Please keep to these conventions when contributing to IdleRPG.
At every file's top, insert the license header please. You may fine it in most of the files, just copy paste it.
We use black for codestyle and isort for import ordering.
Always run
and run pip3 install black && pip3 install flake8 && pip3 install isort
before. Fix any issues caused.
Order your imports with isort -rc .
Also, no empty lines after license header.
2 empty lines after the imports.
License blah blah
import asyncio
import functools
import random
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from cogs.classes import genstats
from cogs.shard_communication import user_on_cooldown as user_cooldown
from utils import misc as rpgtools
from utils.checks import has_char
from import todelta
class Whatever():