Releases: EvolutionAPI/evolution-api
Releases · EvolutionAPI/evolution-api
- Mobile connection via sms (test)
- Adjusts in redis
- Send global event in websocket
- Adjusts in proxy
- Fix audio encoding
- Fix conversation read on chatwoot version 3.7
- Fix when receiving/sending messages from whatsapp desktop with ephemeral messages enabled
- Changed returned sessions on typebot status change
- Reorganization of files and folders
What's Changed
- changed returned sessions on typebot status change by @gabrielgranado in #523
- fix(chatwoot): fix when receiving/sending messages from whatsapp desktop with ephemeral messages enabled by @jaison-x in #527
- fix(chatwoot): fix conversation read on chatwoot version 3.7 by @jaison-x in #528
New Contributors
- @gabrielgranado made their first contribution in #523
Full Changelog: 1.7.1...1.7.2
- Correction when sending files with captions on Whatsapp Business
- Correction in receiving messages with response on WhatsApp Business
- Correction when sending a reaction to a message on WhatsApp Business
- Correction of receiving reactions on WhatsApp business
- Removed mandatory description of rows from sendList
- Feature to collect message type in typebot
What's Changed
- Removido obrigatoriedade de descrição dos rows do sendList by @Azzybot in #505
- Recurso para coletar tipo de mensagem by @Azzybot in #506
- Reconhecer tipos de mensagens by @Azzybot in #507
New Contributors
- @Azzybot made their first contribution in #505
Full Changelog: 1.7.0...1.7.1
- Added update message endpoint
- Add translate capabilities to QRMessages in CW
- Join in Group by Invite Code
- Read messages from whatsapp in chatwoot
- Add support to use use redis in cacheservice
- Add support for labels
- Command to clearcache from chatwoot inbox
- Whatsapp Cloud API Oficial
- Proxy configuration improvements
- Correction in sending lists
- Adjust in webhook_base64
- Correction in typebot text formatting
- Correction in chatwoot text formatting and render list message
- Only use a axios request to get file mimetype if necessary
- When possible use the original file extension
- When receiving a file from whatsapp, use the original filename in chatwoot if possible
- Remove message ids cache in chatwoot to use chatwoot's api itself
- Adjusts the quoted message, now has contextInfo in the message Raw
- Collecting responses with text or numbers in Typebot
- Added sendList endpoint to swagger documentation
- Implemented a function to synchronize message deletions on WhatsApp, automatically reflecting in Chatwoot.
- Improvement on numbers validation
- Fix polls in message sending
- Sending status message
- Message 'connection successfully' spamming
- Invalidate the conversation cache if reopen_conversation is false and the conversation was resolved
- Fix looping when deleting a message in chatwoot
- When receiving a file from whatsapp, use the original filename in chatwoot if possible
- Correction in the sendList Function
- Implement contact upsert in messaging-history.set
- Improve proxy error handling
- Refactor fetching participants for group in WhatsApp service
- Fixed problem where the typebot final keyword did not work
- Typebot's wait now pauses the flow and composing is defined by the delay_message parameter in set typebot
- Composing over 20s now loops until finished
What's Changed
- fix: Correção na Função sendList by @w3nder in #322
- refactor(chatwoot): remove message ids cache in chatwoot to use chatwoot's api itself by @jaison-x in #331
- fix(chatwoot): when receiving a file from whatsapp, use the original filename in chatwoot if possible by @jaison-x in #332
- fix(chatwoot): when possible use the original file extension by @jaison-x in #334
- perf(chatwoot): only use a axios request to get file mimetype if necessary by @jaison-x in #336
- fix(chatwoot): fix looping when deleting a message in chatwoot by @jaison-x in #338
- perf(chatwoot): create cache for the most used/expensive functions in chatwoot by @jaison-x in #342
- fix(chatwoot): invalidate the conversation cache if reopen_conversation is false and the conversation was resolved by @jaison-x in #351
- Fix: Corrects the generation of the hash variable name by @AlanMartines in #355
- feat(cacheservice): add support to use use redis in cacheservice by @jaison-x in #360
- feat(chatwoot): read messages from whatsapp in chatwoot by @jaison-x in #363
- fix: message 'connection successfully' spamming by @jaison-x in #369
- fix: Sending status message by @leandrosroc in #370
- Add number parameter to OnWhatsAppDto constructor by @judsonjuniorr in #371
- Typebot: Remove quebra de linha no index final do array | Obtem a resposta de um sendList (Lista) by @edisoncm-ti in #372
- Join in Group by Invite Code by @leandrosroc in #373
- Proxy improvements by @judsonjuniorr in #374
- Fix polls in message sending by @judsonjuniorr in #375
- Improvement on numbers validation by @judsonjuniorr in #377
- Implemented a function to synchronize message deletions on WhatsApp, automatically reflecting in Chatwoot. by @moraisamilton in #378
- Added sendList endpoint to swagger documentation by @judsonjuniorr in #379
- Add translate capabilities to QRMessages in CW by @drauber in #380
- fix: collecting responses with text or numbers in Typebot by @edisoncm-ti in #381
- Fix with nine number brazil by @yvescleuder in #382
- hotfix: bug on chatwoot sdk by @jaison-x in #392
- feat: If contact stored with name, name added in return by @leandrosroc in #390
- Fix/chatwoot validate 9 digit by @deivisonrpg in #393
- Feat Chatwoot - Reject Message If is not a valid wpp number by @deivisonrpg in #394
- Fix(chatwoot): Include identifier to contact filter by @deivisonrpg in #397
- feat(chatwoot): import history messages to chatwoot on whatsapp connection by @jaison-x in #395
- Improvement on whatsapp number validation by @judsonjuniorr in #402
- Temp instance deletion by @judsonjuniorr in #404
- Extracted profile picture request from contacts.upsert function by @judsonjuniorr in #406
- fix(chatwoot): fix qrcode filename by @jaison-x in #408
- feat(chatwoot): command to clearcache from chatwoot inbox by @jaison-x in #410
- Feat/labels by @judsonjuniorr in #409
- Changed label update to chat instead of contacts by @judsonjuniorr in #411
- Implement contact upsert in messaging-history.set by @judsonjuniorr in #419
- Improve proxy error handling by @judsonjuniorr in #420
- Refactor fetching participants for group in WhatsApp service by @judsonjuniorr in #421
- Add blockUser functionality by @w3nder in #433
- feat(chatwoot): add some translations on chatwoot messages by @jaison-x in #434
- fix: incorrect images in project by @gabrielporfiro in #457
- Change the way numbers are validated on whatsapp by @judsonjuniorr in #460
- Refactor/temp delete option by @judsonjuniorr in #461
- RabbitMQ improvements by @judsonjuniorr in #451
- Update variables .env.example docker by @bergpinheiro in #462
- feat(chatwoot): read last message on WhatsApp when a message is sent from Chatwoot by @jaison-x in #473
- feat(chatwoot): show edited messages from WhatsApp in Chatwoot by @jaison-x in #474
- fix: add option to select specific fields on find message repository by @jaison-x in #475
- fix(chatwoot): fix config name by @jaison-x in #477
- fix: add missing example env variables by @jaison-x in #478
New Contributors
- @AlanMartines made their first contribution in #355
- @leandrosroc made their first contribution in #370
- @judsonjuniorr made their first contribution in #371
- @edisoncm-ti made their first contribution in #372
- @yvescleuder made their first contribution in #382
- @deivisonrpg made their first contribution in #393
- @gabrielporfiro made their first contribution in #457
- @bergpinheiro made their first contribution in #462
Full Changelog: 1.6.1...1.7.0
- Fixed Lid Messages
- Fixed sending variables to typebot
- Fixed sending variables from typebot
- Correction sending s3/minio media to chatwoot and typebot
- Fixed the problem with typebot closing at the end of the flow, now this is optional with the TYPEBOT_KEEP_OPEN variable
- Fixed chatwoot Bold, Italic and Underline formatting using Regex
- Added the sign_delimiter property to the Chatwoot configuration, allowing you to set a different delimiter for the signature. Default when not defined \n
- Include instance Id field in the instance configuration
- Fixed the pairing code
- Adjusts in typebot
- Fix the problem when disconnecting the instance and connecting again using mongodb
- Options to disable docs and manager
- When deleting a message in whatsapp, delete the message in chatwoot too
What's Changed
- simple add keep open by @gabrielpastori1 in #283
- Dockerfile modified to use multi-stage build by @gomessguii in #286
- Chatwoot format by @gabrielpastori1 in #290
- Chatwoot format by @gabrielpastori1 in #293
- Chatwoot format by @gabrielpastori1 in #299
- Add connected number and instance name to connected log by @drauber in #301
- Chatwoot Agent Name by @gabrielpastori1 in #307
- Fix: message retry mechanism by @purpshell in #308
- fix: message can be undefined by @jaison-x in #309
- Add options to disable docs and manager by @gabrielpastori1 in #310
- Add issue templates by @gabrielpastori1 in #313
- Exclude all .env files on .gitignore and renamed one to .env.example by @stgcompany in #312
- fix: when deleting a message in whatsapp, delete the message in chatwoot too by @jaison-x in #317
New Contributors
- @gomessguii made their first contribution in #286
- @drauber made their first contribution in #301
- @purpshell made their first contribution in #308
- @stgcompany made their first contribution in #312
Full Changelog: 1.6.0...1.6.1
- Added AWS SQS Integration
- Added support for new typebot API
- Added endpoint sendPresence
- New Instance Manager
- Added auto_create to the chatwoot set to create the inbox automatically or not
- Added reply, delete and message reaction in chatwoot v3.3.1
- Adjusts in proxy
- Adjusts in start session for Typebot
- Added mimetype field when sending media
- Ajusts in validations to messages.upsert
- Fixed messages not received: error handling when updating contact in chatwoot
- Fix workaround to manage param data as an array in mongodb
- Removed await from webhook when sending a message
- Update typebot.service.ts - element.underline change ~ for *
- Adjusts in proxy
- Removed api restart on receiving an error
- Fixes in mongodb and chatwoot
- Adjusted return from queries in mongodb
- Added restart instance when update profile picture
- Correction of chatwoot functioning with admin flows
- Fixed problem that did not generate qrcode with the chatwoot_conversation_pending option enabled
- Fixed issue where CSAT opened a new ticket when reopen_conversation was disabled
- Fixed issue sending contact to Chatwoot via iOS
- Chatwoot: v3.3.1
- Typebot: v2.20.0
What's Changed
- -> Adjusting function cleaningStoreFiles to remove itens from missing… by @jaison-x in #186
- fix: size of group participants by @w3nder in #190
- Handle optional chaining for 'settings.msg_call', this change prevent… by @vitorogen in #197
- Handle erros in Typebot by @gabrielpastori1 in #198
- Deleting instances by @jaison-x in #187
- fix: Removed await from webhook when sending a message by @craines in #216
- fix messages not received: error handling when updating contact by @raimartinsb in #228
- fix: workaround to manage param data as an array in mongodb by @jaison-x in #224
- Update typebot.service.ts - element.underline change ~ for * by @suissa in #215
- Add session creation for typebot service by @gabrielpastori1 in #233
- Add sendPresence by @gabrielpastori1 in #237
- Fix chatwoot find by @gabrielpastori1 in #248
- fix: only create if is paused by @gabrielpastori1 in #249
- Add Manager by @gabrielpastori1 in #250
New Contributors
- @jaison-x made their first contribution in #186
- @vitorogen made their first contribution in #197
- @gabrielpastori1 made their first contribution in #198
- @craines made their first contribution in #216
- @suissa made their first contribution in #215
Full Changelog: 1.5.4...1.6.0
- Baileys logger typing issue resolved
- Solved problem with duplicate messages in chatwoot
Full Changelog: 1.5.3...1.5.4
- Swagger documentation
- Added base 64 sending option via webhook
- Remove rabbitmq queues when delete instances
- Improvement in restart instance to completely redo the connection
- Update node version: v20
- Correction of messages sent by the api and typebot not appearing in chatwoot
- Adjustment to start typebot, added startSession parameter
- Chatwoot now receives messages sent via api and typebot
- Fixed problem with starting with an input in typebot
- Added check to ensure variables are not empty before executing foreach in start typebot
What's Changed
- Start Typebot com opção de ativar chatbot ou não by @francisbreit in #154
- Revert "Start Typebot com opção de ativar chatbot ou não" by @DavidsonGomes in #156
- Recuperar base64 de media enviada por webhook by @moraisamilton in #161
- Fix: Variables null by @w3nder in #163
New Contributors
- @moraisamilton made their first contribution in #161
Full Changelog: 1.5.2...1.5.3
- Fix chatwootSchema in chatwoot model to store reopen_conversation and conversation_pending options
- Problem resolved when sending files from minio to typebot
- Improvement in the "startTypebot" method to create persistent session when triggered
- New manager for Evo 1.5.2 - Set Typebot update
- Resolved problems when reading/querying instances
- Added listening_from_me option in Set Typebot
- Added variables options in Start Typebot
- Added webhooks for typebot events
- Added ChamaAI integration
- Added webhook to send errors
- Added support for messaging with ads on chatwoot
- Fix looping connection messages in chatwoot
- Improved performance of fetch instances
What's Changed
- For webhook to work with localhost by @helioelias in #57
- Bugfix Internal Error 500: fetchInstances (apikey not found) by @unilogica in #59
- clean: docker network declaration and build of the
image by @AdsonCicilioti in #78 - Correção DEL_INSTANCE by @moskoweb in #83
- Fix set event rabbitmq/websocket by @w3nder in #85
- Correção de Erro by @moskoweb in #88
- Phone Name by @moskoweb in #87
- Update error.config.ts by @w3nder in #89
- fix: Update manager.json by @francisbreit in #92
- [Melhoria] Group Create by @moskoweb in #90
- Melhorando o desempenho no carregamento da instância. by @w3nder in #95
- Get Info JID Correct by @moskoweb in #96
- [Logger] Debug Bad Request by @moskoweb in #99
- [Improvement] - Send and Update source_id of messages to chatwoot by @raimartinsb in #108
- Initial support for preview and reference from Ads messages on Chatwoot by @AdsonCicilioti in #111
New Contributors
- @unilogica made their first contribution in #59
- @AdsonCicilioti made their first contribution in #78
- @francisbreit made their first contribution in #92
- @raimartinsb made their first contribution in #108
Full Changelog: 1.5.0...1.5.1
- New instance manager in /manager route
- Added extra files for chatwoot and appsmith
- Added Get Last Message and Archive for Chat
- Added env var QRCODE_COLOR
- Added websocket to send events
- Added rabbitmq to send events
- Added Typebot integration
- Added proxy endpoint
- Added send and date_time in webhook data
- Solved problem when disconnecting from the instance the instance was deleted
- Encoded spaces in chatwoot webhook
- Adjustment in the saving of contacts, saving the information of the number and Jid
- Update Dockerfile
- If you pass empty events in create instance and set webhook it is understood as all
- Fixed issue that did not output base64 averages
- Messages sent by the api now arrive in chatwoot
- Chatwoot: v2.18.0 - v3.0.0
- Typebot: v2.16.0
- Manager Evolution API
What's Changed
- Update Dockerfile by @moskoweb in #43
- Revert "Update Dockerfile" by @DavidsonGomes in #50
- Adição de Get Last Message e Archive por Chat by @moskoweb in #37
Full Changelog: 1.4.8...1.5.0