This is a new file for Rome Remastered. This file maps all the pertutations of weather and climate to a texture name that contains the hue shift that should be done in mentioned conditions.
name <texture_name>
map <map_name>
climate <climate_type>, [optional]<climate_type>...
season <season_type>, [optional]<season_type>...
weather <weather_type>, [optional]<weather_type>...
daytime <daytime>, [optional]<daytime>...
- The LUT assignment is done in the order they are described here, so a lower LUT assignment will overwrite previous ones
- The LUT map determines if the LUT is used for the campaign or 3d battles / settlement view
- In the campaign we only use season and daytime to pick the LUT
- Assinging multiple climates/weathers to a LUT will make it so that LUT is used for all combinations of climates/weathers
can be defines as shorthand for any set of climates/weather/daytimes- Weather types that can be used:
- Daytimes that can be used:
- If you DON'T mention one of the parameters for a texture then ALL the posibilities are being assigned
- Make sure to use Windows line endings
;;; Climate/Weather/Daytime groups
vibrant default, semi_arid, temperate_grassland_fertile
blue temperate_grassland_infertile, temperate_forest_open, temperate_forest_deep, swamp, highland, alpine, sub_arctic
red sandy_desert, rocky_desert
clear calm, hazy, sand_storm
cloudy light_fog, dense_fog
rainy rain_drizzle, rain_storm
snow snow_falling, blizzard
day_summer sunrise, mid_morning, morning, midday, sunset
day_winter sunrise, mid_morning, morning, midday, sunset, mid_evening
night_summer midnight, night, mid_evening
night_winter midnight, night
;;; LUTs
; Summer
; Campaign map
name campaign_summer.tga
map campaign
season summer
daytime day_summer
name campaign_summer_night.tga
map campaign
season summer
daytime night_summer