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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Sep 9, 2017 · 5 revisions


This documents explains how to deploy a Kitto application on a production system.

Application directory

When deploying a Kitto application, you need to provide its Application Home directory with the executable file and the Metadata and Resources subdirectories.

Plus, you need to provide the System Home directory. While during development these two directories are separated, in deployment it is recommended that you merge them together, keeping the files from the Application Home rather than those from the System Home in case of duplicates. It is easy to set up an installation script to do that, for example with InnoSetup.

Configuring the web server

You might want to use a Web Server, such as Apache or nginx, as aproxy between your application and the network (in which case we recommend that you serve all static content off the Resources subdirectory directly from the separate web server), but you are not required to do so. Your kitto application is a stand-alone web server and you don't need anything else, especially in a development/testing environment.

Application Tools

In case your application uses one of the following tools you need to install specific software on the server:

  • FOPTool: install Apache FOP 1.1
  • ADOTool: install ADO provider
  • PDFMerge: install Debenu quick PDF
  • ReportBuilderTool: add Kitto.Ext.ReportBuilderTools, to uses of UseKitto.pas (you must have ReportBuilder)
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