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File metadata and controls

63 lines (53 loc) · 2.93 KB

iOS UI tests with Appium


  1. You will need a secrets file at appium/.env - ask @tomholub to send it to you
  2. This git repository must be located in ~/git/flowcrypt-ios/ so that gets copied to the right place.
  3. curl -o- | bash
  4. echo -e '\n\nexport NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"\n[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"\n[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"\n' >> ~/.bash_profile
  5. restart terminal
  6. nvm install 16 - installs NodeJS 16 and sets it as default
  7. cd ~/git/flowcrypt-ios/appium && npm install
  8. use Visual Studio Code IDE for editing appium tests - be sure to open it using File -> Open Workspace from File -> flowcrypt-ios.code-workspace (don't simply open the project as a folder, because advanced IDE functionality will be missing)

Building app for testing

Option 1

  • run bundle exec fastlane build in flowcrypt-ios folder
  • this will build app and move it to appium folder.

Option 2

  • build app with Xcode
  • copy from /DerivedData/FlowCrypt-.../Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator (In Xcode open Products folder -> FlowCrypt -> Show in Finder).

Run tests

Run these in appium folder. live means real production APIs, mock means local mock APIs.

To run a particular test:

  • npm run-script "user is able to view text email"
  • npm run-script test.mock "app setup fails with bad EKM URL"

To run all tests: npm run-script or npm run-script test.mock.all

Write and debug tests

Tips for debugging:

  • Remove contents of appium/tmp before test execution.
  • Execute tests and check appium/tmp for troubleshooting.
  • You can change log level to debug/error inside appium/config/wdio.shared.conf.js. logLevel: 'debug'.
  • You can inspect accessibility identifiers of ui elements with appium-inspector.
  • if appium doesn't even start simulator where it used to work, try deleting node_modules folder and running npm install. Also check your nodejs version is 16 with node --version

Inspect accessibility identifiers

  1. Install Releases
  2. Download appium-inspector.dmg.
  3. Before opening package run xattr -cr appium-inspector.dmg on downloaded file.
  4. Allow access in System Preferences -> Privacy Tab -> Accessibility
  5. Use next capabilities for Appium Inspector
"platformName": "iOS",
"iosInstallPause": 5000,
"deviceName": "iPhone 15",
"app": "*path to already buil app/*",
"platformVersion": "17.0",
"automationName": "XCUITest",
"newCommandTimeout": 10000,
"wdaLaunchTimeout": 300000,
"wdaConnectionTimeout": 600000,
"wdaStartupRetries": 4,
"wdaStartupRetryInterval": 120000
  1. Remote host -, Port - 4723, Path - /wd/hub
  2. Run Start Session