All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- The Easing static class that contains all the following easing functions :
- Linear
- QuadraticEaseOut
- QuadraticEaseIn
- QuadraticEaseInOut
- CubicEaseIn
- CubicEaseOut
- CubicEaseInOut
- QuarticEaseIn
- QuarticEaseOut
- QuarticEaseInOut
- QuinticEaseIn
- QuinticEaseOut
- QuinticEaseInOut
- SineEaseIn
- SineEaseOut
- SineEaseInOut
- CircularEaseIn
- CircularEaseOut
- CircularEaseInOut
- ExponentialEaseIn
- ExponentialEaseOut
- ExponentialEaseInOut
- ElasticEaseIn
- ElasticEaseOut
- ElasticEaseInOut
- BackEaseIn
- BackEaseOut
- BackEaseInOut
- BounceEaseIn
- BounceEaseOut
- BounceEaseInOut
- Meta informations : This Changelog, the, the license and the package.json files.