- Create websites for local restaurants?
- Have a single website, with pages for each restaurant - maybe Nazareth library. Business owners could login with OAuth possibly, and update info, possibly with a markdown GUI editor and compiler.
- Could be updated via APIs (say have a simple PHP, Node, etc, REST API that links to a markdown file on business's websites)
- Business categories
- Reviews
- Focus on good quality food
- TripAdvisor API
List of Information User Might Want
- Name
- Type of Food / Categories
- Pricing
- Location
- Reviews
User Experience
- I would like to see of all restaurants filtered by category.
- I would like clear, easy to read information on the restaurant.
- I would like to find pricing of the restaurant.
- I would like to find useful, insightful reviews of the restaurant.
What a User Gets From the Website
- Events (Arabic/cultural/music/festivals)
- Discounts - stay for longer
What a Business/Restaurant Owner Gets From the Hub/Directory
- Attract more people to eat there.
- More loyal customers - encourage people who are staying for a longer period of time to eat there.
- Overlap With MarysWellApp.md
- Maybe merge readmes or something. #TODO