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Developing the bridge

Local Devnet

The following dependencies are required for local development:

  • Go >= 1.17.0
  • Tilt >= 0.20.8
  • Any of the local Kubernetes clusters supported by Tilt. We strongly recommend minikube >= v1.21.0 with the kvm2 driver.
    • Tilt will use Minikube's embedded Docker server. If Minikube is not used, a local instance of Docker / moby-engine >= 19.03 is required.

See the Tilt docs docs on how to set up your local cluster - it won't take more than a few minutes to set up! Example minikube invocation, adjust limits as needed:

minikube start --cpus=8 --memory=8G --disk-size=50G --driver=kvm2

npm wants to set up an insane number of inotify watches in the web container which may exceed kernel limits. The minikube default is too low, adjust it like this:

minikube ssh 'echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p'

This should work on Linux, MacOS and Windows.

By default, the devnet is deployed to the wormhole namespace rather than default. This makes it easy to clean up the entire deployment by simply removing the namespace, which isn't possible with default. Change your default namespace to avoid having to specify -n wormhole for all commands:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=wormhole

After installing all dependencies, just run tilt up. Whenever you modify a file, the devnet is automatically rebuilt and a rolling update is done.

Launch the devnet while specifying the number of guardians nodes to run (default is five):

tilt up -- --num=1

If you want to work on non-consensus parts of the code, running with a single guardian is easiest since you won't have to wait for k8s to restart all pods.


Watch pod status in your cluster:

kubectl get pod -A -w

Get logs for single guardian node:

kubectl logs guardian-0

Restart a specific pod:

kubectl delete pod guardian-0

Adjust number of nodes in running cluster: (this is only useful if you want to test scenarios where the number of nodes diverges from the guardian set - otherwise, tilt down --delete-namespaces and restart the cluster)

tilt args -- --num=2

Tear down cluster:

tilt down --delete-namespaces

Once you're done, press Ctrl-C. Run tilt down to tear down the devnet.

Post messages

To Solana:

kubectl exec solana-devnet-0 -c setup -- client post-message Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o 1 confirmed ffff

To Solana as CPI instruction:

kubectl exec solana-devnet-0 -c setup -- client post-message --proxy CP1co2QMMoDPbsmV7PGcUTLFwyhgCgTXt25gLQ5LewE1 Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o 1 confirmed ffff

IntelliJ Protobuf Autocompletion

Set the include path:

BigTable event persistence

Guardian events can be persisted to a cloud BigTable instance by passing a GCP project and service account key to Tilt. Launch the devnet with flags supplying your database info to forward events to your cloud BigTable, rather than the local devnet BigTable emulator:

tilt up -- --num=1  --gcpProject=your-project-id --bigTableKeyPath=./your-service-account-key.json

bridge UI

Run the bridge UI in devnet by supplying the --bridge_ui flag:

tilt up -- --bridge_ui