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110 lines (77 loc) · 4.39 KB

File metadata and controls

110 lines (77 loc) · 4.39 KB


  1. Client send requests to server as an URL-encoded JSON array, prefixed with OpenCEX_request_body=
  2. Void requests methods return null value
  3. Requests are sent to server in batch, which is executed in parallel
  4. Maximum batch size = 10 requests
  5. In case of error, server returns the first failing request
  6. If all requests succeed, server returns array of returned results
  7. Authentication is cookie-based
  8. Captcha-protected request method have an extra string captcha argument
  9. Arguments are passed as JSON dictionary, and the order doesn't matter
  10. Example request: [{"method": "login", "username": "example", "password": "12345", "captcha": "examplecaptchachallenge"}]
  11. Example success response: {"status": "success", "returns": ["an example returned string", 1]}
  12. Example error response: {"status": "error", "reason": "Unexpected internal server error (should not reach here)!"}
  13. Clients must use the POST request method
  14. Clients must pass Origin: header
  15. Clients can send requests to any URL they want
  16. and are the two servers clients can send requests to
  17. Server sends CORS headers to clients
  18. All SafeUint values are returned to clients as base-10 string
  19. Clients pass SafeUint values to server as base-10 or hexadecimal strings
  20. SafeUint values are arbitary-precision unsigned integers.

Protection levels

PAYABLE - this request method credits or debit customer funds

MARKET - this request method have an impact on the underlying market

AUTHENTICATED - this request method require authentication (e.g trading)

CAPTCHA - this request method requires captcha (e.g register)

PUBLIC - this request method requires no authentication (e.g bid-ask spread)

NODB - this request method does not perform database updates (e.g price checking)

COOKIES - this request method sends session cookies

Request methods

void get_test_tokens() AUTHENTICATED PAYABLE

Credits test shitcoins to the user's trading account (hidden on prod server)

void cancel_order(ulong target) AUTHENTICATED PAYABLE MARKET

Cancels an order with a given order id

void place_order(string primary, string secondary, SafeUint price, SafeUint amount, int fill_mode, bool buy) AUTHENTICATED PAYABLE MARKET

Places an order

primary, secondary

The base/quote part of the trading pair (e.g Dai/PolyEUBI)


The maximum buy price/minimum sell price


The amount of token to buy or sell


The order fill mode (0 - limit, 1 - immediate or cancel, 2 - fill or kill)


True for buy orders, false for sell orders

[SafeUint, SafeUint] bid_ask(string primary, string secondary) PUBLIC NODB

Gets the bid and ask prices for a trading pair

void deposit(string token) AUTHENTICATED PAYABLE

Tells OpenCEX.NET to check deposit address for deposited funds, and credit them to the customer's account if they are found.


The name of the token the user want to finalize

array([string, SafeUint]) balances() AUTHENTICATED NODB

Returns the user's balances

string client_name() AUTHENTICATED NODB

Returns the user's username

string eth_deposit_address() AUTHENTICATED NODB

Returns the deposit address for MintME, MATIC, and BNB

void login(string username, string password, bool renember) PUBLIC CAPTCHA COOKIES

Logs the user in

NOTE: renember is intentionally mispelled to maintain frontend compartiability

void create_account(string username, string password) PUBLIC CAPTCHA COOKIES

Registers a new trading account

void logout() PUBLIC

Logs the user out of their active session

array([string, string, SafeUint, SafeUint, SafeUint, ulong, bool]) load_active_orders() AUTHENTICATED NODB

Returns the user's active orders

array([SafeUint x, SafeUint o, SafeUint h, SafeUint l, SafeUint c]) get_chart(string primary, string secondary) NODB

Returns the candlestick chart data for the last 60 trading days.

void withdraw(string token, string address, SafeUint amount) AUTHENTICATED PAYABLE MARKET

Withdraws funds from client's account, or withdraw liquidity from Uniswap.NET liquidity pool

void mint_lp(string primary, string secondary, SafeUint amount0, SafeUint amount1) AUTHENTICATED PAYABLE MARKET

Adds liquidity to an Uniswap.NET liquidity pool


The amount of base tokens to add to liquidity pool


The amount of quote tokens to add to liquidity pool