This is a new addition for Rome Remastered. This file allows you to:
- Add in custom campaigns to the main menu
- Enable Loyalty and/or Religion from BI / Alex into your mods
- Enable or disable Rebel merchants
See comments in the file for further details.
;; JNF 2021-06-10 - define a new campaign list so people can define new campaigns and enable/disable important features for them individually
"campaign list":
;;title is the panel header, menu is the menu button test, folder is the folder with data/world/maps/campaign to use
"folder": "imperial_campaign",
;; JNF 2021-06-14 - Loyalty should work, religion is as limited as the original release pending refactor but it should enable/disable the UI perfectly fine
"loyalty": false,
"religion": false,
"rebel merchants": true,