Documentación generada automáticamente desde la documentación de Python 3.4
let docGenerated = "";
const chapters = document.querySelectorAll(".compound > ul > li");
chapters.forEach(chapter => {
let chapterDetails = chapter.querySelector("a");
docGenerated += `- [${chapterDetails.innerText}](${chapterDetails.href})\n`;
let subchapters = chapter.querySelectorAll(".toctree-l2");
for (let i = subchapters.length; i--; ) {
let subchapter = subchapters[i].querySelector("a");
docGenerated += `\t- [${subchapter.innerText}](${subchapter.href})\n`;
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Lexical analysis
- 3. Data model
- 4. Execution model
- 5. The import system
- 6. Expressions
- 6.15. Operator precedence
- 6.14. Evaluation order
- 6.13. Expression lists
- 6.12. Lambdas
- 6.11. Conditional expressions
- 6.10. Boolean operations
- 6.9. Comparisons
- 6.8. Binary bitwise operations
- 6.7. Shifting operations
- 6.6. Binary arithmetic operations
- 6.5. Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations
- 6.4. The power operator
- 6.3. Primaries
- 6.2. Atoms
- 6.1. Arithmetic conversions
- 7. Simple statements
- 7.13. The nonlocal statement
- 7.12. The global statement
- 7.11. The import statement
- 7.10. The continue statement
- 7.9. The break statement
- 7.8. The raise statement
- 7.7. The yield statement
- 7.6. The return statement
- 7.5. The del statement
- 7.4. The pass statement
- 7.3. The assert statement
- 7.2. Assignment statements
- 7.1. Expression statements
- 8. Compound statements
- 9. Top-level components
- 10. Full Grammar specification