diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c1746ac..26226cd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# PPrint for Kotlin
-This is a port of Li Haoyi's excellent Scala pretty-printing library into Kotlin.
+This is a port of Li Haoyi's excellent Scala pretty-printing library into Kotlin (pprint)[https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/PPrint].
(As well as Li Haoyi's excellent Ansi-Formatting library Fansi!)
## Usage
@@ -21,4 +21,92 @@ val p = Person(Name("Joe", "Bloggs"), 42)
+It will print the following beautiful output:
+PPrint-Kotlin supports most of the same features and options as the Scala version.
+I will document them here over time however for now please refer to the Scala documentation
+* For PPrint here - https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/PPrint
+* For Fansi here - https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/fansi
+## Nested Data and Complex Collections
+PPrint excells at printing nested data structures and complex collections.
+For example lists embedded in objects:
+data class Address(val street: String, val zip: Int)
+data class Customer(val name: Name, val addresses: List
+val p = Customer(Name("Joe", "Bloggs"), listOf(Address("foo", 123), Address("bar", 456), Address("baz", 789)))
+Maps embedded in objects:
+data class Alias(val value: String)
+data class ComplexCustomer(val name: Name, val addressAliases: Map)
+val p =
+ ComplexCustomer(
+ Name("Joe", "Bloggs"),
+ mapOf(Alias("Primary") to Address("foo", 123), Alias("Secondary") to Address("bar", 456), Alias("Tertiary") to Address("baz", 789))
+ )
+Lists embedded in maps imbedded in objects:
+val p =
+ VeryComplexCustomer(
+ Name("Joe", "Bloggs"),
+ mapOf(
+ Alias("Primary") to
+ listOf(Address("foo", 123), Address("foo1", 123), Address("foo2", 123)),
+ Alias("Secondary") to
+ listOf(Address("bar", 456), Address("bar1", 456), Address("bar2", 456)),
+ Alias("Tertiary") to
+ listOf(Address("baz", 789), Address("baz1", 789), Address("baz2", 789))
+ )
+ )
+## Infinite Sequences
+Another very impressive ability of PPrint is that it can print infinite sequences, even if they are embedded
+other objects for example:
+data class SequenceHolder(val seq: Sequence)
+var i = 0
+val p = SequenceHolder(generateSequence { "foo-${i++}" })
+println(pprint(p, defaultHeight = 10))
+PPrint is able to print this infinite sequence without stack-overflowing or running out of memory
+because it is highly lazy. It only evaluates the sequence as it is printing it,
+and the printing is always constrained by the height and width of the output. You can
+control these with the `defaultHeight` and `defaultWidth` parameters to the `pprint` function.
+## Black & White Printing
+The output of the pprint function is not actually a java.lang.String, but a fansi.Str. This
+means you can control how it is printed. For example, to print it in black and white simple do:
+import io.exoquery.pprint.PPrinter
+val p = Person(Name("Joe", "Bloggs"), 42)
+// Use Black & White Printing
+## Extending PPrint
+## Fansi
diff --git a/src/test/kotlin/io/exoquery/pprint/Examples.kt b/src/test/kotlin/io/exoquery/pprint/Examples.kt
index d47b8cd..cf726d5 100644
--- a/src/test/kotlin/io/exoquery/pprint/Examples.kt
+++ b/src/test/kotlin/io/exoquery/pprint/Examples.kt
@@ -6,11 +6,56 @@ import io.exoquery.pprint
data class Name(val first: String, val last: String)
data class Person(val name: Name, val age: Int)
+data class Address(val street: String, val zip: Int)
+data class Customer(val name: Name, val addresses: List)
+data class Alias(val value: String)
+data class ComplexCustomer(val name: Name, val addressAliases: Map)
+data class VeryComplexCustomer(val name: Name, val addressAliases: Map>)
+data class SequenceHolder(val seq: Sequence)
fun main() {
+ // run {
+ // val p = Person(Name("Joe", "Bloggs"), 42)
+ // println(pprint(p))
+ // }
+ // run {
+ // val p = Customer(Name("Joe", "Bloggs"), listOf(Address("foo", 123), Address("bar", 456), Address("baz", 789)))
+ // println(pprint(p))
+ // }
+ // run {
+ // val p =
+ // ComplexCustomer(
+ // Name("Joe", "Bloggs"),
+ // mapOf(Alias("Primary") to Address("foo", 123), Alias("Secondary") to Address("bar", 456), Alias("Tertiary") to Address("baz", 789))
+ // )
+ // println(pprint(p))
+ // }
+ // run {
+ // val p =
+ // VeryComplexCustomer(
+ // Name("Joe", "Bloggs"),
+ // mapOf(
+ // Alias("Primary") to
+ // listOf(Address("foo", 123), Address("foo1", 123), Address("foo2", 123)),
+ // Alias("Secondary") to
+ // listOf(Address("bar", 456), Address("bar1", 456), Address("bar2", 456)),
+ // Alias("Tertiary") to
+ // listOf(Address("baz", 789), Address("baz1", 789), Address("baz2", 789))
+ // )
+ // )
+ // println(pprint(p))
+ // }
run {
- val p = Person(Name("Joe", "Bloggs"), 42)
- println(pprint(p))
+ var i = 0
+ val p = SequenceHolder(generateSequence { "foo-${i++}" })
+ println(pprint(p, defaultHeight = 10).plainText)
//val seq = generateSequence { "foo" }