These are just multiprocessed ffmpeg commands, you can change the ffmpeg command to what you want, but these are my most used ones.
You can use this for ffmpeg
things other than conversion of course (be sure to change srcext
to the source extension)
# segments and converts audios with progressbar
# `cd` to the parent directory of the audio files then run the command
## resample audio files (without segmenting)
srcext=ogg; find . -type f -name "*.$srcext" -print | xargs -P $(nproc --all) -I{} sh -c 'ffmpeg -n -hide_banner -loglevel error -i "$1" -ar 22050 -ac 1 "${1%.*}.22050.wav" | echo "" ' -- {} | tqdm --unit .$srcext --total $(find -type f -name "*.$srcext" | wc -l) > /dev/null
## resample audio files and segment
mkdir segments
srcext=ogg; find . -type f -name "*.$srcext" -print | xargs -P $(nproc --all) -I{} sh -c 'ffmpeg -n -hide_banner -loglevel error -i "$1" -ar 22050 -ac 1 -f segment -segment_time 10 "${1%.*}.seg%03d.22050.wav" | echo "" ' -- {} | tqdm --unit .$srcext --total $(find -type f -name "*.$srcext" | wc -l) > /dev/null
## experimental feature: moving outputs to a separate folder
srcext=wav; find . -type f -name "*.$srcext" -print | xargs -P $(nproc --all) -I{} sh -c 'mkdir -p "segments/$(dirname ${1})"; ffmpeg -i "$1" -hide_banner -y -loglevel panic -f segment -segment_time 6 -c copy "segments/${1%.*}.seg%03d.wav" && echo ""' -- {} | tqdm --total $(find -type f -name "*.$srcext" | wc -l) > /dev/null
# then after that you could delete the other .wav files like so:
find . -not -name "*.22050.wav" -name "*.wav" -type f -delete
## tip: to delete the source files, add `&& rm "$1"` after the ffmpeg command before the `| echo ..`
For renaming after finishing resampling, checkout the handy-commands files
srcext=mp4; find . -type f -name "*.$srcext" -print | xargs -P $(nproc --all) -I{} sh -c 'ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -y -i "{}" -vf "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" -loop 0 "{}.gif" && echo ""'|tqdm --total $(find -name "*.mp4"|wc -l) >/dev/null
in this case it's sample_rate
. This uses jq
to parse json output
find -name '*.wav' | xargs -P $(nproc --all) -I{} sh -c 'ffprobe -loglevel panic -show_streams -of json "{}" | jq ".streams[0].sample_rate"'
# **read durations of .wav files** (be sure to change srcext to the source extension)
srcext=wav; find -type f -name "*.$srcext" -print | xargs -P $(nproc --all) -I{} sh -c 'ffprobe -i "$1" -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0" ' _ {} \; | (tqdm --total $(find -name "*.$srcext" | wc -l) ) | (awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum/60 " minutes" }')
Adds suffix "_unsilenced"
find -type f -name "*.wav" -not -name "*_unsilenced.wav" |\
xargs -I{} -P $(nproc --all) sh -c \
'sox "{}" "{}_unsilenced.wav" silence -l 1 0.1 1% -1 2.0 1% && echo""' | \
tqdm --total $(find -type f -name "*.wav" -not -name "*_unsilenced.wav"|wc -l)
# bonus: move them to a separate directory
mkdir unsilenced
mv *_unsilenced.wav unsilenced
srcext=wav; \
find -type f -name "*.$srcext" -size 0 -print -delete; \
(find -type f -name "*.$srcext" -print | xargs -P $(nproc --all) -I{} sh -c 'ffprobe -loglevel error -hide_banner "$1"; echo "$1,$?" ' -- {}) | xargs -I{} echo {} | (tqdm --total $(find -name "*.$srcext" | wc -l)) | grep ,1 | awk -F',' '{print $1}' | xargs -I{} rm "{}"
# resetting timestamps of mp4 videos:
# $ ffmpeg -i "$1" -map 0 -y -vcodec copy "${1%.*}.sync.mp4"
find -name "*.mp4" -exec sh -c 'ffmpeg -i "$1" -map 0 -y -vcodec copy "${1%.*}.sync.mp4" &' sh {} \;
create empty librispeech-style transcripts for audio datasets
# create empty librispeech-style transcripts for audio datasets
find -type f -name "*.flac" -print | xargs -I{} sh -c 'echo "$(basename ${1%.*}) " >> "$(dirname "$1")/trans.trans.txt" ' -- {}
# deletl corrupted files
find . -name "*.gif" | tqdm | xargs -P $(nproc --all) -I{} sh -c 'ffmpeg -v error -i "{}" -f null - || rm "{}" 2>/dev/null'
Using rclone
SpotifyPodcasts dataset specifically
$ curl | sudo bash
$ rclone config
- No remotes found - make a new one n/s/q> n
- name> trecbox
- Choose a number from below, or type in your own value Storage> 6
- client_id>: #enter leave empty
- client_secret>: #enter leave empty
- box_config_file>: #enter leave empty
- box_sub_type>: 1
- Edit advanced config? (y/n) y/n> n
- Use auto config? (y/n) y/n> n
- Then paste the result below:
- $ rclone authorize box #run this on a seperate terminal
- result> {"access_token":"...","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"...","expiry":"2021-02-17T17:38:29.996461488+03:00"}
$ rclone ls trecbox:
$ rclone copy -P trecbox:Spotify-Podcasts-2020 /SpotifyPodcasts/ --max-backlog=999999 --drive-chunk-size=512M --transfers=45 --checkers=45 --buffer-size=75M