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File metadata and controls

1238 lines (832 loc) · 67.5 KB

FamilySearch GEDCOM X Extensions


This document specifies FamilySearch extensions to GEDCOM X, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

The current state of this document is as a DRAFT, and as such, the document may be subject to changes, including backwards-incompatible changes, according to the discussion and suggestions for improvement.

Copyright Notice

Copyright 2011-2016 Intellectual Reserve, Inc.


This document is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. For details, see:

This project contains the specifications that extend GEDCOM X to support the proprietary application requirements for FamilySearch.

A set of data types are defined as extensions to the core GEDCOM X specification set, the GEDCOM X Record Extension, and the GEDCOM X Atom Extensions.

Table Of Contents

The identifier for this specification is:

This specification references the GEDCOM X Conceptual Model specification identified by

This specification references the GEDCOM X XML specification identified by

This specification references the GEDCOM X JSON specification identified by

This specification references the GEDCOM X Atom Extensions specification identified by

This specification references the GEDCOM X Record Extensions specification identified by

This specification references the GEDCOM X RS specification identified by

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119, as scoped to those conformance targets.

An implementation of FamilySearch Extensions is "non-compliant" if it fails to satisfy one or more of the MUST or REQUIRED level requirements. An implementation that satisfies all of the MUST or REQUIRED and all of the SHOULD level requirements is said to be "unconditionally compliant"; and implementation that satisfies all of the MUST level requirements but not all of the SHOULD level requirements is said to be "conditionally compliant".

This specification uses the same namespace prefix conventions that are used by the GEDCOM X XML specification.

In addition to those prefixes, the following namespace prefixes are used:

prefix namespace

This specification leverages the concepts and definitions as specified by its dependencies.

This section defines a set of extensions to the GEDCOM X Conceptual Model, the GEDCOM X Record Extension, and the GEDCOM X Atom Extensions and provides the representations of those data types in both XML and JSON as extensions to GEDCOM X JSON and GEDCOM X XML.

The ArtifactMetadata data type defines a representation of metadata about an artifact such as a memory.

Instances of ArtifactMetadata can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the SourceDescription Data Type.


The identifier for the ArtifactMetadata data type is:


name description data type constraints
filename Name of the file of the artifact, if the artifact were provided as a file on a filesystem. string OPTIONAL.
qualifiers Qualifiers to add additional details about the artifact. List of OPTIONAL. If present, use of a known artifact qualifier is RECOMMENDED.
width Width of the artifact, if applicable. integer OPTIONAL.
height Height of the artifact, if applicable. integer OPTIONAL.
size Size of the artifact in number of bytes. long OPTIONAL.
screeningState Screening state of the artifact, if applicable. URI OPTIONAL. If present, use of a known screening state is RECOMMENDED.
editable Whether the artifact is editable by the current user. boolean OPTIONAL.

2.1.1 The "ArtifactMetadata" XML Type and Element

The fs:ArtifactMetadata XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:artifactMetadata XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:ArtifactMetadata XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
filename Name of the file of the artifact, if the artifact were provided as a file on a filesystem. fs:filename xsd:string.
qualifiers Qualifiers to add additional details about the artifact. fs:qualifier gx:Qualifier
width Width of the artifact, if applicable. fs:width xsd:integer
height Height of the artifact, if applicable. fs:height xsd:integer
size Size of the artifact in number of bytes. fs:size xsd:long
screeningState Screening state of the artifact, if applicable. screeningState (attribute) anyURI
editable Whether the artifact is editable by the current user. fs:editable xsd:boolean

2.1.2 The "ArtifactMetadata" JSON Type

The ArtifactMetadata JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
filename Name of the file of the artifact, if the artifact were provided as a file on a filesystem. filename string.
qualifiers Qualifiers to add additional details about the artifact. qualifiers array of Qualifier
width Width of the artifact, if applicable. width number
height Height of the artifact, if applicable. height number
size Size of the artifact in number of bytes. size number
screeningState Screening state of the artifact, if applicable. screeningState string
editable Whether the artifact is editable by the current user. editable boolean

The following artifact qualifiers are defined by FamilySearch Extensions:

name value The artifact is a document. The artifact is a photo. The artifact is a story.

The following screening states are defined by FamilySearch Extensions:

name value The artifact is pending a screening. The artifact has been screened and is accepted. The artifact has been screened and is restricted.

The ChangeInfo data type defines a representation of information about data changes.

Instances of ChangeInfo can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the Entry Data Type.


The identifier for the ChangeInfo data type is:


name description data type constraints
operation The operation performed for the change. URI OPTIONAL. If present, use of a known change operation is RECOMMENDED.
objectType The type of object to which the change was applicable. URI OPTIONAL.
objectModifier An additional modifier applicable to the type of object to which the change was applicable. URI OPTIONAL.
reason A statement about the reason for the change, as supplied by the current user. string OPTIONAL.
parent A reference to the change that triggered the change. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Entry.
resulting A reference to the object that was a result of the change. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Conclusion.
original A reference to the object that was the original subject of the change. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Conclusion.
removed A reference to the object that was removed by the change. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Conclusion.

2.2.1 The "ChangeInfo" XML Type and Element

The fs:ChangeInfo XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:changeInfo XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:ChangeInfo XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
operation The operation performed for the change. operation (attribute) anyURI
objectType The type of object to which the change was applicable. objectType (attribute) anyURI
objectModifier An additional modifier applicable to the type of object to which the change was applicable. objectModifier (attribute) anyURI
reason A statement about the reason for the change, as supplied by the current user. reason (attribute) xsd:string
parent A reference to the change that triggered the change. fs:parent gx:ResourceReference
resulting A reference to the object that was a result of the change. fs:resulting gx:ResourceReference
original A reference to the object that was the original subject of the change. fs:original gx:ResourceReference
removed A reference to the object that was removed by the change. fs:removed gx:ResourceReference

2.2.2 The "ChangeInfo" JSON Type

The ChangeInfo JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
operation The operation performed for the change. operation string
objectType The type of object to which the change was applicable. objectType string
objectModifier An additional modifier applicable to the type of object to which the change was applicable. objectModifier string
reason A statement about the reason for the change, as supplied by the current user. reason string
parent A reference to the change that triggered the change. parent ResourceReference
resulting A reference to the object that was a result of the change. resulting ResourceReference
original A reference to the object that was the original subject of the change. original ResourceReference
removed A reference to the object that was removed by the change. removed ResourceReference

The following artifact qualifiers are defined by FamilySearch Extensions:

name value A "create" operation. A "Read" operation. A "update" operation. A "delete" operation. A "merge" operation. A "unmerge" operation. A "restore" operation.

The ChildAndParentsRelationship data type defines a representation of the relationship between a child and two parents.


The identifier for the ChildAndParentsRelationship data type is:


name description data type constraints
father A reference to the father. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Person.
mother A reference to the father. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Person.
child A reference to the father. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Person.
fatherFacts The facts about the relationship between the child and the father. List of Order is preserved. OPTIONAL.
motherFacts The facts about the relationship between the child and the mother. List of Order is preserved. OPTIONAL.

2.3.1 The "ChildAndParentsRelationship" XML Type and Element

The fs:ChildAndParentsRelationship XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:childAndParentsRelationship XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:ChildAndParentsRelationship XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
father A reference to the father. fs:father gx:ResourceReference
mother A reference to the mother. fs:mother gx:ResourceReference
child A reference to the child. fs:child gx:ResourceReference
fatherFacts The facts about the relationship between the child and the father. fs:fatherFact gx:Fact
motherFacts The facts about the relationship between the child and the mother. fs:motherFact gx:Fact

2.3.2 The "ChildAndParentsRelationship" JSON Type

The ChildAndParentsRelationship JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
father A reference to the father. father ResourceReference
mother A reference to the mother. mother ResourceReference
child A reference to the child. child ResourceReference
fatherFacts The facts about the relationship between the child and the father. fatherFacts array of Fact
motherFacts The facts about the relationship between the child and the mother. motherFacts array of Fact

The Comment data type defines a comment submitted by a user.


The identifier for the Comment data type is:


name description data type constraints
text The text of the comment. string REQUIRED.
contributor A reference to the contributor of the comment. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Agent.
created Timestamp of when the comment was created. timestamp OPTIONAL.

2.4.1 The "Comment" XML Type and Element

The fs:Comment XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:comment XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:Comment XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
text The text of the comment. fs:comment xsd:string
contributor A reference to the contributor. fs:contributor gx:ResourceReference
created Timestamp of when the comment was created. fs:created xsd:dateTime

2.4.2 The "Comment" JSON Type

The Comment JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
text The text of the comment. comment string
contributor A reference to the contributor. contributor ResourceReference
created Timestamp of when the comment was created. created number (milliseconds since epoch)

The Discussion data type defines a comment submitted by a user.


The identifier for the Discussion data type is:


name description data type constraints
title The title of the discussion. string REQUIRED.
details Any details about the discussion. string OPTIONAL.
contributor A reference to the contributor of the comment. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Agent.
created Timestamp of when the discussion was created. timestamp OPTIONAL.
modified Timestamp of when the discussion was last modified. timestamp OPTIONAL.
numberOfComments The number of comments associated with the discussion. integer OPTIONAL.
comments The comments of the discussion List of OPTIONAL.

2.5.1 The "Discussion" XML Type and Element

The fs:Discussion XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:discussion XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:Discussion XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
title The title of the discussion. fs:title xsd:string
details The details of the discussion. fs:details xsd:string
contributor A reference to the contributor. fs:contributor gx:ResourceReference
created Timestamp of when the discussion was created. fs:created xsd:dateTime
modified Timestamp of when the discussion was modified. fs:modified xsd:dateTime
numberOfComments The number of comments associated with the discussion. fs:numberOfComments xsd:integer
comments The comments of the discussion fs:comment

2.5.2 The "Discussion" JSON Type

The Discussion JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
title The title of the discussion. title string
details The details of the discussion. details string
contributor A reference to the contributor. contributor ResourceReference
created Timestamp of when the discussion was created. created number (milliseconds since epoch)
modified Timestamp of when the discussion was modified. modified number (milliseconds since epoch)
numberOfComments The number of comments associated with the discussion. numberOfComments number
comments The comments of the discussion fs:comment array of

The DiscussionReference data type defines a reference to a discussion.

Instances of DiscussionReference can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the Person Data Type.


The identifier for the DiscussionReference data type is:


name description data type constraints
resource Reference to the discussion. URI REQUIRED. MUST resolve to an instance of
attribution The attribution of the discussion reference. Attribution OPTIONAL.
resourceId Id of the discussion being referenced string OPTIONAL.

2.6.1 The "DiscussionReference" XML Type and Element

The fs:DiscussionReference XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:discussionReference XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:DiscussionReference XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
resource Reference to the discussion. resource (attribute) anyURI
attribution The attribution of the discussion reference. fs:attribution gx:Attribution
resourceId Id of the discussion being referenced resourceId (attribute) xsd:string

2.6.2 The "DiscussionReference" JSON Type

The DiscussionReference JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
resource Reference to the discussion. resource string
attribution The attribution of the discussion reference. attribution Attribution
resourceId Id of the discussion being referenced resourceId string

The MatchInfo data type defines a representation of information about a match.

Instances of MatchInfo can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the Entry Data Type.


The identifier for the MatchInfo data type is:


name description data type constraints
collection The collection in which the match was found. URI OPTIONAL.
status The staus of the match. URI OPTIONAL. If present, use of a known match status is RECOMMENDED.

2.7.1 The "MatchInfo" XML Type and Element

The fs:MatchInfo XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:matchInfo XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:MatchInfo XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
collection The collection in which the match was found. collection (attribute) anyURI
status The staus of the match. status (attribute) anyURI

2.7.2 The "MatchInfo" JSON Type

The MatchInfo JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
collection The collection in which the match was found. collection string
status The staus of the match. status string

The following match statuses are defined by FamilySearch Extensions:

name value The match hasn't been accepted or rejected by a user. The match was accepted by a user. The match was rejected by a user.

The Merge data type defines a representation of a merge operation.


The identifier for the Merge data type is:


name description data type constraints
resourcesToDelete The resources to delete on a merge. List of URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Conclusion.
resourcesToCopy The resources to copy on a merge. List of URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Conclusion.

2.8.1 The "Merge" XML Type and Element

The fs:Merge XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:merge XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:Merge XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
resourcesToDelete The resources to delete on a merge. resourceToDelete gx:ResourceReference
resourcesToCopy The resources to copy on a merge. resourceToCopy gx:ResourceReference

2.8.2 The "Merge" JSON Type

The Merge JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
resourcesToDelete The resources to delete on a merge. resourcesToDelete array of ResourceReference
resourcesToCopy The resources to copy on a merge. resourcesToCopy array of ResourceReference

The MergeAnalysis data type defines a representation of a merge analysis.


The identifier for the MergeAnalysis data type is:


name description data type constraints
survivor Reference to the survivor of the merge. URI REQUIRED. MUST resolve to an instance of Subject.
duplicate Reference to the duplicate of the merge. URI REQUIRED. MUST resolve to an instance of Subject.
survivorResources The resources on the survivor that should be preserved during a merge operation. List of URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Conclusion.
duplicateResources The resources on the duplicate that should be preserved during a merge operation. List of URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Conclusion.
conflictingResources The resources that conflict. List of MergeConflict OPTIONAL.

2.9.1 The "MergeAnalysis" XML Type and Element

The fs:MergeAnalysis XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:mergeAnalysis XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:MergeAnalysis XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
survivor Reference to the survivor of the merge. fs:survivor gx:ResourceReference
duplicate Reference to the duplicate of the merge. fs:duplicate gx:ResourceReference
survivorResources The resources on the survivor that should be preserved during a merge operation. fs:survivorResource gx:ResourceReference
duplicateResources The resources on the duplicate that should be preserved during a merge operation. fs:duplicateResource gx:ResourceReference
conflictingResources The resources that conflict. fs:conflictingResource MergeConflict

2.9.2 The "MergeAnalysis" JSON Type

The MergeAnalysis JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
survivor Reference to the survivor of the merge. survivor ResourceReference
duplicate Reference to the duplicate of the merge. duplicate ResourceReference
survivorResources The resources on the survivor that should be preserved during a merge operation. survivorResources array of ResourceReference
duplicateResources The resources on the duplicate that should be preserved during a merge operation. duplicateResources array of ResourceReference
conflictingResources The resources that conflict. conflictingResources array of MergeConflict

The MergeConflict data type defines a representation of a merge conflict.


The identifier for the MergeConflict data type is:


name description data type constraints
survivorResource Reference to the resource on the survivor that conflicts. URI REQUIRED. MUST resolve to an instance of Conclusion.
duplicateResource Reference to the resource on the duplicate that conflicts. URI REQUIRED. MUST resolve to an instance of Conclusion.

2.10.1 The "MergeConflict" XML Type and Element

The fs:MergeConflict XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:mergeConflict XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:MergeConflict XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
survivorResource Reference to the resource on the survivor that conflicts. fs:survivorResource gx:ResourceReference
duplicateResource Reference to the resource on the duplicate that conflicts. fs:duplicateResource gx:ResourceReference

2.10.2 The "MergeConflict" JSON Type

The MergeConflict JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
survivorResource Reference to the resource on the survivor that conflicts. survivorResource ResourceReference
duplicateResource Reference to the resource on the duplicate that conflicts. duplicateResource ResourceReference

The NameFormInfo data type defines extra information about a name form.


The identifier for the NameFormInfo data type is:

Instances of NameFormInfo can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the NameForm Data Type.


name description data type constraints
order The order of the name form. URI REQUIRED. Use of a known name order is RECOMMENDED.

2.11.1 The "NameFormInfo" XML Type and Element

The fs:NameFormInfo XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:NameFormInfo XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:NameFormInfo XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
order The order of the name form. order (attribute) anyURI

2.11.2 The "NameFormInfo" JSON Type

The NameFormInfo JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
order The order of the name form. order string

The following name orders are defined by FamilySearch Extensions:

name value Eurotypic name order. Sinotypic name order.

The SearchInfo data type defines a representation of information about a search.

Instances of SearchInfo can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the Entry Data Type.


The identifier for the SearchInfo data type is:


name description data type constraints
totalHits The total number of hits in the search results. integer OPTIONAL.
closeHits The total number of "close" hits in the search results. integer OPTIONAL.

2.12.1 The "SearchInfo" XML Type and Element

The fs:SearchInfo XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:searchInfo XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:SearchInfo XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
totalHits The total number of hits in the search results. fs:totalHits xsd:integer
closeHits The total number of "close" hits in the search results. fs:closeHits xsd:integer

2.12.2 The "SearchInfo" JSON Type

The SearchInfo JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
totalHits The total number of hits in the search results. totalHits number
closeHits The total number of "close" hits in the search results. closeHits number

The Reservation data type defines a representation of an ordinance reservation

Instances of Reservation can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the Person Data Type.


The Reservation data type extends the Conclusion Data Type.


The identifier for the Reservation data type is:


name description data type constraints
type The type of the ordinance reservation. URI REQUIRED. Use of a known ordinance type is RECOMMENDED.
status The status of the ordinance reservation. URI OPTIONAL.
spouse A reference to the spouse. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Person.
father A reference to the father. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Person.
mother A reference to the father. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Person.
assignee A reference to the father. URI OPTIONAL. If present, MUST resolve to an instance of Person.

2.13.1 The "Reservation" XML Type and Element

The fs:Reservation XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:reservation XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:Reservation XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
type The type of the ordinance reservation. type (attribute) anyURI
status The status of the ordinance reservation. status (attribute) anyURI
spouse A reference to the spouse. fs:spouse gx:ResourceReference
father A reference to the father. fs:father gx:ResourceReference
mother A reference to the mother. fs:mother gx:ResourceReference
assignee A reference to the assignee. fs:assignee gx:ResourceReference

2.13.2 The "Reservation" JSON Type

The Reservation JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
type The type of the ordinance reservation. type string
status The status of the ordinance reservation. status string
spouse A reference to the spouse. spouse ResourceReference
father A reference to the father. father ResourceReference
mother A reference to the mother. mother ResourceReference
assignee A reference to the assignee. assignee ResourceReference

The following ordinance types are defined by FamilySearch Extensions:

name value Baptism Confirmation Initiatory Endowment Sealing to Spouse Sealing to Parents

The Ordinance data type defines a representation of an ordinance.

Instances of Ordinance can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the Person Data Type.


The Ordinance data type extends the Reservation Data Type.


The identifier for the Ordinance data type is:


name description data type constraints
living Indicator of a living ordinance. boolean OPTIONAL.
date The date of the ordinance. OPTIONAL
templeCode Id of the temple in which the ordinance was performed. string OPTIONAL.

2.14.1 The "Ordinance" XML Type and Element

The fs:Ordinance XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:ordinance XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:Ordinance XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
living Indicator of a living ordinance. living (attribute) xsd:boolean
date The date of the ordinance. fs:date gx:Date
templeCode Id of the temple in which the ordinance was performed. fs:templeCode xsd:string

2.14.2 The "Ordinance" JSON Type

The Ordinance JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
living Indicator of a living ordinance. living boolean
date The date of the ordinance. date Date
templeCode Id of the temple in which the ordinance was performed. templeCode string

The Tag data type defines a source reference tag.

Instances of Tag can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the SourceReference Data Type.


The identifier for the Tag data type is:


name description data type constraints
resource Reference to the tag. URI REQUIRED.

2.15.1 The "Tag" XML Type and Element

The fs:Tag XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:tag XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:Tag XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
resource Reference to the tag. resource (attribute) anyURI

2.15.2 The "Tag" JSON Type

The Tag JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
resource Reference to the tag. resource string

The User data type defines a FamilySearch user.


The identifier for the User data type is:


name description data type constraints
contactName Contact name of the user. string OPTIONAL.
helperAccessPin Helper access pin of the user. string OPTIONAL.
fullName Full name of the user. string OPTIONAL.
givenName Given name of the user. string OPTIONAL.
familyName Given name of the user. string OPTIONAL.
email Email of the user. string OPTIONAL.
alternateEmail Alternate email of the user. string OPTIONAL.
country Country of the user. string OPTIONAL.
gender Gender of the user. string OPTIONAL.
birthDate Birth date of the user. string OPTIONAL.
phoneNumber Phone number of the user. string OPTIONAL.
mobilePhoneNumber Mobile phone number of the user. string OPTIONAL.
mailingAddress Mailing address of the user. string OPTIONAL.
preferredLanguage Preferred language of the user. string OPTIONAL.
displayName Display name of the user. string OPTIONAL.
personId Tree person id of the user. string OPTIONAL.
treeUserId Tree user id of the user. string OPTIONAL.

2.16.1 The "User" XML Type and Element

The fs:User XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:user XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:User XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
contactName Contact name of the user. fs:contactName xsd:string
helperAccessPin Helper access pin of the user. fs:helperAccessPin xsd:string
fullName Full name of the user. fs:fullName xsd:string
givenName Given name of the user. fs:givenName xsd:string
familyName Given name of the user. fs:familyName xsd:string
email Email of the user. fs:email xsd:string
alternateEmail Alternate email of the user. fs:alternateEmail xsd:string
country Country of the user. fs:country xsd:string
gender Gender of the user. fs:gender xsd:string
birthDate Birth date of the user. fs:birthDate xsd:string
phoneNumber Phone number of the user. fs:phoneNumber xsd:string
mobilePhoneNumber Mobile phone number of the user. fs:mobilePhoneNumber xsd:string
mailingAddress Mailing address of the user. fs:mailingAddress xsd:string
preferredLanguage Preferred language of the user. fs:preferredLanguage xsd:string
displayName Display name of the user. fs:displayName xsd:string
personId Tree person id of the user. fs:personId xsd:string
treeUserId Tree user id of the user. fs:treeUserId xsd:string

2.16.2 The "User" JSON Type

The User JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
contactName Contact name of the user. contactName string
helperAccessPin Helper access pin of the user. helperAccessPin string
fullName Full name of the user. fullName string
givenName Given name of the user. givenName string
familyName Given name of the user. familyName string
email Email of the user. email string
alternateEmail Alternate email of the user. alternateEmail string
country Country of the user. country string
gender Gender of the user. gender string
birthDate Birth date of the user. birthDate string
phoneNumber Phone number of the user. phoneNumber string
mobilePhoneNumber Mobile phone number of the user. mobilePhoneNumber string
mailingAddress Mailing address of the user. mailingAddress string
preferredLanguage Preferred language of the user. preferredLanguage string
displayName Display name of the user. displayName string
personId Tree person id of the user. personId string
treeUserId Tree user id of the user. treeUserId string

The Error data type defines an error that occurred.

Instances of Error can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the FamilySearchPlatform XML Data Type and the FamilySearchPlatform JSON Data Type.


The identifier for the Error data type is:


name description data type constraints
code The error code. integer OPTIONAL.
label The error label. string OPTIONAL.
message The error message. string OPTIONAL.
stacktrace The error stack trace. string OPTIONAL.

2.17.1 The "Error" XML Type and Element

The fs:Error XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:error XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:Error XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
code The error code. fs:code xsd:integer
label The error label. fs:label xsd:string
message The error message. fs:message xsd:string
stacktrace The error stack trace. fs:stacktrace xsd:string

2.17.2 The "Error" JSON Type

The Error JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
code The error code. code number
label The error label. label string
message The error message. message string
stacktrace The error stack trace. stacktrace string

The Feature data type defines an feature of the FamilySearch API.


The identifier for the Feature data type is:


name description data type constraints
name The feature name. string OPTIONAL.
description The feature description. string OPTIONAL.
enabled Whether the feature is enabled. boolean OPTIONAL.
activationDate The feature activation date. timestamp OPTIONAL.

2.18.1 The "Feature" XML Type and Element

The fs:Feature XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:feature XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:Feature XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
name The feature name. fs:name xsd:string
description The feature description. fs:description xsd:string
enabled Whether the feature is enabled. fs:enabled xsd:boolean
activationDate The feature activation date. fs:activationDate xsd:dateTime

2.18.2 The "Feature" JSON Type

The Feature JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.


name description JSON member JSON object type
name The feature name. name string
description The feature description. description string
enabled Whether the feature is enabled. enabled boolean
activationDate The feature activation date. activationDate number (milliseconds since epoch)

The FeedbackInfo data type defines a representation of feedback that can be submitted to the FamilySearch places database.

Instances of FeedbackInfo can be reasonably expected as extension elements to the PlaceDescription Data Type.


The identifier for the FeedbackInfo data type is:


name description data type constraints
resolution Resolution of the feedback. URI OPTIONAL.
status Status of the feedback. URI OPTIONAL.
place Reference to the place that was created as a result of this feedback, if applicable. URI OPTIONAL. If provided, MUST resolve to an instance of PlaceDescription.
details Any notes or details provided as part of the feedback. string OPTIONAL.

2.19.1 The "FeedbackInfo" XML Type and Element

The fs:FeedbackInfo XML type is used to (de)serialize the data type. The fs:feedbackInfo XML element is used to provide instances of the fs:FeedbackInfo XML type as extension elements.


name description XML property XML type
resolution Resolution of the feedback. resolution (attribute) anyURI
status Status of the feedback. status (attribute) anyURI
place Reference to the place that was created as a result of this feedback, if applicable. fs:place gx:ResourceReference
details Any notes or details provided as part of the feedback. fs:details xsd:string

2.19.2 The "FeedbackInfo" JSON Type

The ArtifactMetadata JSON type is used to (de)serialize the data type.

The gx:FamilySearchPlatform XML type is used as a container for a set of FamilySearch data.


The gx:FamilySearchPlatform XML type extends the gx:Gedcomx data type.


name description XML property XML type constraints
mergeAnalyses The list of merge analysies contained in the data set. fs:mergeAnalysis fs:MergeAnalysis OPTIONAL.
merges The list of merges contained in the data set. fs:merge fs:Merge OPTIONAL.
childAndParentsRelationships The list of child-and-parents relationships contained in the data set. fs:childAndParentsRelationship fs:ChildAndParentsRelationship OPTIONAL.
discussions The list of discussions contained in the data set. fs:discussion fs:Discussion OPTIONAL.
users The list of users contained in the data set. fs:user fs:User OPTIONAL.
features The list of features contained in the data set. fs:feature fs:Feature OPTIONAL.

The FamilySearchPlatform JSON type is used as a container for a set of FamilySearch data.


The FamilySearchPlatform JSON type extends the Gedcomx data type.


name description JSON property JSON type constraints
mergeAnalyses The list of merge analysies contained in the data set. mergeAnalyses array of MergeAnalysis OPTIONAL.
merges The list of merges contained in the data set. merges array of Merge OPTIONAL.
childAndParentsRelationships The list of child-and-parents relationships contained in the data set. childAndParentsRelationships array of ChildAndParentsRelationship OPTIONAL.
discussions The list of discussions contained in the data set. discussions array of Discussion OPTIONAL.
users The list of users contained in the data set. users array of User OPTIONAL.
features The list of features contained in the data set. features array of Feature OPTIONAL.