All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
The Commands of the bot are its API so here's how it will adhere to Semantic Versioning:
MAJOR - Changing/removing existing bot commands breaking how they previously functioned (incompatible API changes)
MINOR - Adding new commands or functionality that won't affect or break existing ones
PATCH - Bug fixes, code improvements (backwards-compatible bug fixes)
- updated internal dependencies
- I changed how the initialization time is calculated. Now using Promise.all to get a more accurate time
- updated
accepts "month" and "year" now to get a specific month's leaders
- new Trigger
at the request of ChilloutMixer - mods only - a new way to create a trigger that makes simple GET request to JSON apis and returns a specific json path
- !urban was broken, fixed and removed dependency or urban npm pkg
- updated !cat to use
!giphy cat
as a backup with rate limits me
- updated the request npm pkg dependency version
- fix in recursiveSEarch
- reduced
result limit from 100 down to 50. - When an unrecognized command is given, the bot now suggests possible matches recursively reducing the string until it either finds matches or the string is 3 characters in length
- fixed undefined function error in the
trigger file. - fixed minor, probably no way unreachable, bug in an argument check in the soundcloud.getLink
- added another test case in the soundcloud tests
- updated API for that
uses. Closes issue 45 - bot will skip broken soundcloud links
- removed the "recently warned" check, it will continually warn now
- added soundcloud.js utility tests
- cleaned up some of the code
- fix issue with triggers not updating properly when changed
- updated dependencies
- command:
- only picks a random trigger from triggers that have +prop - command:
- only picks a random trigger from triggers that have +flow
- fixed the monthly point reset always crashing.
- fixed accessing property of undefined error in !leaders commad
- increased the bot warning time back to 12 hours
- added new config settings
- how many pages of history to scrape on initial load of bot
- generates link to google translate from auto-detect lang to english only
- simplified the output and added youtube region restriction info link
- fixed +flow issue where it was showing in the response and giving prop points insteads
- !sourcetext trigger_name - will show you the un-interpreted trigger source text
- change the trigger prop emoji with
issue 43
- prevented the bot from giving props so people can't trict the bot into giving multiple points for a song
- I moved the code for !source into the bot/trigger dir where it should go
- remove the self-prop warning from triggers with +prop and +flow issue 42
- removed hardcoded !props command, this should be added as a trigger
- removed hardcoded !tune command, this should be added as a trigger
- removed hardcoded !fire command, this should be added as a trigger
- removed hardcoded !love command, this should be added as a trigger
- removed hardcoded !flowpoint command, use the !flow trigger instead
- New Music Monday info available as trigger data. It will search the New Music Monday spreadsheet by row looking for the closest date possible >= today
- - will print the date
- %nmm.artist% - will print the artist name
- %nmm.album% - will print the album
- reorganized the private data to have subfolders based on environment.
- added a
method to abstract loading private data to make it easily changed in the future - add support for new 'MUTED' env variable
- removed
hard coded command - removed
hard coded command - removed
hard coded command - removed
hard coded command
- fixed reset points issue
- added a way to run a test bot in parallel with the main bot.
- db migration tool
- reset points at the beginning of the month
- hourly prop leaders chat message
- ability to toggle boolean config items!leaders all
- get all time leaders, but of course this will be skewed
- stopped tracking song issues
- updated leaders command to add month + year info
- cleaned up code
- deleted hardcoded
command, this can be done with dynamic trigger - update documentation to list config items that can be toggled
- Song warnings were giving warning for songs way out of range
- was storing props as flows in the month leaderboards
- trigger append/concat with
like this!mytrigger += more trigger text
- add trigger parameters using %n% (starting at 0) string interpolation
- added verification system ("are you sure you want to do X? y/n")
Better error detection and implemented a rate limit queueing system for the chats, hopeully fixing issue 38.
- !dog - returns random dog image. issue 33
- lowered the "you have a song in the queue already played" warning time to 8 hours - issue 35
- disabled !plays, !firstplay, !lastplay because they were broken - issue 32
- fixed song warning issue
- fixed random when it returns triggers with %me% or %dj% to properly swap those out
- !random - returns a random trigger and its name
- !search - fuzzy search trigger names
- fixed cleverbot... until they decide to change things again :-/
- ResidentDJs can now only create triggers.
- added !lasttrigger that shows the most recently updated/created trigger
- bot @metions the owner on reconnect if owner is in the room
- bot greets the owner when they enter the room
- disabled cleverbot for now until their api issues are resolved
- added new cleverbot api key in settings
- deleted hardcoded !dubx, going to make it a trigger
- Minor internal changes to logging
- trigger add or update now deletes the chat messages used to create it
- made all triggers lowercase
- removed unessecary environment variable
- fixed issue with updub event file causing issue during event
- created a config setting to turn on/off saving songs to a playlist
- add new dubapi extension to get user queue
- fixed !urban no results bug
- updated third party cleverbot lib
- updating trigger internals
- fixed the queuePlaylist issue error (disabled really)
- updated dubapi to 1.6.5
- new command
to search urban dictionary
- added "unrecognized command" response
!dj [stop]
command which makes the bot join or leave the queue- bot extention to shuffle playlist
to shuffle bot's playlist- bot jumps into the queue when there are 0 DJs
- updating internals to use firebase more effeciently
- fixed the order of !leaders
- improved how YouTube region restrictions are announced. Now it just adds a link
- changed lastplay messaging for tracks that haven't been played before
- Announce new users under 20 dubs that join the queue
- Added monthly leaderboard tracking
- now tracking song stats for all songs
- new command: "!lastplay" shows who was the last person to play current song
- new command: "!firstplay" shows who was the first person to play current song
- new command: "!plays" shows total number of plays for the current song
- "+prop" & "+flow" now still show the trigger even if already gave a point
- extend dubapi to add abiliy to add song to a playlist
- extend dubapi to add abiliy to get a list of all its own playlists
- Added new configurations: playlistID, playlistName, playOnEmpty
- bot now saves the previously played song to a playlist if it wasn't skipped
- updated !source to include the new metada for triggers if they exist
- added new "!source" command that shows you who created or updated a trigger
- added more metadata to when a trigger is created or updated
- updated Cleverbot
- update Firebase to use their new admin module
- "+prop" at the very end of any trigger and it will add a prop point along with the trigger text (for current DJ only)
- "+flow" at the very end of any trigger will add a flowpoint to the current DJ only
- recently played songs are now checked when anyone joins the queue instead of just when current song is playing
- removing steve command (no one cares about this so I'm treating like patch lol)
- moved bot name to a config setting
- removed commas from youtube country flags
- fixing history bug
- added moment.js
- bug fixing
- fixed the history bug that was vexxing me
- new admin command to refresh history
- fix another bug with new history check
- fix bug with new history check
- Added Cleverbot integration. Chat with cleverbot by using
@derpybot [your message]
- Added Recently played warning
- update usernames on logUser
- added approved users for !admin commands
- bug fixes
- added more !admin commands
- bug fixes
note: The previous release (0.1.0) should have been a 1.0.0 release because it had MAJOR changes that broke previous functionality so I'm going to jump this relase to 1.1.0.
- create separate gh-pages for commands
- code improvements
- added !admin reconnect command
- !flowpoint, !flowpoint @username
- Loaded in all the previous chat triggers from Mixerbot
- !trigger, add/update/del triggers (mod only)
- !sayhi @[username]
- !giphy [search text]
- youtube broken link auto skip
- bot notifies chat of youtube region registriction
- !admin, adding some admin commands, right now it only can restart (owner of bot only)
- Stevebot became DerpyBot
- Updated Readme
- Switched from using MongoDB to Firebase
- Disabled Raffles
- Lots of Code improvements
- Added more responses to !bot
- changed the response to !steve
- removed !boo
- removed !chuck
- removed !missuniverse
- removed !meh
- got rid of some undocumented and unnessecary credit related commands
- made !help and !commands the same (both do !commands)
- moved !heart points to incrememnt props, no more separate !heart points
- !front @username to move @username to front of queue
- !lock/!pause @username to pause @username's queue
- !lockskip to skip the current dj and pause their queue
- !skip and all other !skip [reason]
- Commands list to readme
- Add Travis CI build check
- Add node dependency check
- !raffle can be used by Managers and higher now to manually start a raffle
- !commands now links to
- Raffles will not start if the queue is empty or only contains 1 person
- stevebot now requires at least Node 4.3.0 due to a vulnerability
- Fixed !fire chat output type
- Fixed bug where credits could be given to the same user using the @ parameter of the command
- Fixed bug where users that heart/love were being added to users that propped array, and couldn't heart during a song they propped
- Fixed bug where Steve could potentially kick himself (Just like during Miss Universe)
- !commands/!help - Outputs some starter commands
- !fire - Same as !props or !tune with a different message
- !myfire/!myprops/!mytunes/!myhearts/!mylove - Output users number of flames
- !steve/!missuniverse - A couple jabs at who this bot is named after
- Added Jethro logger
- Use with
- Use with
- Added this file!
- Completely restructured and refactored
- Inspired by NitroGhost/dubbot-starter by @NitroGhost
- Split out all commands/events into separate files
- !balance - Can now look up other's balances by
!balance @username
- !props/!tune/!heart/!love - Can now prop/heart people not DJing by
!command @username
- Limited once per song
- Fixed !dubx command's chat output
- Fixed invalid JOIN/LEFT logs
- Initial release