title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
Creation & Development |
true |
2024-03-20 08:57:13 UTC |
modding, mapping, overview |
markdown |
2023-06-05 11:37:27 UTC |
If you're new to FAF and need help, here are some good introductory resources:
- Bug Reporting & Testing How to Create better bug reports
- Command Line Switches Command line switches let you run Forged Alliance with extra options and settings.
- FAF Development Development for FAF
- Console Commands {.links-list}
- Mapping-General A general introduction to mapping and an overview of collected resources and tutorials
- Terminology Commonly used terms and their definitions
- FA Forever Map Editor Software for Creating Maps
- Adaptive Mapping Guide Updated 2021 An up-to-date guide on how to make adaptive maps
- Adaptive Maps An overview of adaptive maps, the features of the script, and the setup required.
- Creating AI friendly maps Tips for ways to make maps more AI friendly
- Troubleshooing Guide Troubleshooing FA Forver Map Editor
- Further changes to the scenario file .
- GPG Map Editor Orginal Supcom Map Editor
- Map Editing Tools .
- Maps available for adaptation to campaign-related content Completed maps that may be used to design campaigns
- Gaea Using Gaea for FAF Mapping {.links-list}
- Mission Scripting Creaing Missions for the Coop Tab {.links-list}
- Blueprints A blueprint is a file within Supreme Commander that describes a unit
- Creating Models Specs for Sup Com models
- FA Lua Globals .
- LUADOC 1.5.3599 .
- Mod Test Loop .
- ModBootstrap mod A sample mod for developers
- Modding .
- Modding Emitters .
- Shaders .
- Tips for Modding Efficiently How to set up an efficient cycle for rapid development.
- Weapons in Blueprints . {.links-list}
- FAF Tutorials . {.links-list}