diff --git a/tests/env/cpu_freq_check.py b/tests/env/cpu_freq_check.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90ce556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/env/cpu_freq_check.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Reframe test to check that CPU target environment variable is correctly set"""
+# Based on work from:
+#   Copyright 2016-2020 Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS/ETH Zurich)
+#   ReFrame Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
+#   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import reframe as rfm
+import reframe.utility.sanity as sn
+class CPUFreqTest(rfm.RunOnlyRegressionTest):
+    """Checks that CPU frequency is set to 2GHz by default"""
+    descr = "Checks whether SLURM_CPU_FREQ_REQ is set to 2GHz as default"
+    valid_systems = ["archer2:compute"]
+    valid_prog_environs = ["PrgEnv-cray", "PrgEnv-gnu", "PrgEnv-aocc"]
+    #sourcesdir = None
+    executable = "./freq_print.sh"
+    tags = {"production", "maintenance", "craype"}
+    freq = 2000000
+    @sanity_function
+    def assert_finished(self):
+        """Sanity check that CPU_CRAY_TARGET is set"""
+        return sn.assert_found(f"SLURM_CPU_FREQ_REQ={self.freq}", self.stdout)
+class CPUHighFreqTest(rfm.RunOnlyRegressionTest):
+    """Checks that CPU frequency is set to 2.25GHz by default"""
+    descr = "Checks whether SLURM_CPU_FREQ_REQ is set to 2GHz as default"
+    valid_systems = ["archer2:compute"]
+    valid_prog_environs = ["PrgEnv-cray", "PrgEnv-gnu", "PrgEnv-aocc"]
+    #sourcesdir = None
+    executable = "./freq_print.sh"
+    tags = {"production", "maintenance", "craype"}
+    freq = 2250000
+    @run_before('run')
+    def set_cpu_freq(self):
+        self.job.launcher.options = ['--cpu-freq=2250000']
+    @sanity_function
+    def assert_finished(self):
+        """Sanity check that CPU_CRAY_TARGET is set"""
+        return sn.assert_found(f"SLURM_CPU_FREQ_REQ={self.freq}", self.stdout)
diff --git a/tests/env/src/freq_print.sh b/tests/env/src/freq_print.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b56e829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/env/src/freq_print.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@