The Fabricated Legacy Forge project is released under the CC0 license. Some code within the project however retains its original license.
Forge Mod Loader, made by cpw for the MinecraftForge organization, is released under the LGPL v2.1 license.
Parts of Forge Mod Loader can be found in the
Credits for Forge Mod Loader can be found in CREDITS-fml.txt.
Minecraft Forge, made and maintained but the [MinecraftForge organization]
is released under the custom
Minecraft Forge Public License.
Parts of Minecraft Forge can be found in the
Other bits of Minecraft Forge and Forge Mod Loader will have the appropriate license header attached to the file (such as with Mixin files).
Credits for Minecraft Forge can be found in MinecraftForge-Credits.txt.
[Fabricated Legacy Forge] and its contributors are not affiliated with Forge Development LLC.