Use yarn start
for dev server. Default dev port is 3000
Use yarn run start:hmr
to run dev server in HMR mode.
Use yarn run build
for production build.
Use yarn run server:prod
for production server and production watch. Default production port is 8088
The scripts are set to compile css next to scss because ngc compiler does not support Sass.
To compile scss, use yarn run sass
, but many of the scripts will either build or watch scss files.
Use yarn run universal
to run production build in Universal. To run and build universal in AOT mode, use
yarn run universal:aot
. Default universal port is 8000
Default ports and option to use proxy backend for dev server can be changed in constants.js
To create AOT version, run yarn run compile
. This will compile and build script.
Then you can use yarn run prodserver
to see to serve files.
Do not use build:aot directly unless you have already compiled.
Use yarn run compile
instead, it compiles and builds:aot
For unit tests, use yarn run test
for continuous testing in watch mode and use
yarn run test:once
for single test. To view code coverage after running test, open coverage/html/index.html
in your browser.
For e2e tests, use yarn run e2e
. To run unit test and e2e test at the same time, use yarn run ci
- Angular 5
- Async loading
- Treeshaking
- AOT (Ahead of Time/ Offline) Compilation
- AOT safe SASS compilation
- Webpack 2
- Webpack Dlls (Speeds up devServer builds)
- HMR (Hot Module Replacement)
- TypeScript 2
- @types
- Universal (Server-side Rendering)
- @ngrx
- store (RxJS powered state management for Angular2 apps, inspired by Redux)
- effects (Side effect model for @ngrx/store)
- router-store (Bindings to connect angular/router to ngrx/store)
- ngrx-store-logger (Advanced console logging for @ngrx/store applications, ported from redux-logger.)
- Karma/Jasmine testing
- Protractor for E2E testing