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APIcast parameters

APIcast v2 has a number of parameters configured as environment variables that can modify the behavior of the gateway. The following reference provides descriptions of these parameters.

Note that when deploying APIcast v2 with OpenShift, some of these parameters can be configured via OpenShift template parameters. The latter can be consulted directly in the template.

Environment variables


Values: strict | resilient
Default: strict
Deprecated: Use Caching policy instead.

Defines how the authorization cache behaves when backend is unavailable. Strict will remove cached application when backend is unavailable. Resilient will do so only on getting authorization denied from backend.


Values: a number
Default: 0

Specifies the period (in seconds) that the configuration will be stored in the cache for. Can take the following values:

  • 0: disables the cache. The configuration will not be not stored. This is not compatible with boot mode of APICAST_CONFIGURATION_LOADER parameter. When used together with lazy value of APICAST_CONFIGURATION_LOADER, APIcast will reload the configuration on every request.
  • a positive number ( > 0 ): specifies the interval in seconds between configuration reload. For example, when APIcast is started with APICAST_CONFIGURATION_CACHE=300 and APICAST_CONFIGURATION_CACHE=boot, it will load the configuration on boot, and will reload it every 5 minutes (300 seconds).
  • a negative number ( < 0 ): disables reloading. The cache entries will never be removed from the cache once stored, and the configuration will never be reloaded.

This parameter is also used to store OpenID discovery configuration in the local cache, as the same behavior as described above.


Values: a number Default: 1000

Specifies the number of services that APICast can store in the internal cache. A big number has a performance impact because Lua lru cache will initialize all the entries.


Values: boot | lazy
Default: lazy

Defines how to load the configuration. In boot mode APIcast will request the configuration to the API manager when the gateway starts. In lazy mode APIcast will load the configuration on demand for each incoming request (to guarantee a complete refresh on each request APICAST_CONFIGURATION_CACHE should be set to 0).


Deprecated: Use policies instead.

Defines the name of the Lua module that implements custom logic overriding the existing APIcast logic.


Value: string[:]
Example: production:cloud-hosted

Double colon (:) separated list of environments (or paths) APIcast should load. It can be used instead of -e or ---environment parameter on the CLI and for example stored in the container image as default environment. Any value passed on the CLI overrides this variable.



  • true or 1 for true
  • false, 0 or empty for false

Default: false

This option can be used when there are many services configured. However, its performance depends on additional factors such as the number of services, the latency between APIcast and the 3scale Admin Portal, the Time To Live (TTL) of the configuration, etc.

By default, APIcast loads all the services each time it downloads its configuration from the Admin Portal. With a large number of services, this could become problematic. When this option is enabled, the configurations are loaded lazily. APIcast will only load the ones configured for the host specified in the host header of the request.


  • The caching defined by APICAST_CONFIGURATION_CACHE applies.
  • This option will be disabled when APICAST_CONFIGURATION_LOADER is boot.
  • Not compatible with APICAST_PATH_ROUTING.


Default: stderr

Defines the file that will store the OpenResty error log. It is used by bin/apicast in the error_log directive. Refer to NGINX documentation for more information. The file path can be either absolute, or relative to the prefix directory (apicast by default)


Values: debug | info | notice | warn | error | crit | alert | emerg
Default: warn

Specifies the log level for the OpenResty logs.


Default: stdout

Defines the file that will store the access logs.


Values: integer Default: nil

Allows access log writes to be included in chunks of bytes, resulting on fewer system calls that improve the performance of the whole gateway.


Values: debug | info | notice | warn | error | crit | alert | emerg
Default: err

Allows to set the log level for the logs related to OpenID Connect integration



  • disabled: completely disabled, just listens on the port
  • status: enables the /status/ endpoint for health checks, and the /policies endpoint that shows the list of available policies.
  • policies: enables only the /policies endpoint.
  • debug: full API is open

The Management API is powerful and can control the APIcast configuration. You should enable the debug level only for debugging.


Values: a number
Default: 604800

When configured to authenticate using OAuth, this param specifies the TTL (in seconds) of the tokens created.



  • true or 1 for true
  • false, 0 or empty for false

When this parameter is set to true, the gateway will use path-based routing in addition to the default host-based routing. The API request will be routed to the first service that has a matching mapping rule, from the list of services for which the value of the Host header of the request matches the Public Base URL.



  • true or 1 for true
  • false, 0 or empty for false

When this parameter is set to true, the gateway uses path-based routing and will not fallback to the default host-based routing. The API request will be routed to the first service that has a matching mapping rule, from the list of services for which the value of the Host header of the request matches the Public Base URL.

This parameter has precedence over APICAST_PATH_ROUTING. If APICAST_PATH_ROUTING_ONLY is enabled, APIcast will only do path-based routing regardless of the value of APICAST_PATH_ROUTING.


Default: APICAST_DIR/policies
Value:: string[:]
Example: ~/apicast/policies:$PWD/policies

Double colon (:) separated list of paths where APIcast should look for policies. It can be used to first load policies from a development directory or to load examples.


Value: string
Example: /home/apicast/my_certificate.key

The path to the key of the client SSL certificate.

This parameter can be overridden by the Upstream_TLS policy.


Value: string
Example: /home/apicast/my_certificate.crt

The path to the client SSL certificate that APIcast will use when connecting with the upstream. Notice that this certificate will be used for all the services in the configuration.

This parameter can be overridden by the Upstream_TLS policy.


Value: string
Example: /home/apicast/passwords.txt

Path to a file with passphrases for the SSL cert keys specified with APICAST_PROXY_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_KEY.


Default: on

  • on: reuses SSL sessions.
  • off: does not reuse SSL sessions.


Default: 0
Value: integer >= 0
Experimental: Under extreme load might have unpredictable performance and lose reports.

Value greater than 0 is going to enable out-of-band reporting to backend. This is a new experimental feature for increasing performance. Client won't see the backend latency and everything will be processed asynchronously. This value determines how many asynchronous reports can be running simultaneously before the client is throttled by adding latency.



  • true or 1 for true
  • false, 0 or empty for false

Default: <empty> (false)

When set to true, APIcast will log the response code of the response returned by the API backend in 3scale. In some plans this information can later be consulted from the 3scale admin portal. Find more information about the Response Codes feature on the 3scale support site.


Value: a PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression) Example: .*

Used to filter the service configured in the 3scale API Manager, the filter matches with the public base URL (Staging or production). Services that do not match the filter will be discarded. If the regular expression cannot be compiled no services will be loaded.

Note: If a service does not match, but is included in the APICAST_SERVICES_LIST, service will not be discarded


Regexp Filter: http://.* Service 1: backend endpoint Service 2: backend endpoint Service 3: backend endpoint Service 4: backend endpoint

The services that will be configured in APIcast will be 1 and 3. Services 2 and 4 will be discarded.


Value: a comma-separated list of service IDs

Used to filter the services configured in the 3scale API Manager, and only use the configuration for specific services in the gateway, discarding those services' IDs that are not specified in the list. Service IDs can be found on the Dashboard > APIs page, tagged as ID for API calls.


Replace ${ID} with the actual Service ID. The value should be the configuration version you can see in the configuration history on the Admin Portal.

Setting it to a particular version will prevent it from auto-updating and will always use that version.


Default: Values: error | timeout | invalid_header | http_500 | http_502 | http_503 | http_504 | http_403 | http_404 | http_429 | non_idempotent | off

Used only when the retry policy is configured. Specified in which cases a request to the upstream API should be retried. This accepts the same values as


Default: auto
Values: number | auto

This is the value that will be used in the nginx worker_processes directive. By default, APIcast uses auto, except for the development environment where 1 is used.


URI that overrides the backend endpoint. By default, it is the external route. This parameter is useful when deploying APIcast into the same OpenShift cluster than 3scale, as when using the internal hostname of the backend listener service instead of the public route.

Example: http://backend-listener.<3scale-namespace>.svc.cluster.local:3000



  • 0, false: disable peer verification
  • 1, true: enable peer verification

Controls the OpenSSL Peer Verification. It is off by default, because OpenSSL can't use system certificate store. It requires custom certificate bundle and adding it to trusted certificates.

It is recommended to use and point to to certificate bundle generated by export-builtin-trusted-certs.



APIcast requires a running Redis instance for OAuth 2.0 Authorization code flow. REDIS_HOST parameter is used to set the hostname of the IP of the Redis instance.


Default: 6379

APIcast requires a running Redis instance for OAuth 2.0 Authorization code flow. REDIS_PORT parameter can be used to set the port of the Redis instance.


Default: no value

APIcast requires a running Redis instance for OAuth 2.0 Authorization code flow. REDIS_URL parameter can be used to set the full URI as DSN format like: redis://PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DB. Takes precedence over REDIS_PORT and REDIS_HOST.


Allows to specify a custom DNS resolver that will be used by OpenResty. If the RESOLVER parameter is empty, the DNS resolver will be autodiscovered.


Path to the JSON file with the configuration for the gateway. The configuration can be downloaded from the 3scale admin portal using the URL: <schema>://<admin-portal-domain>/admin/api/nginx/spec.json (Example:

When the gateway is deployed using Docker, the file has to be injected to the docker image as a read only volume, and the path should indicate where the volume is mounted, i.e. path local to the docker container.

You can find sample configuration files in examples folder.

It is required to provide either THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT or THREESCALE_CONFIG_FILE (takes precedence) for the gateway to run successfully.


Values: staging | production
Default: production

The value of this environment variable will be used to define the environment for which the configuration will be downloaded from 3scale (Staging or Production), when using new APIcast.

The value will also be used in the header X-3scale-User-Agent in the authorize/report requests made to 3scale Service Management API. It is used by 3scale just for statistics.


URI that includes your password and portal endpoint in the following format: <schema>://<password>@<admin-portal-domain>. The <password> can be either the provider key or an access token for the 3scale Account Management API. <admin-portal-domain> is the URL used to log into the admin portal.

Example: https://[email protected].

When THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT environment variable is provided, the gateway will download the configuration from 3scale on initializing. The configuration includes all the settings provided on the Integration page of the API(s).

It is required to provide either THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT or THREESCALE_CONFIG_FILE (takes precedence) for the gateway to run successfully.


Example: jaeger

This environment variable controls which tracing library will be loaded, right now, there's only one opentracing tracer available, jaeger.

If empty, opentracing support will be disabled.


This environment variable is used to determine the config file for the opentracing tracer, if OPENTRACING_TRACER is not set, this variable will be ignored.

Each tracer has a default configuration file: * jaeger: conf.d/opentracing/jaeger.example.json

You can choose to mount a different configuration than the provided by default by setting the file path using this variable.

Example: /tmp/jaeger/jaeger.json


Default: uber-trace-id

This environment variable controls the HTTP header used for forwarding opentracing information, this HTTP header will be forwarded to upstream servers.


Default: no value

Controls on which port APIcast should start listening for HTTPS connections. If this clashes with HTTP port it will be used only for HTTPS.


Default: no value

Path to a file with X.509 certificate in the PEM format for HTTPS.


Default: no value

Path to a file with the X.509 certificate secret key in the PEM format.


Default: 1 Values: positive integers

Defines the maximum length of the client certificate chain. If this parameter has 1 as its value, it is possible to include an additional certificate in the client certificate chain. For example, root certificate authority.

all_proxy, ALL_PROXY

Default: no value Value: string
Example: http://forward-proxy:80

Defines a HTTP proxy to be used for connecting to services if a protocol-specific proxy is not specified. Authentication is not supported.

http_proxy, HTTP_PROXY

Default: no value Value: string
Example: http://forward-proxy:80

Defines a HTTP proxy to be used for connecting to HTTP services. Authentication is not supported.

https_proxy, HTTPS_PROXY

Default: no value Value: string
Example: http://forward-proxy:80

Defines a HTTP proxy to be used for connecting to HTTPS services. Authentication is not supported.

no_proxy, NO_PROXY

Default: no value Values: string[,]; *
Example: foo,,

Defines a comma-separated list of hostnames and domain names for which the requests should not be proxied. Setting to a single * character, which matches all hosts, effectively disables the proxy.


Default: false Values: boolean
Example: "true"

This parameter enables the Proxy Protocol for the HTTP listener.


Default: false Values: boolean
Example: "true"

This parameter enables the Proxy Protocol for the HTTPS listener.


Default: false Value: boolean Example: "true"

Enables additional information on Prometheus metrics; some labels will be used with specific information that will provide more in-depth details about APIcast.

The metrics that will have extended information are:

  • total_response_time_seconds: labels service_id and service_system_name
  • upstream_response_time_seconds: labels service_id and service_system_name
  • upstream_status: labels service_id and service_system_name


Default: 75 Value: positive integers Example: "1"

This parameter sets a timeout during which a keep-alive client connection will stay open on the server side. The zero value disables keep-alive client connections.

By default Gateway does not enable it, and the keepalive timeout on nginx is set to 75 seconds


Default: 200 302 Value: string

When the response code from upstream matches one of the status codes defined in this environment variable, the response content will be cached in NGINX for the Headers cache time value, or the maximum time defined by APICAST_CACHE_MAX_TIME env variable.

This parameter is only used by the services that are using content caching policy.


Default: 1m Value: string

When the response is selected to be cached in the system, the value of this variable indicates the maximum time to be cached. If cache-control header is not set, the time to be cached will be the defined one.

The format for this value is defined by the proxy_cache_valid NGINX directive

This parameter is only used by the services that are using content caching policy.