable = theme.shapes[shape].drawable(context)
val stateListDrawable = StateListDrawable()
stateListDrawable.addState(intArrayOf(android.R.attr.state_enabled), contentDrawable)
stateListDrawable.addState(intArrayOf(-android.R.attr.state_enabled), disabledContentDrawable)
val color = ColorStateList.valueOf(theme.colors[rippleColor])
background = RippleDrawable(color, stateListDrawable, null)
override fun onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event: AccessibilityEvent?) {
event?.className = Button::class.java.name
override fun onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(info: AccessibilityNodeInfo?) {
info?.className = Button::class.java.name
override fun getAccessibilityClassName(): CharSequence {
return Button::class.java.name
override fun onResolvePointerIcon(event: MotionEvent?, pointerIndex: Int): PointerIcon {
if (pointerIcon == null && isClickable && isEnabled) {
return PointerIcon.getSystemIcon(context, PointerIcon.TYPE_HAND)
return super.onResolvePointerIcon(event, pointerIndex)
As you can see the onAttachedToWindow
method subscribes to the theme changes and receive parameters such as color by attributes. A similar principle is implemented in the Telegram app
Also a little logic was added for Accessibility since the CoreButton doesn't inherit from the AppCompatButton.
is a base class that contains subscriptions and notifies Views when the theme changes:
class CoreThemeManager(private val assetManager: AssetManager) {
private val listeners = mutableListOf<(CoreTheme) -> Unit>()
private var currentTheme = CoreTheme.LIGHT
val selected_theme: CoreTheme
get() = currentTheme
fun listenForThemeChanges(listener: (CoreTheme) -> Unit) {
fun doNotListenForThemeChanges(listener: (CoreTheme) -> Unit) {
fun toggleTheme() {
currentTheme = if (currentTheme == CoreTheme.LIGHT) CoreTheme.DARK else CoreTheme.LIGHT
listeners.forEach { listener -> listener.invoke(currentTheme) }
The implementation of the theme is quite simple:
enum class CoreTheme(
val colors: Colors,
val typefaces: Typefaces = Typefaces(
title1 = "sf_pro_rounded_bold.ttf" to 23f,
caption1 = "sf_pro_rounded_medium.ttf" to 17f,
body1 = "sf_pro_rounded_regular.ttf" to 17f
val shapes: Shapes = Shapes(
small = ShapeDrawableStrategy.Rounded(8f, 8f, 8f, 8f)
) {
colors = Colors(
primaryColor = CoreColors.greenMedium,
primaryDarkColor = CoreColors.greenDark,
primaryBackgroundColor = CoreColors.white,
primaryTextColor = CoreColors.black,
colorOnPrimary = CoreColors.white,
disabledTextColor = CoreColors.grayMedium,
disabledBackgroundColor = CoreColors.grayLight
colors = Colors(
primaryColor = CoreColors.greenMedium,
primaryDarkColor = CoreColors.greenDark,
primaryBackgroundColor = CoreColors.black,
primaryTextColor = CoreColors.white,
colorOnPrimary = CoreColors.white,
disabledTextColor = CoreColors.grayLight,
disabledBackgroundColor = CoreColors.grayMedium
As you have already seen obtaining color in a View occurs as follows:
val backgroundColor = theme.colors[backgroundColor]
val disabledBackgroundColor = theme.colors[disabledBackgroundColor]
This trick is quite simple to implement:
class Colors(
private val primaryColor: Int,
private val primaryDarkColor: Int,
private val primaryBackgroundColor: Int,
private val primaryTextColor: Int,
private val colorOnPrimary: Int,
private val disabledTextColor: Int,
private val disabledBackgroundColor: Int
) {
operator fun get(attribute: ColorAttribute): Int {
return when(attribute) {
is ColorAttribute.PrimaryColor -> primaryColor
is ColorAttribute.PrimaryDarkColor -> primaryDarkColor
is ColorAttribute.PrimaryBackgroundColor -> primaryBackgroundColor
is ColorAttribute.PrimaryTextColor -> primaryTextColor
is ColorAttribute.ColorOnPrimary -> colorOnPrimary
is ColorAttribute.DisabledTextColor -> disabledTextColor
is ColorAttribute.DisabledBackgroundColor -> disabledBackgroundColor
is ColorAttribute.Transparent -> CoreColors.transparent
is ColorAttribute.HardcodedColor -> attribute.color
You can add as many attributes as you want.
I do not describe all my code since it is already clear and simple.
Study and share your knowledge with others!