This is a an updated file for Rome Remastered. This file now allows you to:
- Add in new resources (virtually unlimited)
- Fully define the type of resource based on the different types the original contained.
- Allow for full customisation of the strings, icons and 3d campaign models for each resource.
- Allow you to add a resource into groups for scripting triggers.
NOTE It is reported that the rome hidden resource must be kept as the game uses it when checking victory conditions. These are at the bottom of the descr_sm_resources.txt file. These hidden resources can be assigned to regions in the descr_regions.txt file or via scripting (see below).
;; subtype of resource this is:
;; hidden is not displayed to the user
;; slaves are created when enslaving a settlement
;; mineable can have a mine constructed on them
;; none is just a normal resource
"subtype": "mineable",
;; the localised name and tooltip for this resource
"tooltip": "TMT_GOLD_TOOLTIP",
;; the UI icon to use
"icon": "data/ui/resources/resource_gold.tga",
;; mineable resources need a seperate tooltip for when they're being mined
"mining tooltip": "TMT_GOLD_MINE_TOOLTIP",
;; the tier and trade value
"tier": 5,
"trade value": 15,
;; tags (groups) that this resource belongs to
[ "precious_minerals", "all_minerals", ],
;;the model to use for this resource's mine
"mine model": "data/models_strat/resource_mine.CAS",
;; models to use for specific quantities
"quantity models":
"data/models_strat/resource_gold.CAS": 1,
"data/models_strat/resource_gold_02.CAS": 2,
;; default model to use when the quantity is not one of the ones specified above
"default model": "data/models_strat/resource_gold_03.CAS",
Some resources may have additional attributes set to give them additional properties beyond trade value
Attribute name | Explanation | Example usage |
growth modifier | Gives a growth boost to regions with this resource, equivalent to having a governor with an equivalent bonus to the "Health" attribute | "growth modifier": 1, |
base turns | [Only applies to slave resources] After enslaving a settlement, this determines the minimum number of turns that the resource will become active for | "base turns": 20, |
pop impact | [Only applies to slave resources] After enslaving a settlement, the resource will remain active for an additional number of turns equivalent to (population / pop impact) (i.e. if pop impact is 1000, a settlement of 3100 will keep this resource active for an additional 3 turns) | "pop impact": 1000, |
single tooltip | If a resource only has 1 turn left before it becomes inactive, it will use this tooltip instead of the normal one | "single tooltip": "TMT_SLAVES_TOOLTIP_SINGLE", |
mining tooltip | [Only applies to mineable resources] If the settlement for the region has a "mine_resource" stat greater than 1 the resource will use this tooltip instead of the normal one (the single tooltip will take priority over this if applicable) | "mining tooltip": "TMT_SILVER_MINE_TOOLTIP", |
mine model | [Only applies to mineable resources] If the settlement for the region has a "mine_resource" stat greater than 1 the resource will have this model applied over the top of the base model | "mine model": "data/path/to/model.cas", |
You can now use hidden resources in scripting, you can add & remove hidden resources and then check for the existence of them in a specific region. These are exposed in the scripting commands but repeated here for clarity.
Identifier: HasResource
Trigger requirements: settlement
Parameters: resource name (includes hidden resources)
Sample use: HasResource sparta
Description: For scripting - does the region have this resource
Battle or Strat: Either
Implemented: Yes
Identifier: add_hidden_resource
Parameters: region name and resource name
Description: add a hidden resource to a given region
Sample use: add_hidden_resource Latium sparta
Implemented: Yes
Identifier: remove_hidden_resource
Parameters: region name and resource name
Description: remove a hidden resource to a given region
Sample use: remove_hidden_resource Latium sparta
Implemented: Yes