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What's in a Name: URI Generation and Unique names for objects

Fixing Linked-Data pain-points by briging RDF and RDBMS id generation

In TerminusDB we have both automatic and manual means of describing the reference of a document in our graph. We have tried to make these as simple as possible to work with based on our experience of the difficulties encountered trying to create URIs in RDF in practice.

We're going to look at various identifier generation strategies, including: manual, lexical, hash, random, and value hash.

But to see why we introduced these choices and strategies, it's useful to think a bit about ID references from first principles.

The Semantic Web

One of the really interesting ideas to come out of the Semantic Web was the idea of using unique universal identifiers on a similar model to the URL. The Web forms a vasty interconnected graph, with edges specified by these URLs.

A URI is subtly different. A URI is a Universal Resource Indicator as opposed to a Universal Resource Locator. The distinction revolves around whether they should resolve to the resource that they indicate.

A URI could be a URL but it need not be. A URI could stand in for any sort of resource, physical or logical which we need to have a name for. It is, in a sense simply a name which we want to be universal.

A good example of a URL that is also a URI, are the HTTPS syntax for DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) which specify a specific scientific paper. For instance, we can talk about the Quantum Tomography paper Measured measurement with the DOI, but if you go to that address it will forward you to the actual resource.

Another example where we might double up the meaning might be if we used the URL to refer to the person Albert Einstein in our database, but which will resolve automatically to an article on wikipedia.

A thing and its Name

However these URIs (or IRIs, for Internationalised Resource Indicator, if we are being international) do not have to know how to resolve to the objects they describe, even if it can be handy for them to do so. If data is to move around, records will have to be in different states in different places, so resolving an object to exactly what data is associated with it, is not possible to do in all cases.

Despite this, it might be nice to dereference a canonical version of the data, for some notion of canonical. And so some thought should go in to how one might usefully make our URIs into URLs as well.

Another aspect of the subtly is the difference between the name of the thing and the thing itself. Of course the Albert Einstein URL above is not actually yielding us Albert Einstein when we dereference it. It's giving us some meta-data about Albert Einstein, since the resource itself is unavailable.


The universality of naming is a major benefit. It means that you have a distributed means of describing the objects you are interested in. URIs can exist in multiple different database systems, or be passed around, live, in applications.

This is a big step forward over the use of situationaly dependent ids such as integers counting from zero, which is a very bad way of representing things if you want to reference the system externally, or if you want to have a distributed or decentralised system.

How to Name Something?

Naming is hard. Any programmer who has had to come up with a name for a variable or function such that his colleagues, (or they themselves later) can understand what it does knows this viscerally. When multiple people or systems are trying to come up with names which agree with eachother, it's even worse.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to avoid this completely. Some coordination and governance is required to obtain shared names appropriately. For URLs this is addressed with organizations such as ICANN, but others who want to mange naming will have to produce their own approaches.

URI Shorthand

In terminusDB, we reference documents with a URI. This URI uses an implicit or explicit prefix which is not necessary to refer to when the context is unambiguous. You can think of this a bit like the way we use modules for identifiers in programming languages.

When I create a new data product (a new document graph) I specify a set of prefixes, including the default @schema and default @base prefixes. The schema prefixes are for the type or schema level, and the instance or document level.

These are specified in a context object. A typical context object will look something like:

{ "@type" : "Context",
  "@schema" : "",
  "@base" : "" }

When we refer to a specific element of the data collection, we would write down its short name as something like Person/joe. It's expanded name would be something like:

Using this sort of naming, all TerminusDB objects can be refered to with an unambiguous URI, and we can also dump a TerminusDB database as valid RDF.


Coming up with the right URI for an object is hard. Especially when you are generating lots of them programattically. Fortunately, we can make things easier. We can use a key. Keys are used in relational databases to establish the identity of a row, but they are generally treated as a constraint on the table. In fact we can use the key as a unique name which can always be used to describe an object.

Supposing we already have a unique identifier, such as a social security number. In this case we can be assured that a record for an individual person can have a uniquely designated object in our system.

The schema document for a Person class might look like this:

{ "@type" : "Class",
  "@id" : "Person",
  "@key" : { "@type" : "Lexical", "@fields" : ["ssn"]},
  "ssn" : "xsd:string",
  "name" : "xsd:string"

Using this key specification, an individual for the class would like something like:

{ "@type" : "Person",
  "@id" : "Person/078-05-1120",
  "ssn" : "078-05-1120",
  "name" : "Hilda Schrader Whitcher" }

In fact, since we are using a key, we can simply leave out the "@id" field when we are submitting and the field can be calculated automatically. We could instead submit the following document:

{ "@type" : "Person",
  "ssn" : "078-05-1120",
  "name" : "Hilda Schrader Whitcher" }

This is handy, since we can ignore the process of ID generation entirely. We can submit updates without knowing what the current name of a document is, or understanding precisely its strategy for generation.

This particular case demonstrates a (famous!) leak of a social security number. We reference a private, but unique identifier which should not be displayed to everyone who might want to be able to reference such a document. In order to avoid the disclosure of information in the name, or if the name does not display very useful information we can use a hash.

{ "@type" : "Class",
  "@id" : "Person",
  "@key" : { "@type" : "Hash", "@fields" : ["ssn"]},
  "ssn" : "xsd:string",
  "name" : "xsd:string"

With this alternative naming strategy we have the id generated using sha256 as:


Now we have the same ability to generate the name uniquely, but this time without leaking information the IRI.

For those from an RDF background, it might be interesting to see that this consists of two graphs, one for the schema and one for instance, with the following turtle:


@base <terminusdb:///schema#> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix sys: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix doc: <data/> .

  a rdf:List ;
  rdf:first <schema#ssn> ;
  rdf:rest rdf:nil .

  a sys:Class ;
  sys:key <schema#Person/key/Hash/ssn> ;
  <schema#name> xsd:string ;
  <schema#ssn> xsd:string .

  a sys:Hash ;
  sys:fields doc:Cons\/2387e9641235cbfcc495f3deadb79d209a97b48d0233dbf015399eb74f8629fc .


@base <terminusdb:///data/> .
@prefix scm: <../schema#> .
  a scm:Person ;
  scm:name "Hilda Schrader Whitcher" ;
  scm:ssn "078-05-1120" .

When is a Thing not Another Thing

Keeping the key in the name is a kind of content addressability. And in the case of the use of a hash, it is a variety of content addressable hashing.

Notably, it does not disambguate the entire document. Usually we understand the identity of a thing to outlive its precise data. With a fully content addressable hashing, a things identity is precisely the information we have about it.

Often you might want to change someones address, or even just add a new address record with a new time span on it. It's likely that you don't want either of these operations to change the reference to this document.

On the other hand, you might want the address for the person to remain completely defined by its data. An address could have a fair bit of information in it, including the street, province, etc. So defining this as a lexical could be done as something like:

{ "@type" : "Enum",
  "@id" : "Country",
  "@value" : ["US", "Ireland", "Austria"] },

{ "@type" : "Class",
  "@id" : "Address",
  "@key" : { "@type" : "Lexical",
             "@fields" : ["street", "province", "country"] }
  "street" : "xsd:string",
  "province" : "xsd:string",
  "country" : "Country" }

This will work, but perhaps it's easier to write:

{ "@type" : "Class",
  "@id" : "Address",
  "@key" : "ValueHash",
  "street" : "xsd:string",
  "province" : "xsd:string",
  "country" : "Country" }

The later designation will assign a hash address using all available data. New attempts to add the old address will simply reuse the exact same record!

Rolling the Dice

When generating events, we need new identifiers every single time. To do that we need to choose fresh identifiers which will not overlap with identifiers coming from others. In TerminusDB we do this with the Random key generation strategy. These can be refered to for update using their name in the same way as others, but when being created, they generate a large probabilistically unique hash. The hash is very large, so collision probabilities are astronomically low and can be safely ignored.

Our event schema might look as follows:

{ "@type" : "Enum",
  "@values" : ["Volcanic Eruption", "Hell Fire", "Plague"] }

{ "@type" : "Class",
  "@id" : "Event",
  "event_type" : "EventType",
  "actor" : "xsd:string" }

When we insert some events (using the document interface), they might look as follows:

[{ "@type" : "Event",
   "event_type" : "Hell Fire",
   "actor" : "God" },
 { "@type" : "Event",
   "event_type" : "Volcanic Eruption",
   "actor" : "Volcano" },
 { "@type" : "Event",
   "event_type" : "Plague",
   "actor" : "Locusts" }]

The API will return a list of document IDs:


These are just generated from whole cloth and have nothing to do with their data. Therefore, we will need to refer to them explicitly by ID from now on. This often makes the most sense when we will refer to them from other (perhaps more explicitly named) objects.

Explict Naming

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

Sometimes we just need to use the name of a thing the way it exists. This could happen referring to documents with names that are generated externally, or it could be that we just want our URIs to be self-explanatory and not based on something which can be generated from a key.

In this case we just always pass the @id around whenever we refer to the object, whether inserting, updating or deleting.

Easier is Better

We had a lot of pain trying to generate large RDF graphs when we were getting started. The problem of naming, not having a good way to recognise already entered objects, no good way of "consing" up a name for something, whether tied to data, or random all caused stumbling blocks. A lot of special purpose logic went into scripts, where it was made to be correct after a lot of tweaking, and then remained completely opaque to everyone who did not read the ingestion script.

Embedding id generation into our system has helped to alleviate a lot of those problems, and has made our system more declarative, and more transparent. Hopefully with a bit of playing around, you can appreciate the advantages.