- Fetch API by DWB
- Introduction to fetch() By Matt Gaunt
- This API is so Fetching! by Mozilla Hacks
- That's so fetch! by Jake Archibald
- Can I use? Fetch
- Documentación
- Integrating Canvas into your Web App
- Canvas tutorial
- Dive Into HTML5 > Canvas
- HTML5 Canvas — the Basics
- Tutorial
- Documentación
- diveintohtml5 - Storage
- Soporte
- Tutorialspoint - indexedDB
- Storing images and files in IndexedDB
- Building A Simple Cross-Browser Offline To-Do List With IndexedDB And WebSQL By Matt Andrews
- A JavaScript router in 20 lines by joakimbeng
- JavaScript template engine in just 20 lines by Krasimir
- A modern JavaScript router in 100 lines by Krasimir
- Achieving routing using pure Javascript by muralikrishnat
- JavaScript Micro-Templating de John Resig
- Navigo, A simple vanilla JavaScript router with a fallback for older browsers
1. Incluye un router en tu proyecto de peliculas con OMDb API y Firebase
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