First follow the steps to build RPiPlay and use sudo make install
to install it.
When use the quick installer from Raspap and overwrite the repository with this one:
curl -sL | bash -r Erik1000/raspapwebgui
Don't forget to change the wifi country or hostapd will fail and you won't be able to connect.
After that Raspap should run as normal execpt there's a new Airplay option.
To make this option work do the following:
create a script called
in /usr/local/
with the following content:
/bin/kill -SIGKILL $(pidof rpiplay)
and a second script called
also in /usr/local/
with the following content:
/bin/kill $(pidof rpiplay)
Use chmod +x
to make the files executable.
Then use visudo
to edit the sudoers file.
Add the following:
www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/rpiplay,/usr/local/,/usr/local/
Now everything should run.