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Releases: FrankC01/pysui

Release 0.51.0

20 Jan 08:53
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Release 0.50.1 - Bug Fix

28 Dec 10:25
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SuiConfig.user_config - Address generation from private key regression

Refer to the Changes log for recent additions, changes, fixes and removals.

Release 0.50.0

27 Dec 10:15
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** pysui 0.50.0 Released **


With pysui 0.50.0 we are releasing pysui's initial alignment with MystenLabs GraphQL RPC strategy.
The timeline of changes will keep up with the Timeline as noted in the Sui GraphQL annoucement.

MystenLabs announcement can be found Here. this change begins transitioning
from JSON RPC to GraphQL RPC.

Note: Currently The MystenLabs/Sui GraphQL RPC is beta and operates on a snapshot of data, it is not maintaining beyond:

  • testnet data timestamp: "2023-12-16T19:07:30.993Z"
  • mainnet data timestamp: "2023-11-21T22:03:27.667Z"

pysui 0.50.0 contains support for our December 2023 target:

  1. December 2023: Synchronous and asynchronous GraphQL clients (experimental) with intial 'read' queries parallel to current pysui read Builders. Also expose underlying GraphQL for users to craft their own queries.
  2. January 2024: Continue with GraphQL and Builder parity changes. Mysten to roll out live data to devnet, testnet and mainnet.
  3. February 2024: Deprecate pysui Builders and existing SuiClients and enable SuiClient GraphQL 'streaming' support.
  4. Sometime in 2024: Remove Builders and Obsolete SuiClients and bump pysui to version 1.0.0.

You can read pysui documentation for GraphQL implementation in the Docs

Refer to the Changes log for additions, changes, fixes and removals.

Release 0.41.0

13 Dec 11:21
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Refer to the Changes log for recent additions, changes, fixes and removals.

Release 0.40.0

27 Nov 09:52
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Refer to the Changes log for recent additions, changes, fixes and removals.

Release 0.39.0

06 Nov 18:58
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Refer to the Changes log for recent additions, changes, fixes and removals.

Release 0.38.0

25 Oct 09:05
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Refer to the Changes log for recent additions, changes, fixes and removals.

Release 0.37.1

09 Oct 10:12
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Refer to the Changes log for recent additions, changes, fixes and removals.

Release 0.37.0

02 Oct 08:38
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Refer to the Changes log for recent additions, changes, fixes and removals.

Release 0.36.0

16 Sep 10:13
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Refer to the Changes log for recent additions, changes, fixes and removals.