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Tom Kralidis edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 3 revisions
  • How do I use the API to code a delayed replication?
  • How do I use the API to code a delayed replication?
  • What version of Tables B and D do I have? Where can I get the latest?
  • Can you make a Red Hat (Centos, Suse...) package?
  • Is there a preferred Linux distribution for libecbufr?
  • How can I download a tarball (tar.gz) of libecbufr?
  • How do I create a BUFR message with random values?
  • Is libecbufr thread-safe?
  • What development packages do I need to compile libECBUFR from source?
  • How do we contact the libECBUFR team?
  • Is there documentation for libECBUFR?
  • Running libECBUFR experimentally under Microsoft Windows (R)
  • How do I install libecbufr?
  • How do I get the BUFR decoding/encoding utilities to work?
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